Accredible Groups Lookup
Retrieves all the accredible groups. Helps while showing group names in dropdown elements.
Response samples
- 200
{- "isEnabled": true,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 353767,
- "name": "group_aom_course"
}, - {
- "id": 353282,
- "name": "intro-ce"
}, - {
- "id": 352594,
- "name": "aom"
An Assignment Module is a lesson module used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for Assignments modules.
Assignment Modules Tabular List
Returns all the assignment modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 2,
- "recordsFiltered": 2,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "submissionType": "file",
- "totalPoints": 50,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 06:43 AM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "assignment 1",
- "slug": "assignment-1",
- "type": "assignment",
- "submissionType": "text",
- "totalPoints": 100,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 07:25 AM"
Create Assignment Module
To create a assignment module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created assignment modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the assignment created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the assignment module. |
content required | string Content for the assignment modules that students will see. |
submission_type required | string Type for the assignment module(file based or text based). Submission type options: text or file. |
totalPoints | integer Student will get this number if they complete the assignment. |
allowed_filetypes | string Allowed file types that will be submitted by the students when the submission_type is file(required). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "content": "A brief description",
- "submission_type": "file",
- "totalPoints": 25,
- "allowed_filetypes": "[\"image\", \"pdf\"]"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 10,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Update Assignment Module
Updates the details of specified assignment module. (See parameters) Assignment modules can be used in the course as course content.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the assignment module. |
content required | string Content for the assignment modules that students will see. |
submission_type required | string Type for the assignment module(file based or text based). Submission type options: text or file. |
totalPoints | integer Student will get this number if they complete the assignment. |
allowed_filetypes | string Allowed file types that will be submitted by the students when the submission_type is file(required). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "content": "An Updated brief description",
- "submission_type": "file",
- "totalPoints": 25,
- "allowed_filetypes": "[\"image\", \"pdf\"]"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Assignment Modules
Retrieves the details of the specified assignment module. Helps in fetching assignment module using its ID. (See Parameters)
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "assignment 1",
- "slug": "assignment-1",
- "content": "Hola",
- "totalPoints": 100,
- "submission_type": "text",
- "allowed_filetypes": [
- ""
Retrieve Detailed Assignment Module Info
Retrieves details of assignment module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current assignment module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=9 ID of the assignment module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "content": "A brief description",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "totalPoints": 25,
- "submissionType": "text",
- "maxUploadSize": 5,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "allowedFileTypes": ".",
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "8 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 3
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 9,
- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "type": "video",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-video-play\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 4,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-10T20:04:14.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "6 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 10,
- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 5,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "46 seconds ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "my-video-lesson",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "status": "Completed",
- "statusRowId": 5,
- "timeSpent": null,
- "prevSubmission": [ ]
Retrieve Assignment Submissions
Retrieves the submissions of the assigment the student have given. Helps in grading a student. (See Response)
query Parameters
statusRowId required | string Example: statusRowId=7 ID of the Module status of the current assignment. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseId": 1,
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "assignmentName": "assign",
- "status": "Submitted",
- "content": "Desc",
- "totalPoints": 50,
- "submissions": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "student_message": null,
- "instructor_message": null,
- "points_awarded": null,
- "evaluated_by": "",
- "submitted_on": "Aug 10, 2020",
- "evaluated_on": ""
Submit Assignment
Submits the assignment after attempting all the aspects of the assignment. Updates the status of assignment to submitted if student is finished the assignment and submits. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
statusRowId | required ID of the Module status of the current assignment. |
submission | required Submission data(file or text). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": "7",
- "submission": "This is text based assignment submission"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Assignment submitted successfully"
Upload Assignment File
Helps in upload the assignment file by students. You can use File form to upload a file to the system. (See Parameters) Returns the S3 bucket URL link for the uploaded file.
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
file | required File to be uploaded for current assignment. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "file": "binary"
Response samples
- 200
Evaluate Assignment
Evaluates the assignment from Instructor side.Updates the status of assignment to completed if Instructor thinks student's submission is upto the marks. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
statusRowId | required ID of the Module status of the current assignment. |
evaluation | required Evaluation data by the Instructor(Completed or not). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": "7",
- "evaluation": "{instructorMessage : 'Assignment looks good', pointsAwarded: '50', isAccepted : true }"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Assignment evaluated successfully"
Tabular List
Retrieves all the audit log activities in a tabular list format with pagination mode. You can apply filter using search_param via user_id, activityName or dates
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 The number of the user you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"performed_by":"Aom Staff"} For searching items based on performed_by, user and dates. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "performed_by": "Aom Staff",
- "effect_on": "User",
- "subject": "User",
- "action": "Created",
- "created_at": "Aug 06, 2020 07:20 AM",
- "details": [ ]
], - "performedOnList": [ ]
Audit Activity Lookup
Retrieves all the activity for the user. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "login",
- "display_value": "LOGIN"
}, - {
- "db_value": "created",
- "display_value": "CREATED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "updated",
- "display_value": "UPDATED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "deleted",
- "display_value": "DELETED"
Retrieve Badge details
Retrieves the details of badges. (See Parameters)
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"title":""} For searching items based on title. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "1",
- "badgeIconUrl": "/images/badges/Badge_1.png",
- "points": 1
Create Badge
Create a new badge.
query Parameters
title required | string Example: title=Gold string The title of the badge. |
points | integer Example: points=100 The points associated with the badge. |
badgeIconUrl required | string Example: badgeIconUrl= string The URL to the badge icon image. |
defaultIconUrl | string Example: defaultIconUrl= nullable The URL to the default icon image for the badge. |
organizationId | string Example: organizationId=AOM1234 nullable string The identifier of the organization to which the badge belongs. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 3,
- "message": "Badge created successfully"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "value": "Badge 1",
- "url": "/images/badges/Badge_1.png"
}, - {
- "value": "Badge 2",
- "url": "/images/badges/Badge_2.png"
}, - {
- "value": "Badge 3",
- "url": "/images/badges/Badge_3.png"
}, - {
- "value": "Badge 4",
- "url": "/images/badges/Badge_4.png"
Update Badge
Update the existing badge.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the badge needs to be retrieved. |
query Parameters
title required | string Example: title=Gold string The title of the badge. |
points | integer Example: points=100 The points associated with the badge. |
badgeIconUrl required | string Example: badgeIconUrl= string The URL to the badge icon image. |
defaultIconUrl | string Example: defaultIconUrl= nullable The URL to the default icon image for the badge. |
organizationId | string Example: organizationId=AOM1234 nullable string The identifier of the organization to which the badge belongs. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 3,
- "message": "Badge updated successfully"
Delete badge
Delete a badge by ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
Optional parameter. array required The ID of the badge to be deleted. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "1 badge(s) deleted. 0 badge(s) not deleted as they are assigned to users. 0 badge(s) not deleted as they are used in gamification events."
Categories represents Course category, Product category, Question category. Helps performimg operations in all these models.
Product Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the product user has ever created. This request helps in showing all product categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the product category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Question-cat"
Course Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the courses user has ever created. This request helps in showing all course categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the course category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1"
Module category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the module user has ever created. This request helps in showing all module categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the module category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1"
Question Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the question user has ever created. This request helps in showing all question categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the question category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Question-cat"
User Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the user user has ever created. This request helps in showing all user categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the user category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "User-cat"
Learning Path Category Lookup
Retrieves all the categories of the learning paths ever created. This request helps in showing all learning path categories in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the learning path category.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Learning Path-1"
Course Category Tabular List
Returns all the course categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "superman_postman",
- "author": "Client Admin",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "category-new",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:37 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 1,
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 06:20 PM"
Module Category Tabular List
Returns all the module categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 2,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "module memberships",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 1,
- "created_at": "May 10, 2022 03:39 AM"
Product Category Tabular List
Returns all the product categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "superman_postman",
- "author": "Client Admin",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "category-new",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:37 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 1,
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 06:20 PM"
Question Category Tabular List
Returns all the question categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Question-cat",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 01:58 PM"
Create Category
To create a category, you need to use this request. Provide category name and it will be created. (See parameters) Helps in grouping multiple courses, question and products.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
category_name required | string Name of the course category. |
categoryType required | string Type for the category that is being created. Type options: course, question, product and module. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "category_name": "category-new",
- "categoryType": "course"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Category Created Successfully"
Update Category
Updates a category using parameters mentioned. (See parameters) Updates the course/question/product category details using category name and category ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the category. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
category_name required | string Name of the category. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "category_name": "category-new-updated"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Category Updated Successfully"
Retrieve Category
Retrieves category details for specified category ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the category. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 3,
- "name": "superman_postman",
- "type": "course",
- "created_by": 2,
- "updated_by": null,
- "deleted_by": null,
- "created_at": "2020-08-10 12:43:12",
- "updated_at": "2020-08-10 12:56:37",
- "deleted_at": null
Delete Category
To delete a category, you need to use this request. Returns number of category deleted(if multiple selected)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All category IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "1 category(s) deleted "
Learning Path Category Tabular List
Returns all the learning path categories in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via categoryName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"categoryName":""} For searching items based on category name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "superman_postman",
- "author": "Client Admin",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "category-new",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 0,
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:37 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Category-1",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "count": 1,
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 06:20 PM"
A Certificate template is used to provide to students. Students can achieve this award by completing the course. Helps in performing CRUD operations for and to certificates
Certificate Template Tabular List
Returns all the certificate templates in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via templateName(certificate template name) and courseId(course Id).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=tempora Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"templateName":"","courseId":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "cert 1",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "courses": "course 1, Awesome Course, course 1_copy",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:58 AM"
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for specified certificate templates. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
template_ids required | Array of strings All certificate template IDs which needs to be updated. |
author_id | integer Update the instructor/Author for the selected certificate templates. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "template_ids": [
- 3,
- 1
], - "author_id": 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Certificate Templates updated Successfully"
Certificate Template Fields Lookup
Retrieves all the fields name user can add in the certificate templates. Fields like student name, instructor name, course name, etc. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements while creating certificate template.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "student_first_name",
- "display_value": "Student First Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "student_last_name",
- "display_value": "Student Last Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "student_full_name",
- "display_value": "Student Full Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_name",
- "display_value": "Course Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "issue_date",
- "display_value": "Date of Issue"
}, - {
- "db_value": "expiry_date",
- "display_value": "Date of Expiry"
}, - {
- "db_value": "instructor_name",
- "display_value": "Instructor Name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "certificate_code",
- "display_value": "Certificate Code"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_credit",
- "display_value": "Course Credit"
}, - {
- "db_value": "custom_text",
- "display_value": "Custom Text"
Certificate Template Fonts Lookup
Retrieves all the fonts user can add in the certificate templates. Fonts like Arial, Times-Roman, Helvetica, etc. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements while creating certificate template.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "Arial",
- "display_value": "Arial",
- "is_selected": "true"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Courier",
- "display_value": "Courier"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Times-Roman",
- "display_value": "Times-Roman"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Helvetica",
- "display_value": "Helvetica"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Times-Bold",
- "display_value": "Times-Bold"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Courier-Bold",
- "display_value": "Courier-Bold"
}, - {
- "db_value": "DejaVuSans-Bold",
- "display_value": "DejaVuSans-Bold"
}, - {
- "db_value": "DejaVuSansMono-Bold",
- "display_value": "DejaVuSansMono-Bold"
Create Certificate Template
To create a certificate template, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created certificate template can be used to assign students when they completed the course.
Returns : id of the certificate template created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the certificate template. |
bg_url | string Background for the certificate template. |
height required | integer Height size for the certificate template. |
width required | integer Width size for the certificate template. |
fields | Array of strings All the certificate fields user have added to appear in certificate template(student name, instructor name, course name, etc). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Completion-Certificate",
- "height": 680,
- "width": 1075,
- "fields": [
- {
- "key": "course_name",
- "value": "Course Name",
- "font_size": "20",
- "align_center": false,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 432,
- "left": 469,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 40,
- "show_tools": false
}, - {
- "key": "student_first_name",
- "value": "Student First Name",
- "font_size": "20",
- "align_center": false,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 332,
- "left": 452,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 40,
- "show_tools": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 2,
- "message": "Certificate Template created successfully"
Retrieve Certificate Template
Retrieves the details of the specified certificate template. Helps in fetching certificate template using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the certificate template you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "cert 1",
- "height": 827,
- "width": 1070,
- "fields": [
- {
- "key": "student_full_name",
- "value": "Student Full Name",
- "font_size": 20,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 401,
- "left": 443,
- "align_center": false,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 60
Update Certificate Template
Updates the details of a specified certificate template. (See parameters) Certificate template can be used to assign students when they completed the course.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the certificate template you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the certificate template. |
bg_url | string Background for the certificate template. |
height required | integer Height size for the certificate template. |
width required | integer Width size for the certificate template. |
fields | Array of strings All the certificate fields user have added to appear in certificate template(student name, instructor name, course name, etc). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Updated-Completion-Certificate",
- "height": 780,
- "width": 1075,
- "fields": [
- {
- "key": "course_name",
- "value": "Course Name",
- "font_size": "20",
- "align_center": false,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 432,
- "left": 469,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 40,
- "show_tools": false
}, - {
- "key": "student_first_name",
- "value": "Student First Name",
- "font_size": "20",
- "align_center": false,
- "font_family": "Arial",
- "font_color": "#222",
- "top": 332,
- "left": 452,
- "width": 200,
- "height": 40,
- "show_tools": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 2,
- "message": "Certificate Template created successfully"
Delete Certificate Template
To delete a certificate template, you need to use this request. Returns number of certificate template deleted(if multiple selected) and also not deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All certificate template IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 template(s) deleted 1 template(s) not deleted as it is used in course. Please remove the template(s) from the course and try again."
A Coupon is used by the students to reduce ther price by some discount, provided by the Instructor. It helps for adding/updating/editing discount coupons applied on products.
Coupons Tabular List
Returns all the coupons in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via code(coupon code).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"code":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "code": "code75",
- "type": "percent_amount",
- "value": 1500,
- "total_limit": 12,
- "expired_at": "Aug 26, 2020"
Coupon Lookup
Retrieves all the coupons. Helps while showing coupons in form elements like dropdown. You can apply filters using search_term(coupons) parameter. (See Parameter)
query Parameters
search_term required | string Example: search_term=aut You need to provide coupons or substring of the coupons to search. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "code": "code75"
Coupon Types Lookup
Retrieves all types of the coupons. Helps showing options in form elements like dropdowns.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "fixed_amount",
- "display_value": "Fixed cart discount"
}, - {
- "db_value": "percent_amount",
- "display_value": "Percentage Discount"
Create Coupon
To create a coupon, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created coupons can be used by the students to get some discount while purchasing the course.
Returns : id of the coupon created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
code required | string Code for the coupon. |
notes | string Notes for the coupon. |
value required | numeric Value of the coupon(discount price or percentage). |
type required | string Types of the coupon. Type options: fixed_amount or percent_amount. |
usage_limit | integer How many times this coupon can be used?. |
expiry | date On this date, this coupon will get expired. |
allowed_emails | string All allowed email comma seprated. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "code": "code75",
- "notes": "Discount upto 75%",
- "value": "1500",
- "type": "percent_amount",
- "usage_limit": 1200,
- "expiry": "2020-08-26",
- "allowed_emails": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Coupon created successfully"
Retrieve Coupon
Retrieves the details of the specified coupon. Helps in fetching coupon using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the coupon you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "code75",
- "type": "percent_amount",
- "value": 1500,
- "usage_limit": 12,
- "expiry": "2020-08-26",
- "allowed_emails": null,
- "note_privacy": null,
- "notes": "Discount upto 75%",
- "allowed_products": [ ],
- "excluded_products": [ ],
- "allowed_product_categories": [ ]
Update Coupon
Updates the details of a specified coupon. (See parameters) Coupons can be used by the students to get some discount while purchasing the course.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the coupon you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
code required | string code for the coupon. |
notes | string Notes for the coupon. |
value required | numeric Value of the coupon(discount price or percentage). |
type required | string Types of the coupon. Type options: fixed_amount or percent_amount. |
usage_limit | integer How many times this coupon can be used?. |
expiry | date On this date, this coupon will get expired. |
allowed_emails | string All allowed email comma seprated. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "code": "code75",
- "notes": "Discount upto 75%",
- "value": "1500",
- "type": "percent_amount",
- "usage_limit": 2000,
- "expiry": "2020-08-26",
- "allowed_emails": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Coupon updated successfully"
Delete Coupon
To delete a coupon, you need to use this request. Returns number of coupons deleted(if multiple selected) and also not deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All coupon IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 coupon(s) deleted 1 coupon(s) not deleted as they are associated with orders"
A Discussion module is used as course content and a platform where students can have discussions. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for discussion modules.
Discussion modules Tabular List
Returns all the discussion modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=tenetur Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 13,
- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "type": "discussion",
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-chat-line-round\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 11, 2020 05:25 AM"
Create Discussion Module
To create a discussion module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created discussion modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the discussion created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the discussion module. |
content required | string Content for the discussion modules that students will see. |
should_be_evaluated required | boolean If true, the discussion will be graded on course evaluation. |
totalPoints | integer Total points a student can get by completing this discussion. |
minComments | integer At least these many comments should be provided by the student to pass the discussion(required if should_be_evaluated is true). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "First-discussion",
- "content": "A brief description",
- "should_be_evaluated": true,
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "minComments": 3
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 13,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Update Discussion Module
Update the details of specified discussion module. (See Response) Discussion modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the discussion module. |
content required | string Content for the discussion modules that students will see. |
should_be_evaluated required | boolean If true, the discussion will be graded on course evaluation. |
totalPoints | integer Total points a student can get by completing this discussion. |
minComments | integer At least these many comments should be provided by the student to pass the discussion(required if should_be_evaluated is true). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "First-discussion",
- "content": "An updatedbrief description",
- "should_be_evaluated": true,
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "minComments": 5
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Discussion modules
Retrieves the details of the specified discussion module. Helps in fetching discussion module using its ID. (See Parameters)
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "content": "A Brief Description",
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "should_be_evaluated": true,
- "minComments": 3
Retrieve Detailed Discussion Module Info
Retrieves details of discussion module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current discussion module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=13 ID of the discussion module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "content": "A Brief Description",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "url": null,
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "shouldBeEvaluated": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "11 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 3
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 9,
- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "type": "video",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-video-play\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 4,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-10T20:04:14.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "9 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 10,
- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 5,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "2 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 2
}, - {
- "module_id": 12,
- "name": "New-Webinar",
- "slug": "new-webinar",
- "type": "webinar",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-date\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 13,
- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "type": "discussion",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-chat-line-round\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "new-webinar",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "currentUserId": 3,
- "currentStudentAvatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#4CAF50\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">DS</text></svg>",
- "currentUserName": "Demo Student",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "statusRowId": 6,
- "timeSpent": null
Retrieve Comments
Retrieves the comments posted by students in the disussion. Helps in showing all the comments student have posted in the specified discussion in one place. (See Response) You can apply filters using search_param via nameOrEmail(student email or name) and registrationId(student course registration id)
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=expedita Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","registrationId":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "comment": "My first comment",
- "userAvatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "userFullName": "Aom Staff",
- "date": "Aug 11, 2020 05:56 AM",
- "replies": [ ]
Post Comment
Posts a comment in a discussion. Updates the status of discussion to submitted if student has posted minimum numner of posts for the discussion per user.. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
statusRowId required | integer ID of the ModuleStatus Row belongs to current discussion module. |
currentUserId required | integer ID of the user who commented. |
comment required | string Comment posted by the user for current discussion. |
parentId | integer Parent ID of the discussion. Example: |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": 4,
- "currentUserId": 1,
- "comment": "My first comment",
- "parentId": 4
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": "In Progress",
- "message": "Comment Posted"
Retrieve Discussion Submission Details
Retrieves the submission details of the duscussion the student have taken participation. Helps to get discussion and its submission in one place. (See Response)
query Parameters
statusRowId required | string Example: statusRowId=7 ID of the Module status of the current discussion submission. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseId": 1,
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "discussionName": "First-discussion",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "content": "A Brief Description",
- "totalPoints": 20,
- "userAvatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "userFullName": "Aom Staff",
- "comments": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "comment": "My first comment",
- "date": "Aug 11, 2020 05:56 AM"
], - "replies": [ ]
Evaluate Discussion
Evaluates the discussion from Instructor side. Updates the status of discussion to completed if Instructor thinks student's submission is upto the marks. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
statusRowId | required ID of the Module status of the current discussion. |
evaluation | required Evaluation data by the Instructor(Completed or not). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": "7",
- "evaluation": "{instructorMessage : 'You comments look good', pointsAwarded: '50' }"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Discussion evaluated successfully"
Endpoints for managing ecommerce settings. Getting and setting items status and values for the platform and the products.
Retrieve Ecommerce Global Product Settings
Retrieves the details of Ecommerce Global Product Settings. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
freeProductCta | string The call to action name for free product. |
simpleProductCta | string The call to action name for simple product. |
subscriptionProductCta | string The call to action name for subscription product. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "freeProductCta": "Enroll Now",
- "simpleProductCta": "Add to Cart",
- "subscriptionProductCta": "Subscribe"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Updates General Ecommerce Global Product Settings
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
freeProductCta | string The call to action name for free product. |
simpleProductCta | string The call to action name for simple product. |
subscriptionProductCta | string The call to action name for subscription product. |
productPriceColor[content][linkUrl] | string The URL associated with the product price link. |
productPriceColor[content][linkOpen] | string The target attribute for the product price link. |
productPriceColor[content][backgroundColor] | string The background color for the product price. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "freeProductCta": "Enroll Now",
- "simpleProductCta": "Add to Cart",
- "subscriptionProductCta": "Subscribe",
- "productPriceColor[content][linkUrl]": "\"\"",
- "productPriceColor[content][linkOpen]": "\"_blank\"",
- "productPriceColor[content][backgroundColor]": "\"#469F13\""
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Country Lookup
Retrieves all the countries in list format. Helps while showing countries in form elements like dropdown.
Response samples
- 200
{- "AF": "Afghanistan",
- "AL": "Albania",
- "DZ": "Algeria",
- "AS": "American Samoa",
- "AD": "Andorra",
- "AO": "Angola",
- "AI": "Anguilla",
- "AQ": "Antarctica",
- "AG": "Antigua and Barbuda",
- "AR": "Argentina",
- "AM": "Armenia",
- "AW": "Aruba",
- "AU": "Australia",
- "AT": "Austria",
- "AZ": "Azerbaijan",
- "BS": "Bahamas",
- "BH": "Bahrain",
- "BD": "Bangladesh",
- "BB": "Barbados",
- "BY": "Belarus",
- "BE": "Belgium",
- "PW": "Belau",
- "BZ": "Belize",
- "BJ": "Benin",
- "BM": "Bermuda",
- "BT": "Bhutan",
- "BO": "Bolivia",
- "BQ": "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba",
- "BA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
- "BW": "Botswana",
- "BV": "Bouvet Island",
- "BR": "Brazil",
- "IO": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
- "BN": "Brunei",
- "BG": "Bulgaria",
- "BF": "Burkina Faso",
- "BI": "Burundi",
- "KH": "Cambodia",
- "CM": "Cameroon",
- "CA": "Canada",
- "CV": "Cape Verde",
- "KY": "Cayman Islands",
- "CF": "Central African Republic",
- "TD": "Chad",
- "CL": "Chile",
- "CN": "China",
- "CX": "Christmas Island",
- "CC": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
- "CO": "Colombia",
- "KM": "Comoros",
- "CG": "Congo (Brazzaville)",
- "CD": "Congo (Kinshasa)",
- "CK": "Cook Islands",
- "CR": "Costa Rica",
- "HR": "Croatia",
- "CU": "Cuba",
- "CW": "Curaçao",
- "CY": "Cyprus",
- "CZ": "Czech Republic",
- "DK": "Denmark",
- "DJ": "Djibouti",
- "DM": "Dominica",
- "DO": "Dominican Republic",
- "EC": "Ecuador",
- "EG": "Egypt",
- "SV": "El Salvador",
- "GQ": "Equatorial Guinea",
- "ER": "Eritrea",
- "EE": "Estonia",
- "ET": "Ethiopia",
- "FK": "Falkland Islands",
- "FO": "Faroe Islands",
- "FJ": "Fiji",
- "FI": "Finland",
- "FR": "France",
- "GF": "French Guiana",
- "PF": "French Polynesia",
- "TF": "French Southern Territories",
- "GA": "Gabon",
- "GM": "Gambia",
- "GE": "Georgia",
- "DE": "Germany",
- "GH": "Ghana",
- "GI": "Gibraltar",
- "GR": "Greece",
- "GL": "Greenland",
- "GD": "Grenada",
- "GP": "Guadeloupe",
- "GU": "Guam",
- "GT": "Guatemala",
- "GG": "Guernsey",
- "GN": "Guinea",
- "GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
- "GY": "Guyana",
- "HT": "Haiti",
- "HM": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
- "HN": "Honduras",
- "HK": "Hong Kong",
- "HU": "Hungary",
- "IS": "Iceland",
- "IN": "India",
- "ID": "Indonesia",
- "IR": "Iran",
- "IQ": "Iraq",
- "IE": "Ireland",
- "IM": "Isle of Man",
- "IL": "Israel",
- "IT": "Italy",
- "CI": "Ivory Coast",
- "JM": "Jamaica",
- "JP": "Japan",
- "JE": "Jersey",
- "JO": "Jordan",
- "KZ": "Kazakhstan",
- "KE": "Kenya",
- "KI": "Kiribati",
- "KW": "Kuwait",
- "KG": "Kyrgyzstan",
- "LA": "Laos",
- "LV": "Latvia",
- "LB": "Lebanon",
- "LS": "Lesotho",
- "LR": "Liberia",
- "LY": "Libya",
- "LI": "Liechtenstein",
- "LT": "Lithuania",
- "LU": "Luxembourg",
- "MO": "Macao",
- "MK": "North Macedonia",
- "MG": "Madagascar",
- "MW": "Malawi",
- "MY": "Malaysia",
- "MV": "Maldives",
- "ML": "Mali",
- "MT": "Malta",
- "MH": "Marshall Islands",
- "MQ": "Martinique",
- "MR": "Mauritania",
- "MU": "Mauritius",
- "YT": "Mayotte",
- "MX": "Mexico",
- "FM": "Micronesia",
- "MD": "Moldova",
- "MC": "Monaco",
- "MN": "Mongolia",
- "ME": "Montenegro",
- "MS": "Montserrat",
- "MA": "Morocco",
- "MZ": "Mozambique",
- "MM": "Myanmar",
- "NA": "Namibia",
- "NR": "Nauru",
- "NP": "Nepal",
- "NL": "Netherlands",
- "NC": "New Caledonia",
- "NZ": "New Zealand",
- "NI": "Nicaragua",
- "NE": "Niger",
- "NG": "Nigeria",
- "NU": "Niue",
- "NF": "Norfolk Island",
- "MP": "Northern Mariana Islands",
- "KP": "North Korea",
- "NO": "Norway",
- "OM": "Oman",
- "PK": "Pakistan",
- "PS": "Palestinian Territory",
- "PA": "Panama",
- "PG": "Papua New Guinea",
- "PY": "Paraguay",
- "PE": "Peru",
- "PH": "Philippines",
- "PN": "Pitcairn",
- "PL": "Poland",
- "PT": "Portugal",
- "PR": "Puerto Rico",
- "QA": "Qatar",
- "RE": "Reunion",
- "RO": "Romania",
- "RU": "Russia",
- "RW": "Rwanda",
- "BL": "Saint Barthélemy",
- "SH": "Saint Helena",
- "KN": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
- "LC": "Saint Lucia",
- "MF": "Saint Martin (French part)",
- "SX": "Saint Martin (Dutch part)",
- "PM": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
- "VC": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
- "SM": "San Marino",
- "ST": "São Tomé and Príncipe",
- "SA": "Saudi Arabia",
- "SN": "Senegal",
- "RS": "Serbia",
- "SC": "Seychelles",
- "SL": "Sierra Leone",
- "SG": "Singapore",
- "SK": "Slovakia",
- "SI": "Slovenia",
- "SB": "Solomon Islands",
- "SO": "Somalia",
- "ZA": "South Africa",
- "GS": "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands",
- "KR": "South Korea",
- "SS": "South Sudan",
- "ES": "Spain",
- "LK": "Sri Lanka",
- "SD": "Sudan",
- "SR": "Suriname",
- "SJ": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
- "SZ": "Swaziland",
- "SE": "Sweden",
- "CH": "Switzerland",
- "SY": "Syria",
- "TW": "Taiwan",
- "TJ": "Tajikistan",
- "TZ": "Tanzania",
- "TH": "Thailand",
- "TL": "Timor-Leste",
- "TG": "Togo",
- "TK": "Tokelau",
- "TO": "Tonga",
- "TT": "Trinidad and Tobago",
- "TN": "Tunisia",
- "TR": "Turkey",
- "TM": "Turkmenistan",
- "TC": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
- "TV": "Tuvalu",
- "UG": "Uganda",
- "UA": "Ukraine",
- "AE": "United Arab Emirates",
- "GB": "United Kingdom",
- "US": "United States",
- "UM": "United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands",
- "UY": "Uruguay",
- "UZ": "Uzbekistan",
- "VU": "Vanuatu",
- "VA": "Vatican",
- "VE": "Venezuela",
- "VN": "Vietnam",
- "VG": "Virgin Islands (British)",
- "VI": "Virgin Islands (US)",
- "WF": "Wallis and Futuna",
- "EH": "Western Sahara",
- "WS": "Samoa",
- "YE": "Yemen",
- "ZM": "Zambia",
- "ZW": "Zimbabwe"
States Lookup
Retrieves all the states in list format. Helps while showing states in form elements like dropdown.
query Parameters
countryCode required | string Example: countryCode=IN Country code of which you need state details(like IN, US, etc). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "AP": "Andhra Pradesh",
- "AR": "Arunachal Pradesh",
- "AS": "Assam",
- "BR": "Bihar",
- "CT": "Chhattisgarh",
- "GA": "Goa",
- "GJ": "Gujarat",
- "HR": "Haryana",
- "HP": "Himachal Pradesh",
- "JK": "Jammu and Kashmir",
- "JH": "Jharkhand",
- "KA": "Karnataka",
- "KL": "Kerala",
- "MP": "Madhya Pradesh",
- "MH": "Maharashtra",
- "MN": "Manipur",
- "ML": "Meghalaya",
- "MZ": "Mizoram",
- "NL": "Nagaland",
- "OR": "Orissa",
- "PB": "Punjab",
- "RJ": "Rajasthan",
- "SK": "Sikkim",
- "TN": "Tamil Nadu",
- "TS": "Telangana",
- "TR": "Tripura",
- "UK": "Uttarakhand",
- "UP": "Uttar Pradesh",
- "WB": "West Bengal",
- "AN": "Andaman and Nicobar Islands",
- "CH": "Chandigarh",
- "DN": "Dadra and Nagar Haveli",
- "DD": "Daman and Diu",
- "DL": "Delhi",
- "LD": "Lakshadeep",
- "PY": "Pondicherry (Puducherry)"
Currency Lookup
Retrieves all the currencies in list format. Helps while showing states in form elements like dropdown.
Response samples
- 200
{- "AED": {
- "display_name": "United Arab Emirates dirham",
- "symbol": "د.إ"
}, - "AFN": {
- "display_name": "Afghan afghani",
- "symbol": "؋"
}, - "ALL": {
- "display_name": "Albanian lek",
- "symbol": "L"
}, - "AMD": {
- "display_name": "Armenian dram",
- "symbol": "AMD"
}, - "ANG": {
- "display_name": "Netherlands Antillean guilder",
- "symbol": "ƒ"
}, - "AOA": {
- "display_name": "Angolan kwanza",
- "symbol": "Kz"
}, - "ARS": {
- "display_name": "Argentine peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "AUD": {
- "display_name": "Australian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "AWG": {
- "display_name": "Aruban florin",
- "symbol": "Afl."
}, - "AZN": {
- "display_name": "Azerbaijani manat",
- "symbol": "AZN"
}, - "BAM": {
- "display_name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark",
- "symbol": "KM"
}, - "BBD": {
- "display_name": "Barbadian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "BDT": {
- "display_name": "Bangladeshi taka",
- "symbol": "৳ "
}, - "BGN": {
- "display_name": "Bulgarian lev",
- "symbol": "лв."
}, - "BHD": {
- "display_name": "Bahraini dinar",
- "symbol": ".د.ب"
}, - "BIF": {
- "display_name": "Burundian franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "BMD": {
- "display_name": "Bermudian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "BND": {
- "display_name": "Brunei dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "BOB": {
- "display_name": "Bolivian boliviano",
- "symbol": "Bs."
}, - "BRL": {
- "display_name": "Brazilian real",
- "symbol": "R$"
}, - "BSD": {
- "display_name": "Bahamian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "BTC": {
- "display_name": "Bitcoin",
- "symbol": "฿"
}, - "BTN": {
- "display_name": "Bhutanese ngultrum",
- "symbol": "Nu."
}, - "BWP": {
- "display_name": "Botswana pula",
- "symbol": "P"
}, - "BYR": {
- "display_name": "Belarusian ruble (old)",
- "symbol": "Br"
}, - "BYN": {
- "display_name": "Belarusian ruble",
- "symbol": "Br"
}, - "BZD": {
- "display_name": "Belize dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CAD": {
- "display_name": "Canadian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CDF": {
- "display_name": "Congolese franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "CHF": {
- "display_name": "Swiss franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
}, - "CLP": {
- "display_name": "Chilean peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CNY": {
- "display_name": "Chinese yuan",
- "symbol": "¥"
}, - "COP": {
- "display_name": "Colombian peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CRC": {
- "display_name": "Costa Rican colón",
- "symbol": "₡"
}, - "CUC": {
- "display_name": "Cuban convertible peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CUP": {
- "display_name": "Cuban peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CVE": {
- "display_name": "Cape Verdean escudo",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "CZK": {
- "display_name": "Czech koruna",
- "symbol": "Kč"
}, - "DJF": {
- "display_name": "Djiboutian franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "DKK": {
- "display_name": "Danish krone",
- "symbol": "DKK"
}, - "DOP": {
- "display_name": "Dominican peso",
- "symbol": "RD$"
}, - "DZD": {
- "display_name": "Algerian dinar",
- "symbol": "د.ج"
}, - "EGP": {
- "display_name": "Egyptian pound",
- "symbol": "EGP"
}, - "ERN": {
- "display_name": "Eritrean nakfa",
- "symbol": "Nfk"
}, - "ETB": {
- "display_name": "Ethiopian birr",
- "symbol": "Br"
}, - "EUR": {
- "display_name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
}, - "FJD": {
- "display_name": "Fijian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "FKP": {
- "display_name": "Falkland Islands pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "GBP": {
- "display_name": "Pound sterling",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "GEL": {
- "display_name": "Georgian lari",
- "symbol": "₾"
}, - "GGP": {
- "display_name": "Guernsey pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "GHS": {
- "display_name": "Ghana cedi",
- "symbol": "₵"
}, - "GIP": {
- "display_name": "Gibraltar pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "GMD": {
- "display_name": "Gambian dalasi",
- "symbol": "D"
}, - "GNF": {
- "display_name": "Guinean franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "GTQ": {
- "display_name": "Guatemalan quetzal",
- "symbol": "Q"
}, - "GYD": {
- "display_name": "Guyanese dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "HKD": {
- "display_name": "Hong Kong dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "HNL": {
- "display_name": "Honduran lempira",
- "symbol": "L"
}, - "HRK": {
- "display_name": "Croatian kuna",
- "symbol": "kn"
}, - "HTG": {
- "display_name": "Haitian gourde",
- "symbol": "G"
}, - "HUF": {
- "display_name": "Hungarian forint",
- "symbol": "Ft"
}, - "IDR": {
- "display_name": "Indonesian rupiah",
- "symbol": "Rp"
}, - "ILS": {
- "display_name": "Israeli new shekel",
- "symbol": "₪"
}, - "IMP": {
- "display_name": "Manx pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "INR": {
- "display_name": "Indian rupee",
- "symbol": "₹"
}, - "IQD": {
- "display_name": "Iraqi dinar",
- "symbol": "ع.د"
}, - "IRR": {
- "display_name": "Iranian rial",
- "symbol": "﷼"
}, - "IRT": {
- "display_name": "Iranian toman",
- "symbol": "تومان"
}, - "ISK": {
- "display_name": "Icelandic króna",
- "symbol": "kr."
}, - "JEP": {
- "display_name": "Jersey pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "JMD": {
- "display_name": "Jamaican dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "JOD": {
- "display_name": "Jordanian dinar",
- "symbol": "د.ا"
}, - "JPY": {
- "display_name": "Japanese yen",
- "symbol": "¥"
}, - "KES": {
- "display_name": "Kenyan shilling",
- "symbol": "KSh"
}, - "KGS": {
- "display_name": "Kyrgyzstani som",
- "symbol": "сом"
}, - "KHR": {
- "display_name": "Cambodian riel",
- "symbol": "៛"
}, - "KMF": {
- "display_name": "Comorian franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "KPW": {
- "display_name": "North Korean won",
- "symbol": "₩"
}, - "KRW": {
- "display_name": "South Korean won",
- "symbol": "₩"
}, - "KWD": {
- "display_name": "Kuwaiti dinar",
- "symbol": "د.ك"
}, - "KYD": {
- "display_name": "Cayman Islands dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "KZT": {
- "display_name": "Kazakhstani tenge",
- "symbol": "KZT"
}, - "LAK": {
- "display_name": "Lao kip",
- "symbol": "₭"
}, - "LBP": {
- "display_name": "Lebanese pound",
- "symbol": "ل.ل"
}, - "LKR": {
- "display_name": "Sri Lankan rupee",
- "symbol": "රු"
}, - "LRD": {
- "display_name": "Liberian dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "LSL": {
- "display_name": "Lesotho loti",
- "symbol": "L"
}, - "LYD": {
- "display_name": "Libyan dinar",
- "symbol": "ل.د"
}, - "MAD": {
- "display_name": "Moroccan dirham",
- "symbol": "د.م."
}, - "MDL": {
- "display_name": "Moldovan leu",
- "symbol": "MDL"
}, - "MGA": {
- "display_name": "Malagasy ariary",
- "symbol": "Ar"
}, - "MKD": {
- "display_name": "Macedonian denar",
- "symbol": "ден"
}, - "MMK": {
- "display_name": "Burmese kyat",
- "symbol": "Ks"
}, - "MNT": {
- "display_name": "Mongolian tögrög",
- "symbol": "₮"
}, - "MOP": {
- "display_name": "Macanese pataca",
- "symbol": "P"
}, - "MRU": {
- "display_name": "Mauritanian ouguiya",
- "symbol": "UM"
}, - "MUR": {
- "display_name": "Mauritian rupee",
- "symbol": "₨"
}, - "MVR": {
- "display_name": "Maldivian rufiyaa",
- "symbol": ".ރ"
}, - "MWK": {
- "display_name": "Malawian kwacha",
- "symbol": "MK"
}, - "MXN": {
- "display_name": "Mexican peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "MYR": {
- "display_name": "Malaysian ringgit",
- "symbol": "RM"
}, - "MZN": {
- "display_name": "Mozambican metical",
- "symbol": "MT"
}, - "NAD": {
- "display_name": "Namibian dollar",
- "symbol": "N$"
}, - "NGN": {
- "display_name": "Nigerian naira",
- "symbol": "₦"
}, - "NIO": {
- "display_name": "Nicaraguan córdoba",
- "symbol": "C$"
}, - "NOK": {
- "display_name": "Norwegian krone",
- "symbol": "kr"
}, - "NPR": {
- "display_name": "Nepalese rupee",
- "symbol": "₨"
}, - "NZD": {
- "display_name": "New Zealand dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "OMR": {
- "display_name": "Omani rial",
- "symbol": "ر.ع."
}, - "PAB": {
- "display_name": "Panamanian balboa",
- "symbol": "B/."
}, - "PEN": {
- "display_name": "Sol",
- "symbol": "S/"
}, - "PGK": {
- "display_name": "Papua New Guinean kina",
- "symbol": "K"
}, - "PHP": {
- "display_name": "Philippine peso",
- "symbol": "₱"
}, - "PKR": {
- "display_name": "Pakistani rupee",
- "symbol": "₨"
}, - "PLN": {
- "display_name": "Polish złoty",
- "symbol": "zł"
}, - "PRB": {
- "display_name": "Transnistrian ruble",
- "symbol": "р."
}, - "PYG": {
- "display_name": "Paraguayan guaraní",
- "symbol": "₲"
}, - "QAR": {
- "display_name": "Qatari riyal",
- "symbol": "ر.ق"
}, - "RON": {
- "display_name": "Romanian leu",
- "symbol": "lei"
}, - "RSD": {
- "display_name": "Serbian dinar",
- "symbol": "дин."
}, - "RUB": {
- "display_name": "Russian ruble",
- "symbol": "₽"
}, - "RWF": {
- "display_name": "Rwandan franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "SAR": {
- "display_name": "Saudi riyal",
- "symbol": "ر.س"
}, - "SBD": {
- "display_name": "Solomon Islands dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "SCR": {
- "display_name": "Seychellois rupee",
- "symbol": "₨"
}, - "SDG": {
- "display_name": "Sudanese pound",
- "symbol": "ج.س."
}, - "SEK": {
- "display_name": "Swedish krona",
- "symbol": "kr"
}, - "SGD": {
- "display_name": "Singapore dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "SHP": {
- "display_name": "Saint Helena pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "SLL": {
- "display_name": "Sierra Leonean leone",
- "symbol": "Le"
}, - "SOS": {
- "display_name": "Somali shilling",
- "symbol": "Sh"
}, - "SRD": {
- "display_name": "Surinamese dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "SSP": {
- "display_name": "South Sudanese pound",
- "symbol": "£"
}, - "STN": {
- "display_name": "São Tomé and Príncipe dobra",
- "symbol": "Db"
}, - "SYP": {
- "display_name": "Syrian pound",
- "symbol": "ل.س"
}, - "SZL": {
- "display_name": "Swazi lilangeni",
- "symbol": "L"
}, - "THB": {
- "display_name": "Thai baht",
- "symbol": "฿"
}, - "TJS": {
- "display_name": "Tajikistani somoni",
- "symbol": "ЅМ"
}, - "TMT": {
- "display_name": "Turkmenistan manat",
- "symbol": "m"
}, - "TND": {
- "display_name": "Tunisian dinar",
- "symbol": "د.ت"
}, - "TOP": {
- "display_name": "Tongan paʻanga",
- "symbol": "T$"
}, - "TRY": {
- "display_name": "Turkish lira",
- "symbol": "₺"
}, - "TTD": {
- "display_name": "Trinidad and Tobago dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "TWD": {
- "display_name": "New Taiwan dollar",
- "symbol": "NT$"
}, - "TZS": {
- "display_name": "Tanzanian shilling",
- "symbol": "Sh"
}, - "UAH": {
- "display_name": "Ukrainian hryvnia",
- "symbol": "₴"
}, - "UGX": {
- "display_name": "Ugandan shilling",
- "symbol": "UGX"
}, - "USD": {
- "display_name": "United States (US) dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "UYU": {
- "display_name": "Uruguayan peso",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "UZS": {
- "display_name": "Uzbekistani som",
- "symbol": "UZS"
}, - "VEF": {
- "display_name": "Venezuelan bolívar",
- "symbol": "Bs F"
}, - "VES": {
- "display_name": "Bolívar soberano",
- "symbol": "Bs.S"
}, - "VND": {
- "display_name": "Vietnamese đồng",
- "symbol": "₫"
}, - "VUV": {
- "display_name": "Vanuatu vatu",
- "symbol": "Vt"
}, - "WST": {
- "display_name": "Samoan tālā",
- "symbol": "T"
}, - "XAF": {
- "display_name": "Central African CFA franc",
- "symbol": "CFA"
}, - "XCD": {
- "display_name": "East Caribbean dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "XOF": {
- "display_name": "West African CFA franc",
- "symbol": "CFA"
}, - "XPF": {
- "display_name": "CFP franc",
- "symbol": "Fr"
}, - "YER": {
- "display_name": "Yemeni rial",
- "symbol": "﷼"
}, - "ZAR": {
- "display_name": "South African rand",
- "symbol": "R"
}, - "ZMW": {
- "display_name": "Zambian kwacha",
- "symbol": "ZK"
Retrieve General Ecommerce Settings
Retrieves the details of the general ecommerce settings. Helps in fetching items of the ecommerce settings, like country, city, address, location, etc(See Response)
Response samples
- 200
{- "addressLine1": "1234 Lorem Ipsum Drive",
- "addressLine2": "",
- "country": "US",
- "state": "",
- "city": "New Jersey",
- "zipcode": "08053",
- "selling_location": "all_countries",
- "some_countries_excluded": "",
- "some_countries": "",
- "enableTaxes": "no",
- "enableCoupons": "no",
- "currency": "USD"
Set General Ecommerce Settings
To save the general Ecommerce settings with updated values, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
addressLine1 required | string Address line1 of user. |
addressLine2 | string Address line2 of user. Example: |
city required | string City of the user. |
state required | string State of the user. Example: |
country required | string Country of the user. |
currency required | string Currency of the user's country. |
enableCoupons required | string If yes, coupons gets enabled for users. |
enableTaxes required | string If yes, taxes gets enabled for users. |
zipcode required | string Zipcode of the location of users. |
selling_location | string Selling location. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "addressLine1": "1234 Lorem Ipsum Drive",
- "addressLine2": "aut",
- "city": "New Jersey",
- "state": "aut",
- "country": "country",
- "currency": "USD",
- "enableCoupons": "no",
- "enableTaxes": "no",
- "zipcode": "08053",
- "selling_location": "all_countries"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
An ECommerce Order is made by the students when they purchase a product hence course. It helps in managing orders and performing CRUD operation on orders.
Order Tabular List
Returns all the orders in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via user(purchased by) and status(status of the order).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"user":[],"status":[]} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "currencySymbol": "$",
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "status": "PENDING_PAYMENT",
- "total": "3001.00",
- "isTestOrder": false,
- "customer": "Demo Student",
- "created_at": "Aug 25, 2020 12:00 AM"
Export Order
Retrieves all the orders made till date and exports it to excel format for letting users download it as excel file. You can use the response for plotting graphs
query Parameters
filters required | string Example: filters={"dateRange":["2020-07-31T18:30:00.000Z","2020-08-30T18:30:00.000Z"],"users":[3],"coupons":[],"products":[1],"status":["PENDING_PAYMENT"]} All the filters after which you need order details in a excel file (filters like date-range, product, customer name, payment status, coupon used, etc). |
Response samples
- 200
Retrieve Yearly Sales
Retrieves the details of yearly based order sales made from students and returns in tabular form. You can use the response for plotting graphs
query Parameters
year required | string Example: year=2019 Year for which you need sales information. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "labels": [
- "Jan",
- "Feb",
- "Mar",
- "Apr",
- "May",
- "Jun",
- "Jul",
- "Aug",
- "Sep",
- "Oct",
- "Nov",
- "Dec"
], - "totalIncome": [
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
], - "totalOrders": [
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
], - "currency": {
- "display_name": "United States (US) dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "sumIncome": 0,
- "sumTotalOrder": 0
Retrieve Monthly Sales
Retrieves the details of monthly based order sales for this year made from students and returns in tabular form. You can use the response for plotting graphs
query Parameters
selectedMonth required | string Example: selectedMonth=8-2020 Month for which you need sales information(month_number-year). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "labels": [
- "Aug-01",
- "Aug-02",
- "Aug-03",
- "Aug-04",
- "Aug-05",
- "Aug-06",
- "Aug-07",
- "Aug-08",
- "Aug-09",
- "Aug-10",
- "Aug-11",
- "Aug-12",
- "Aug-13",
- "Aug-14",
- "Aug-15",
- "Aug-16",
- "Aug-17",
- "Aug-18",
- "Aug-19",
- "Aug-20",
- "Aug-21",
- "Aug-22",
- "Aug-23",
- "Aug-24",
- "Aug-25",
- "Aug-26",
- "Aug-27",
- "Aug-28",
- "Aug-29",
- "Aug-30",
- "Aug-31"
], - "totalIncome": [
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
], - "totalOrders": [
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
], - "currency": {
- "display_name": "United States (US) dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "sumIncome": 0,
- "sumTotalOrder": 0
Retrieve Product Breakdown Sales
Retrieves the details of product break-down based order sales for this year made from students and returns in tabular form. You can use the response for plotting graphs
query Parameters
selectedDateRange required | string Example: selectedDateRange=2022-08-21 Date Range for which you need sales information(year-month-date). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "labels": [
- "Product-1"
], - "totalIncome": [
- 0
], - "totalOrders": [
- 0
], - "currency": {
- "display_name": "United States (US) dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "sumIncome": 0,
- "sumTotalOrder": 0
Order Status Lookup
Retrieves all the statuses of the order the platform offers completed, cancelled, failed, etc. Helps showing options in form elements like dropdowns.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "PENDING_PAYMENT",
- "display_value": "Payment Pending"
}, - {
- "db_value": "COMPLETED",
- "display_value": "Completed"
}, - {
- "db_value": "CANCELLED",
- "display_value": "Cancelled"
}, - {
- "db_value": "REFUNDED",
- "display_value": "Refunded"
}, - {
- "db_value": "FAILED",
- "display_value": "Failed"
Delete Order
To delete a order, you need to use this request. Returns number of orders deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All order IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 5
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 order(s) deleted"
Create Order
To create a order, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created order can be used as purchasing product by students.
Returns : id of the order created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
orderDate required | date Ordering date. |
status required | string Different status for the orders like pending, completed, failed, etc. Status options: PENDING_PAYMENT, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, REFUNDED or FAILED. |
customerId required | integer Ordered by this user Id. |
billingAddressId | integer Billing address Id. |
orderItems required | Array of strings All added item for this order purchased together. |
orderNotes | Array of strings Notes either public or private while creating course(to remeber something, like normal note). |
taxAmount | numeric Tax amount. |
otherFee | numeric Other extra fees. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "orderDate": "2020-08-25 0:00:00",
- "status": "PENDING_PAYMENT",
- "customerId": 3,
- "billingAddressId": 3500,
- "orderItems": [
- "amet"
], - "orderNotes": [
- "dicta"
], - "taxAmount": "null",
- "otherFee": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Order created successfully"
Retrieve Order
Retrieves the details of the specified order. Helps in fetching order using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the order you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "orderDate": "Aug 25, 2020 12:00 AM",
- "status": "PENDING_PAYMENT",
- "customerId": 3,
- "billingAddressId": null,
- "taxAmount": "0.00",
- "otherFee": "0.00",
- "isTestOrder": false,
- "total": "3001.00",
- "sub_total": "3001.00",
- "currency": {
- "display_name": "United States (US) dollar",
- "symbol": "$"
}, - "shopAddress": {
- "shop_address_1": "1234 Lorem Ipsum Drive",
- "shop_address_2": "",
- "shop_city": "New Jersey",
- "shop_country": "US",
- "shop_state": "",
- "shop_zipcode": "08053",
- "shop_name": "Academy of mine",
}, - "billingAddress": {
- "id": -1,
- "isDefault": false,
- "fullName": "",
- "addressLine1": "",
- "addressLine2": "",
- "zipcode": "",
- "city": "",
- "state": "",
- "country": ""
}, - "orderNotes": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "data": "note-1",
- "type": "PRIVATE",
- "created_on": "Aug 11, 2020 05:36 PM"
], - "orderItems": [
- {
- "product_id": 1,
- "product_title": "Product-1",
- "price": "3001.00",
- "quantity": 1,
- "total": "3001.00"
Update Order
Updates the details of a specified order. (See parameters) Orders can be used as purchasing products by students.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the order you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
orderDate required | date Ordering date. |
status required | string Different status for the orders like pending, completed, failed, etc. Status options: PENDING_PAYMENT, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, REFUNDED or FAILED. |
customerId required | integer Ordered by this user Id. |
billingAddressId | integer Billing address Id. |
orderItems required | Array of strings All added item for this order purchased together. |
orderNotes | Array of strings Notes either public or private while creating course(to remeber something, like normal note). |
taxAmount | numeric Tax amount. |
otherFee | numeric Other extra fees. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "orderDate": "2020-08-25 0:00:00",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "customerId": 3,
- "billingAddressId": 3500,
- "orderItems": [
- "minus"
], - "orderNotes": [
- "et"
], - "taxAmount": "null",
- "otherFee": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Order updated successfully"
Update Status of Order
Updates the status of a specified order. (See parameters) Orders can be used as purchasing products by students.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the order. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
status required | string Different status for the orders like pending, completed, failed, etc. Status options: PENDING_PAYMENT, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, REFUNDED or FAILED. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "status": "COMPLETED"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Order updated successfully"
Create Order Notes
To create a order note, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created order notes can be used as remebering assets for Instructor while creating/editing order.
Returns : id, type and data of the order notes created. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
data required | string Actual content of the note. |
orderId required | integer ID of the order in which this note is being created. |
type required | string Type of the note. Type options: Public or Private. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "data": "This order is just for testing purpose",
- "orderId": 1,
- "type": "PRIVATE"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "data": "note-1",
- "type": "PRIVATE",
- "created_on": "Aug 11, 2020 05:36 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "data": "New notes",
- "type": "PRIVATE",
- "created_on": "Aug 11, 2020 06:04 PM"
Delete Order Note
To delete a order note, you need to use this request. Returns all order notes left after this note gets deleted. (See Response)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 2 Order Note ID which needs to be deleted. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "data": "note-1",
- "type": "PRIVATE",
- "created_on": "Aug 11, 2020 05:36 PM"
Endpoints for managing ecommerce Payment Gateways. Payment gateways will be used when your users are purchasing products.
Retrieve Payment gateways
Retrieves all payment gateways details supported by the platform. (See Parameters)
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Stripe",
- "logo_url": "/images/stripe-logo.svg",
- "is_enabled": true,
- "support_recurring_payments": false
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "Authorize .NET CIM",
- "logo_url": "/images/anet-logo.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "support_recurring_payments": false
Update Gateway Status
Updates the payment gateway status(enabled or disabled) to receive payment from students/users.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id required | integer ID of the Payement Gateway. |
status required | boolean Whether this payment gateway is enabled or not. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": 1,
- "status": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Update Stripe Settings
Updates the settings for Stripe payment gateway. Setting needs to be updated is mentioned in parameter. (See Parameter)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
gatewayEnabled required | boolean Enable status of stripe gateway. |
paymentTitle | string Payment title for the payments. |
livePublishableKey | string Live publishable key value. Example: |
liveSecretKey | string Live secret key value. Example: |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "gatewayEnabled": true,
- "paymentTitle": "Pay by Credit or Debit Card",
- "livePublishableKey": "animi",
- "liveSecretKey": "reiciendis"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Retrieve Stripe Settings
Retrieves all the settings for Stripe payment gateway. Helps in mainting the data and enable status of the stripe settings.
Response samples
- 200
{- "gatewayEnabled": false,
- "paymentTitle": "Pay by Credit or Debit Card",
- "livePublishableKey": "",
- "liveSecretKey": ""
Update AuthorizeNet Settings
Updates the settings for AuthorizeNet payment gateway. Setting needs to be updated is mentioned in parameter. (See Parameter)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
gatewayEnabled required | boolean Enable status of AuthorizeNet gateway. |
paymentTitle | string Payment title for the payments. |
transactionKey | string Transaction key value. |
loginId | string Login Id from AuthorizeNet. Example: |
clientId | string Client Id from AuthorizeNet. Example: |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "gatewayEnabled": true,
- "paymentTitle": "Pay via Authorize.NET",
- "transactionKey": "no",
- "loginId": "in",
- "clientId": "aut"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Retrieve AuthorizeNet Settings
Retrieves all the settings for AuthorizeNet payment gateway. Helps in maintaining the data and enable status of the AuthorizeNet settings.
Response samples
- 200
{- "gatewayEnabled": false,
- "paymentTitle": "Pay via Authorize.NET",
- "loginId": "",
- "transactionKey": "no",
- "clientId": ""
Update BrainTree Settings
Updates the settings for BrainTree payment gateway. Setting needs to be updated is mentioned in parameter. (See Parameter)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
gatewayEnabled required | boolean Enable status of stripe gateway. |
paymentTitle | string Payment title for the payments. |
merchantId | string Merchant Id value. Example: |
publicKey | string Public Key value. Example: |
privateKey | string Private key value. Example: |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "gatewayEnabled": true,
- "paymentTitle": "Pay by Credit or Debit Card",
- "merchantId": "alias",
- "publicKey": "reprehenderit",
- "privateKey": "vel"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Retrieve Braintree Settings
Retrieves all the settings for Braintree payment gateway. Helps in mainting the data and enable status of the Braintree settings.
Response samples
- 200
{- "gatewayEnabled": false,
- "paymentTitle": "Pay by Credit or Debit Card",
- "merchantId": "",
- "publicKey": "",
- "privateKey": ""
Update Paypal
Updates the settings for Paypal payment gateway. Setting needs to be updated is mentioned in parameter. (See Parameter)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
clientId required | string The Client ID of the paypal. |
gatewayEnabled required | boolean . |
notificationUrl | string Notification Url. |
paymentTitle required | string The title of the payment gateway. This controls the title which user sees during checkout. |
secretKey required | string API key. Get your API key using your Paypal account. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "clientId": "abc1234",
- "gatewayEnabled": false,
- "paymentTitle": "3500",
- "secretKey": "abc123"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Update Invoice Settings
Updates the settings for Invoice payment gateway.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
gatewayEnabled required | boolean Enable status of Invoice gateway. |
paymentTitle | string Payment title for the payments. |
paymentInstuctions | string Payment instructions for the payments. Accepts HTML. |
paymentRestrictToGroups | boolean Allow all users to use payment method or restrict to groups only. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "gatewayEnabled": true,
- "paymentTitle": "Pay by Invoice",
- "paymentInstuctions": "We will invoice you.",
- "paymentRestrictToGroups": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Retrieve Invoice Settings
Retrieves all the settings for Invoice payment gateway. Helps in maintaining the data and enable status of the invoice settings.
Response samples
- 200
{- "gatewayEnabled": false,
- "paymentTitle": "Pay by Invoice",
- "paymentInstructions": "We will send an invoice.",
- "paymentRestrictToGroups": true
A Product will be reached to your students. Course has to be attached to products so that students can purchase your courses. Helps in performing CRUD operations for and to products.
Retrieve Product Catalog
Retrieves the details for the product catalogs in paginated form to show this to students as course catalog so that they can purchase the product hence course. (See Parameters) You can apply filter using search_param via title(product title) and categories.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"title":"","categories":[]} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Product-1",
- "slug": "product-1",
- "featuredImage": null,
- "displayPrice": "<del>$3500 </del><span>$3001</span>",
- "status": "IN-STOCK",
- "label": "SALE",
- "canBePurchased": true,
- "seo_description": null
Product Calender
Retrieve classes with specified search parameters.
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
startDate | string The start date of the class. |
endDate | string The end date of the class. |
search_param | string JSON-encoded string containing various search parameters. |
search_param[title] | string The title of the classes to search for. |
search_param[ids] | array|null An array of event IDs to filter by. |
search_param[selectedPrice] | Array of strings An array of selected price options. |
search_param[productCategories] | Array of strings An array of product categories to filter classes by. |
search_param[selectedProductCategories] | string The strategy for including/excluding product categories. |
search_param[layout] | string The layout type for displaying classes. |
search_param[sort_order] | string The sort order for classes. |
search_param[sort_direction] | string The sort direction for classes. |
search_param[categoriesName] | string The name of categories to filter classes by. |
search_param[location] | string The location to filter classes by. |
search_param[date] | string The date to filter classes by. |
search_param[position] | string The position for displaying classes. |
search_param[selectedProducts] | string The strategy for including/excluding selected products. |
search_param[showFilter] | string Whether to show filters. |
search_param[showFilterType] | Array of strings An array of filter types to show. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "startDate": "\"2023-12-31T18:30:00.000Z\"",
- "endDate": "\"2024-01-30T18:30:00.000Z\"",
- "search_param": "dolor",
- "search_param[title]": "\"Professional Development\"",
- "search_param[ids]": "aut",
- "search_param[selectedPrice]": [
- "unde"
], - "search_param[productCategories]": [
- "officiis"
], - "search_param[selectedProductCategories]": "\"include\"",
- "search_param[layout]": "\"card\"",
- "search_param[sort_order]": "\"created_at\"",
- "search_param[sort_direction]": "\"desc\"",
- "search_param[categoriesName]": "\"Category Name\"",
- "search_param[location]": "\"Cherry Hill\"",
- "search_param[date]": "\"2024-01-15\"",
- "search_param[position]": "\"top\"",
- "search_param[selectedProducts]": "\"include\"",
- "search_param[showFilter]": "\"yes\"",
- "search_param[showFilterType]": [
- "Price",
- "Name",
- "Category"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": [
- {
- "id": 11,
- "courseId": 9,
- "classId": 3,
- "courseName": "Test ILT course",
- "location": "Cherry Hill",
- "locationId": 2,
- "start": "2024-01-03 08:00:14",
- "end": "2024-01-03 10:00:19",
- "instructor": "Test Staff",
- "class": "blue",
- "price": 12,
- "displayPrice": "$12",
- "canBePurchased": true,
- "status": "IN-STOCK",
- "subscription_price": null,
- "price_frequency": "MONTHLY",
- "label": "",
- "display_label": "",
- "title": "Test LTI Course"
Retrieve Product
Retrieves the details of the specified product. Helps in fetching product using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the product you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "title": "Product-1",
- "slug": "product-1",
- "description": "Course 1 product",
- "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "regular_price": 3500,
- "type": "SIMPLE",
- "sale_price": 3001,
- "saleStartDate": null,
- "saleEndDate": null,
- "status": "IN-STOCK",
- "expiry": "2020-10-29",
- "taxIncluded": false,
- "seo_title": null,
- "seo_description": null,
- "displayPrice": "<del>$3500 </del><span>$3001</span>",
- "canBePurchased": true,
- "label": "SALE",
- "categories": [ ],
- "courses": [
- {
- "value": 1,
- "label": "course 1"
], - "courseCategories": [ ]
Update Product
Updates the details of a specified product. (See parameters) Product can be used while attaching course to product so that you can sell the course to students.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the product you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
title required | string Name of the product. |
description required | string Description for the product. |
featuredImageUrl | string Featured Image for the product. |
regular_price required | numeric Regular price for the Simple product. |
type required | string Type of the product. Type options: SIMPLE or SUBSCRIPTION. |
sale_price | numeric Selling price for the product. |
saleStartDate | date Sale start date for the product. |
saleEndDate | date Sale end date for the product. |
status required | string Status for the product. Status options: COMING-SOON, IN-STOCK or OUT-OF-STOCK. |
expiry | date On this date this product will get expired. |
categories | Array of strings Category for this product. |
courses | Array of strings Courses that you want to attach to this product. |
courseCategories | Array of strings This category related courses will be attached to this product. |
seo_title | string SEO title for the product. |
seo_description | string SEO description for the product. |
subscription_price required | numeric Subscription price for the product for the product type Subscription. |
price_frequency required | string Price Frequency to be charged for Subscription product. Price Frequency Options: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY or YEARLY. |
free_trial_value | numeric Free Trail for the Subscription product. |
free_trial_frequency | string Free Trail Frequency for the subscription product in which the product will be available for free. Free Trail Frequency Options: DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS. |
catalog_rank | numeric The order in which you want to display the product in product catalog. 1 is the highest rank. |
subscription_expire_after | date On this date this subscription product will get expired. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "Product-1",
- "description": "Course 1 product",
- "regular_price": "3500",
- "type": "SIMPLE",
- "sale_price": "3001",
- "saleStartDate": "null",
- "saleEndDate": "null",
- "status": "IN-STOCK",
- "expiry": "2020-10-29 0:00:00",
- "categories": [ ],
- "courses": [
- "quod"
], - "courseCategories": [ ],
- "seo_title": "awesome-product",
- "seo_description": "includes many good courses",
- "subscription_price": "3500",
- "price_frequency": "WEEKLY",
- "free_trial_value": "5",
- "free_trial_frequency": "Months",
- "catalog_rank": "5",
- "subscription_expire_after": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Product updated successfully"
Retrieve Class Dates
Retrieves the details of a specified product. Helps in fetching a dates using its loaction ID and product ID. (See Parameters)
query Parameters
location_id | integer Example: location_id=1 The number of the items you want for a page. |
product_id | string Example: product_id=1 The ID of the product. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "dates": [
- {
- "id": 57,
- "courseId": 34,
- "locationName": "Cherry Hill",
- "locationId": 2,
- "startDate": "2024-01-12T04:00:00.000000Z",
- "startDateTime": "2024-01-12T04:00:00.000000Z",
- "enddDateTime": "2024-01-31T11:00:00.000000Z",
- "dates": "11-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2024 (09:00 PM - 04:00 AM)"
}, - {
- "id": 58,
- "courseId": 34,
- "locationName": "Cherry Hill",
- "locationId": 2,
- "startDate": "2024-01-31T09:00:00.000000Z",
- "startDateTime": "2024-01-31T09:00:00.000000Z",
- "enddDateTime": "2024-02-07T18:09:00.000000Z",
- "dates": "31-Jan-2024 - 07-Feb-2024 (02:00 AM - 11:09 AM)"
Retrieve Products
Retrieves the details of all products. Helps in fetching entire products in the account. (See Response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Product-1",
- "slug": "product-1",
- "description": "Course 1 product",
- "featured_image_url": null,
- "regular_price": 3500,
- "sale_price": 3001,
- "sale_price_from": null,
- "sale_price_to": null,
- "status": "IN-STOCK",
- "type": "SIMPLE",
- "price_frequency": null,
- "site-wide-membership": null,
- "expired_at": "2020-10-29 00:00:00",
- "price_includes_tax": false,
- "tax_rate_based_on": "CUSTOMER-BILLING-ADDR",
- "seo_title": null,
- "seo_description": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": null,
- "deleted_by": null,
- "created_at": "2020-08-11 14:12:27",
- "updated_at": "2020-08-11 14:12:27",
- "deleted_at": null
Product Types Lookup
Retrieves all the types of the product the platform offers. Helps showing options in form elements like dropdowns.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "SIMPLE",
- "display_value": "Simple"
}, - {
- "db_value": "SUBSCRIPTION",
- "display_value": "Subscription"
Update Slug
Updates the slug of the product. Example - old-awesome-product to new-awesome-product
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the product. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
slug | required New slug for the product. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "slug": "new-product-1"
Response samples
- 200
Product Status Lookup
Retrieves all the statuses of the product the platform offers like in-stock, out-of-stock, coming-soon. Helps showing options in form elements like dropdowns.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "COMING-SOON",
- "display_value": "Coming Soon"
}, - {
- "db_value": "IN-STOCK",
- "display_value": "In Stock"
}, - {
- "db_value": "OUT-OF-STOCK",
- "display_value": "Out of Stock"
Product Tabular List
Returns all the products in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via title, productStatus(in-stock, out-of-stock, etc) and productCategoryIds.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"title":"","productStatus":[],"productCategoryIds":[]} Searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Product-1",
- "regular_price": 3500,
- "type": "SIMPLE",
- "status": "IN-STOCK",
- "created_at": "Aug 11, 2020 02:12 PM"
Product Lookup
Retrieves all the products in list format. Helps while showing products in form elements like dropdown. You can apply filters using search_term parameter. (See Parameter)
query Parameters
search_term required | string Example: search_term=facilis You need to provide products title or substring of the products title to search. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Product-1"
Create Product
To create a product, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created product can be used while attaching course to product so that you can sell the course to students.
Returns : id of the product created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
title required | string Name of the product. |
description required | string Description for the product. |
featuredImageUrl | string Featured Image for the product. |
regular_price required | numeric Regular price for the Simple product. |
type required | string Type of the product. Type options: SIMPLE or SUBSCRIPTION. |
sale_price | numeric Selling price for the product. |
saleStartDate | date Sale start date for the product. |
saleEndDate | date Sale end date for the product. |
status required | string Status for the product. Status options: COMING-SOON, IN-STOCK or OUT-OF-STOCK. |
expiry_date | date On this date this product will get expired. |
categories | Array of strings Category for this product. |
courses | Array of strings Courses that you want to attach to this product. |
courseCategories | Array of strings This category related courses will be attached to this product. |
seo_title | string SEO title for the product. |
seo_description | string SEO description for the product. |
subscription_price required | numeric Subscription price for the product for the product type Subscription. |
price_frequency required | string Price Frequency to be charged for Subscription product. Price Frequency Options: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY or YEARLY. |
free_trial_value | numeric Free Trail for the Subscription product. |
free_trial_frequency | string Free Trail Frequency for the subscription product in which the product will be available for free. Free Trail Frequency Options: DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS. |
catalog_rank | numeric The order in which you want to display the product in product catalog. 1 is the highest rank. |
subscription_expire_after | date On this date this subscription product will get expired. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "Product-1",
- "description": "Course 1 product",
- "regular_price": "3500",
- "type": "SIMPLE",
- "sale_price": "3001",
- "saleStartDate": "null",
- "saleEndDate": "null",
- "status": "IN-STOCK",
- "expiry_date": "2020-10-29 0:00:00",
- "categories": [ ],
- "courses": [
- "atque"
], - "courseCategories": [ ],
- "seo_title": "awesome-product",
- "seo_description": "includes many good courses",
- "subscription_price": "3500",
- "price_frequency": "WEEKLY",
- "free_trial_value": "5",
- "free_trial_frequency": "Months",
- "catalog_rank": "5",
- "subscription_expire_after": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Product created successfully"
Delete Product
To delete a product, you need to use this request. Returns number of products deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All product IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 5
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 product(s) deleted"
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for a specified product. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
product_ids required | Array of strings All product IDs which needs to be updated. |
outofstock | boolean If true, it updates the status of the course as out-of-stock. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "product_ids": [
- 3,
- 2
], - "outofstock": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Questions updated Successfully"
Product Free Trial Interval Lookup For Products
Retrieves how often the amount will be deducted in subscription of the product, the platform offers. Helps showing options in form elements like dropdowns.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "DAYS",
- "display_value": "Days"
}, - {
- "db_value": "WEEKS",
- "display_value": "Weeks"
}, - {
- "db_value": "MONTHS",
- "display_value": "Months"
}, - {
- "db_value": "YEARS",
- "display_value": "Years"
Product Price Frequency Lookup for Subscriptions
Retrieves how often the amount will be deducted in subscription of the product, the platform offers. Helps showing options in form elements like dropdowns.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "DAILY",
- "display_value": "Per day"
}, - {
- "db_value": "WEEKLY",
- "display_value": "Per week"
}, - {
- "db_value": "MONTHLY",
- "display_value": "Per month"
}, - {
- "db_value": "YEARLY",
- "display_value": "Per year"
Tabular List
Returns all the courses in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via courseName(for specific course) and status(course status)
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the item you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"courseCategoryIds":[],"courseName":"course 1","status":"In Progress"} For searching items based on Course category ids, course name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "course 1",
- "slug": "course-1",
- "status": "publish",
- "categories": "",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "03 Aug 2020 09:08 AM"
Enrolled Students
Retrieves all the student details enrolled in a course. You can use search_param filter using nameOrEmail(student name or email) and status(course status)
query Parameters
course_id required | string Example: course_id=1 ID of the course. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 Number of the results you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"registered_on","direction":"desc"} Returns details in some order. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","status":["In Progress"]} Search parameters related to course. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseName": "course 1",
- "featuredImage": null,
- "recordsTotal": 2,
- "totalNotStarted": 1,
- "totalInProgress": 0,
- "totalCompleted": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 2,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 6,
- "user_id": 4,
- "first_name": "John",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#03A9F4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">JD</text></svg>",
- "status": "Not Started",
- "percentComplete": 0,
- "access_status": "Allowed",
- "registered_on": "09-Aug-2020",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "expire_on": "Never",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "user_id": 3,
- "first_name": "Demo",
- "last_name": "Student",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#4CAF50\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">DS</text></svg>",
- "status": "Completed",
- "percentComplete": 100,
- "access_status": "Allowed",
- "registered_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "started_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "completed_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "expire_on": "Never",
- "last_accessed_on": "6 days ago"
Course Submissions
Retrieves all the submissions for a course in pagination mode. You can apply filter on data returned using search_param via nameOrEmail(student name or email) and type(submission type - assignment or discussion)
query Parameters
course_id required | string Example: course_id=1 ID of the course. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the submissions you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"updated_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","type":""} For searching items based on Course category ids, course name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseName": "course 1",
- "featuredImage": null,
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "status_row_id": 2,
- "module_id": 4,
- "module_name": "assign",
- "module_type": "assignment",
- "first_name": "Aom",
- "last_name": "Staff",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "submission_id": 1,
- "submitted_on": "10-Aug-2020"
All Courses Submissions
Retrieves all the submissions for all the courses in pagination mode. You can apply filter on data returned using search_param via nameOrEmail(student name or email) and type(submission type - assignment or discussion)
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the submissions you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"updated_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","type":""} For searching items based on course name, user names and submission type. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "course_name": "Professional Development and Training",
- "status_row_id": 2,
- "module_id": 4,
- "module_name": "assign",
- "module_type": "assignment",
- "first_name": "Aom",
- "last_name": "Staff",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "submission_id": 1,
- "submitted_on": "10-Aug-2020"
LMS Overview Report
Retrieves the overview report for all courses. Returned data contains information like total number of modules and number of courses in different status(In Progress, Not Started and Completed). Example - [1,0]. You can use these data for graphs representation as well.
Response samples
- 200
{- "labels": [
- "course 1",
- "Awesome Course"
], - "totalNotStarted": [
- 1,
- 0
], - "totalInProgress": [
- 1,
- 0
], - "totalCompleted": [
- 1,
- 0
], - "sumNotStarted": 1,
- "sumInProgress": 1,
- "sumCompleted": 1
Course Report
Retrieves the detailed report for all courses. Returned data contains information like total number of modules and number of courses in different status(In Progress, Not Started and Completed). Example - [1,0]. You can use these data for graphs representation as well.
query Parameters
course_id required | string Example: course_id=3 ID of the course. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the submissions you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"registered_on","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","status":[]} For searching items based on students name or emaila and status of the course. |
userCategoryId | string Example: userCategoryId={"nameOrEmail":"","status":[]} For listing students according to the user category in which they belong. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseName": "course 1",
- "featuredImage": null,
- "recordsTotal": 3,
- "totalNotStarted": 1,
- "totalInProgress": 1,
- "totalCompleted": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "first_name": "Aom",
- "last_name": "Staff",
- "email": "",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "percent_complete": 45,
- "access_status": "Allowed",
- "registered_on": "10-Aug-2020",
- "started_on": "10-Aug-2020",
- "completed_on": "",
- "expire_on": "Never",
- "last_accessed_on": "1 hour ago",
- "percent_achieved": null,
- "total_time_spent": "0h 20m",
- "certifcate_issued": "No"
}, - {
- "first_name": "Client",
- "last_name": "Admin",
- "email": "",
- "status": "Not Started",
- "percent_complete": 0,
- "access_status": "Allowed",
- "registered_on": "09-Aug-2020",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "expire_on": "12-Aug-2023",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "percent_achieved": null,
- "total_time_spent": "0h 0m",
- "certifcate_issued": "Yes"
}, - {
- "first_name": "Demo",
- "last_name": "Student",
- "email": "",
- "status": "Completed",
- "percent_complete": 50,
- "access_status": "Allowed",
- "registered_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "started_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "completed_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "expire_on": "Never",
- "last_accessed_on": "6 days ago",
- "percent_achieved": 0,
- "total_time_spent": "0h 0m",
- "certifcate_issued": "Yes"
Get custom Headers for Export of Course Insight report
query Parameters
course_id | string Example: course_id=1 The ID of the course. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","status":[],"userIdActual":"","started_on":[],"completed_on":[]} For searching items based on name, email, status, userId, courses started on, course completed on. |
Get Course
Retrieves the course details based on the course ID specified.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the course. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "course 1",
- "slug": "course-1",
- "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "instructions": null,
- "credits": null,
- "minPassingPercentage": null,
- "gradingRule": "no_grading",
- "durationRule": "unlimited",
- "durationSpecificDate": null,
- "durationDays": null,
- "status": "publish",
- "certificateTemplates": [
- 1
], - "associatedProduct": [ ],
- "hasAssociatedProduct": false,
- "modules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "drip_rules": "immediately",
- "drip_fixed_date": null,
- "drip_interval": null,
- "drip_interval_unit": "day",
- "drip_calculation_reference": "registration_date",
- "minSpentHour": 0,
- "minSpentMinutes": 0
], - "categories": [ ],
- "gradeModules": [ ]
Update Course
Updates course details using provided parameters.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the course. |
slug required | string Slug for the course. |
featuredImageUrl | string Image for the course. |
completionRedirectionUrl | string After course completion redirection url(If blank, it will redirect to dashboard). |
credits | integer Credit after course completion, used in certificates. |
minPassingPercentage | number Minimum passing percenatage for students. |
gradingRule required | string Grading criteria for the course. Grading rule options: no_grading, avg_all_modules or avg_specific_modules. |
durationRule required | string Access duration for the course. Duration rule options: unlimited, on_specific_date, x_days_after_start or x_days_after_enrollment. |
status required | string Course is in Draft or Publish mode. Status options: draft or publish. |
certificateTemplates | Array of strings Certificates attached to this course. |
modules | Array of strings All modules related to this course. |
certificateExpiresAfter | integer The number of months a certificate is valid for before it expires. Leave blank or zero for a permanent certificate. |
certificateExpiresAfterGracePeriod | integer The number of days before certificate expiration that a student can recertify.. |
categories | Array of strings Categories for this course. |
gradeModules | Array of strings Modules that will be used for grading users. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Course 1",
- "slug": "course-1",
- "featuredImageUrl": "img_path",
- "completionRedirectionUrl": "redirection_path",
- "credits": 70,
- "minPassingPercentage": 75,
- "gradingRule": "no_grading",
- "durationRule": "unlimited",
- "status": "publish",
- "certificateTemplates": [
- 1
], - "modules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "drip_rules": "immediately",
- "drip_fixed_date": null,
- "drip_interval": null,
- "drip_interval_unit": "day",
- "drip_calculation_reference": "registration_date",
- "minSpentHour": 0,
- "minSpentMinutes": 0
], - "certificateExpiresAfter": 3,
- "certificateExpiresAfterGracePeriod": 30,
- "categories": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "gradeModules": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Course updated successfully"
Create Course
To create a course, you need to use this request with provided parameters.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the course. |
instructions | string Instruction for the course. |
slug required | string Slug for the course. |
featuredImageUrl | string Image for the course. |
completionRedirectionUrl | string After course completion redirection url(If blank, it will redirect to dashboard). |
credits | integer Credit after course completion, used in certificates. |
minPassingPercentage | number Minimum passing percenatage for students. |
gradingRule required | string Grading criteria for the course. Grading rule options: no_grading, avg_all_modules or avg_specific_modules. |
durationRule required | string Access duration for the course. Duration rule options: unlimited, on_specific_date, x_days_after_start or x_days_after_enrollment. |
status required | string Course is in Draft or Publish mode. Status options: draft or publish. |
certificateTemplates | Array of strings Certificates attached to this course. |
modules | Array of strings All modules related to this course. |
certificateExpiresAfter | integer The number of months a certificate is valid for before it expires. Leave blank or zero for a permanent certificate. |
certificateExpiresAfterGracePeriod | integer The number of days before certificate expiration that a student can recertify.. |
categories | Array of strings Categories for this course. |
gradeModules | Array of strings Modules that will be used for grading users. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Course 1",
- "instructions": "Some Instruction",
- "slug": "course-1",
- "featuredImageUrl": "img_path",
- "completionRedirectionUrl": "redirection_path",
- "credits": 70,
- "minPassingPercentage": 75,
- "gradingRule": "no_grading",
- "durationRule": "unlimited",
- "status": "publish",
- "certificateTemplates": [
- 1
], - "modules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "drip_rules": "immediately",
- "drip_fixed_date": null,
- "drip_interval": null,
- "drip_interval_unit": "day",
- "drip_calculation_reference": "registration_date",
- "minSpentHour": 0,
- "minSpentMinutes": 0
], - "certificateExpiresAfter": 3,
- "certificateExpiresAfterGracePeriod": 30,
- "categories": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "gradeModules": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Course saved successfully"
Update Slug
Updates the slug of the course. Example - old-awesome-course to new-awesome-course
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
slug | required New slug for the course. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "slug": "Awesome-course"
Response samples
- 200
Course Lookup
Retrieves all the course details. Helps while showing course names in dropdown elements. You can apply filters using search_term parameter.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
query Parameters
search_term | string Example: search_term=quia returns filtered data. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "value": 1,
- "label": "course 1"
Delete Course
To delete a course, you need to use this request. Returns number of course deleted(if multiple selected) and number of not-deleted due to existing enrollment of students
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All course IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 course(s) deleted 1 course(s) not deleted as it has enrollments. Please remove the students from the course and try again."
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for a specified course. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
course_ids required | Array of strings All course IDs which needs to be updated. |
author_id | integer Set the instructor/Author for the course. |
categories_id | Array of strings Category IDs in which course will be added. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "course_ids": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "author_id": 1,
- "categories_id": [
- 1,
- 2
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Courses updated Successfully"
Drip Option Lookup
Retrieves all the drip options for the courses. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "options": [
- {
- "db_value": "immediately",
- "display_value": "Immediately"
}, - {
- "db_value": "fixed_date",
- "display_value": "On a Fixed Date"
}, - {
- "db_value": "specific_interval",
- "display_value": "At Fixed Intervals"
], - "intervals": [
- {
- "db_value": "day",
- "display_value": "Day(s)"
}, - {
- "db_value": "week",
- "display_value": "Week(s)"
}, - {
- "db_value": "month",
- "display_value": "Month(s)"
], - "calculation_ref": [
- {
- "db_value": "registration_date",
- "display_value": "Enrollment Date"
}, - {
- "db_value": "started_date",
- "display_value": "Course Start Date"
Course Status Lookup
Retrieves all the status options for the courses. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "Not Started",
- "display_value": "Not Started"
}, - {
- "db_value": "In Progress",
- "display_value": "In Progress"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Completed",
- "display_value": "Completed"
Grading Rules Lookup
Retrieves all the grading rules for the courses. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "no_grading",
- "display_value": "No Grading"
}, - {
- "db_value": "avg_all_modules",
- "display_value": "Average of all Quiz/Assignment/Discussions/Scorm"
}, - {
- "db_value": "avg_specific_modules",
- "display_value": "Average of specific Quiz/Assignment/Discussions/Scorm"
Duration Rules Lookup
Retrieves all the duration rules for the courses. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "unlimited",
- "display_value": "Unlimited"
}, - {
- "db_value": "on_specific_date",
- "display_value": "Till Specific Date"
}, - {
- "db_value": "x_days_after_start",
- "display_value": "Till X day(s) after a student start the course"
}, - {
- "db_value": "x_days_after_enrollment",
- "display_value": "Till X day(s) after a student is registered to the course"
Course Activities
Retrieves all the activities performed by the students on the course. Details will be returned in paginated mode. You can apply filters also using search_params parameter.
query Parameters
course_id required | string Example: course_id=1 ID of the course. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the submissions you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"user_id":3,"activityName":"","dates":[]} for searching items based on Course category ids, course name. |
context required | string Example: context=admin Context for the request. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseName": "course 1",
- "featuredImage": null,
- "recordsTotal": 40,
- "recordsFiltered": 10,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 10,
- "verb": "ACCESSED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:07 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has accessed course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 9,
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has achieved certificate for course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 8,
- "verb": "COMPLETED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "course 1 was completed",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 7,
- "verb": "COMPLETED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "course 1 was completed",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 6,
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has achieved certificate for course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 5,
- "verb": "COMPLETED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "course 1 was completed",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "verb": "COMPLETED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "course 1 was completed",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "verb": "STARTED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has started test",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "verb": "STARTED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:01 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has started course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "verb": "ENROLLED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:00 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student is enrolled to course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
Retrieve Students Progress
Retrieves the progress of the course. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
Optional parameter. The The ID of the course. |
query Parameters
userId | string Example: userId=3 The ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "modules": [
- {
- "module_id": 16,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "pdf",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-document\"></i>",
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "display_status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": 0
}, - "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0,
- "is_collapsed": true
], - "id": 105,
- "course_id": 35,
- "userId": 7,
- "userName": "Test Staff",
- "email": "",
- "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "completionPercentage": 0,
- "enrollmentDate": "2024-01-07 07:49:38",
- "expiryDate": "",
- "completionDate": "",
- "startDate": "",
- "lastAccessed": ""
Enroll Students
To enroll students in a course, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
studentIds required | Array of strings All Students IDs needs to be enrolled in this course. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "studentIds": [
- 1,
- 2
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 student(s) enrolled successfully"
Remove Students
To removes users from a course, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enrollmentIds required | Array of strings Course Registration/Enrollment IDs needs to be removed from this course. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "enrollmentIds": [
- 8,
- 7
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 student(s) removed successfully"
Reset Progress
To reset the progress of students for course, you need to use this request
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enrollmentIds required | Array of strings Course Registration/Enrollment IDs needs progress to be reset. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "enrollmentIds": [
- 9,
- 6
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 student(s) progress is reset successfully"
Revoke Access
To revokes the access of course from students, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enrollmentIds required | Array of strings Course Registration/Enrollment IDs needs access to be revoked from this course. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "enrollmentIds": [
- 9,
- 6
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 student(s) access has been revoked successfully"
Grant Access
To grants the access of course to students, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enrollmentIds required | Array of strings Course Registration/Enrollment IDs needs access to be granted to this course. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "enrollmentIds": [
- 9,
- 6
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 student(s) access has been granted successfully"
Set Expiry
To update the expiry date for the students of a course, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enrollmentIds required | Array of strings Course Registration/Enrollment IDs needs setting expiry date for course. |
expiryDate | date Date on which the course is going to be expired. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "enrollmentIds": [
- 9,
- 6
], - "expiryDate": "[9, 6]"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Expiration date is sucessfully updated for 2 student(s) "
Assign Certificate
To assign certificate to the user for the course, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enrollmentIds required | Array of strings Course Registration/Enrollment IDs needs assigning certificates. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "enrollmentIds": [
- 9,
- 6
Response samples
- 200
{- "isSucess": true,
- "message": "Certificate assigned sucessfully to 2 student(s)"
Activities Lookup
Retrieves all the activities/events name performed by students in a course. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "ENROLLED",
- "display_value": "ENROLLED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "STARTED",
- "display_value": "STARTED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "ACCESSED",
- "display_value": "ACCESSED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "COMPLETED",
- "display_value": "COMPLETED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "SUBMITTED",
- "display_value": "SUBMITTED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "EVALUATED",
- "display_value": "EVALUATED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "REJECTED",
- "display_value": "REJECTED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "RETAKE",
- "display_value": "RETAKE"
}, - {
- "display_value": "ACHIEVED CERTIFICATE"
}, - {
- "db_value": "RESET",
- "display_value": "RESET"
}, - {
- "db_value": "REMOVED",
- "display_value": "REMOVED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "REVOKED",
- "display_value": "REVOKED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "GRANTED",
- "display_value": "GRANTED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "UPDATED EXPIRY DATE",
- "display_value": "UPDATED EXPIRY DATE"
Gradebook Data
Retrieves all the progress achieved by a student on the course. Details will be returned in paginated mode. You can use the userId parameter to get details for different students.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 Course registration ID for the student of the course you want to see progress. |
query Parameters
userId required | string Example: userId=3 ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "course 1",
- "modules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "6 days ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1,
- "totalMarks": null,
- "obtainedMarks": null
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0,
- "totalMarks": 50,
- "obtainedMarks": null
], - "id": 1,
- "userId": 3,
- "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "instructions": null,
- "accessStatus": "Allowed",
- "status": "Completed",
- "completionPercentage": 50,
- "timeSpent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "enrollmentDate": "03 Aug 2020",
- "isExpired": false,
- "daysToExpire": "Unlimited days",
- "lastAccessed": "6 days ago",
- "isCertificateAvailable": true,
- "totalMarks": 50,
- "obtainedMarks": 0,
- "percentage": 0
Enrolled Users Lookup
Retrieves all the user details enrolled in a course.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the course. |
query Parameters
search_term | string Example: search_term=aperiam returns filtered data. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 3,
- "full_name": "Demo Student",
- "email": ""
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "full_name": "John Doe",
- "email": ""
To clone a course, you create a cloned object for a specific course. The newly generated cloned course will help to let you change the content of the course with or without letting affect the real course.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
course_id required | integer ID of the course to be cloned. |
course_name required | string Name of the course about to be cloned. |
isDeepCopy required | boolean If true, content will be affected in real course if changes made in cloned course. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "course_id": 1,
- "course_name": "course 1",
- "isDeepCopy": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Course Cloned Successfully"
Update Auto Enroll Courses
Updates the details of auto enroll courses. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id required | Array of strings ID(s) of the courses. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": [
- 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Course Updated Successfully",
- "type": "success",
- "title": "Success"
Retrieve Auto Enrolled Courses
query Parameters
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "value": "1",
- "label": "Professional Development and Training"
}, - {
- "value": "2",
- "label": "Training your Employees for the modern world"
Retrieve List of classes
Return list of classes
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"location":"","courseName":"","dates":[]} For searching items based on location, course name, dates. |
Retrieve Schedules of a class
query Parameters
courseId | string Example: courseId=1 The ID of the course. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"location":1} For searching items based on location. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "classes": [
- {
- "id": 56,
- "startDate": "01-Jan-2024",
- "endDate": "31-Jan-2024",
- "startTime": "02:00 AM",
- "endTime": "14:00 PM",
- "location_id": 2,
- "location": "New Jersey",
- "instructor_id": 8,
- "instructor": "John Doe",
- "start_time": "2024-01-01T09:00:00.000000Z"
Create Class
To create class, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Returns : id of the class created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
allowDownload required | boolean Set true to allow downloading class recordings. |
courseId required | integer ID of the class. |
disabled required | boolean . Example : false |
endTime | datetime End time of the class. |
instructor required | integer ID of the instructor. |
location | integer Id of the location. |
recurrence | recurrence of the class. Example : {classDays: "", startDate: "", startTime: "", endTime: "", interval: "", frequency: "", end: ""} |
starttime | datetime Start time of the class. |
type | string Type of class, onetime or recurring: |
webinarProvider | string |
zoom_host_pwd | string |
zoom_meeting_id | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "allowDownload": false,
- "courseId": 34,
- "disabled": false,
- "endTime": "2024-01-1 10:00:00",
- "instructor": 2,
- "location": 2,
- "recurrence": "ut",
- "starttime": "2024-01-31 10:00:00",
- "type": "onetime",
- "webinarProvider": "voluptas",
- "zoom_host_pwd": "optio",
- "zoom_meeting_id": "tenetur"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 62,
- "message": "Class saved successfully"
Retrieve class details
query Parameters
classId | string Example: classId=1 ID of the class. |
courseId | string Example: courseId=1 ID of the course. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "classDetails": {
- "id": 56,
- "courseId": "34",
- "startTime": "2024-01-01 09:00:00",
- "endTime": "2024-01-31 21:00:00",
- "location": 2,
- "instructor": 8,
- "webinarProvider": "",
- "allowDownload": false,
- "zoom_meeting_id": null,
- "zoom_host_pwd": null,
- "studyMaterial": [ ]
Update event details with specified parameters.
query Parameters
allowDownload | boolean Example: allowDownload=false Flag indicating whether downloads are allowed. |
courseId | string Example: courseId="19" The ID of the course. |
endTime | string Example: endTime="2024-01-31 23:09:00" The end time of the class. |
id | integer Example: id=2 The ID of the class. |
instructor | integer Example: instructor=6 The ID of the instructor for the class. |
location | integer Example: location=2 The ID of the location for the class. |
startTime | string Example: startTime="2024-01-09 02:00:00" The start time of the class. |
studyMaterial | Array of strings Example: studyMaterial=culpa JSON-encoded array of study materials for the event. |
studyMaterial[0][media_id] | integer Example: studyMaterial[0][media_id]=2 The media ID of the study material. |
studyMaterial[0][name] | string Example: studyMaterial[0][name]="elephantsdream-2-a0c4eea6d83f7d0141e36e30cc7b0369.mp4" The name of the study material. |
studyMaterial[0][type] | string Example: studyMaterial[0][type]="Videos" The type of the study material. |
webinarProvider | string Example: webinarProvider="" The provider for the webinar. |
zoom_host_pwd | string Example: zoom_host_pwd=null string|null The password for the Zoom host. |
zoom_meeting_id | string Example: zoom_meeting_id=null string|null The meeting ID for the Zoom meeting. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Class updated Successfully"
Retrieve details of course and class associated with it
query Parameters
course_id | string Example: course_id=1 The ID of the course. |
page_size | integer Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number | integer Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"registered_on","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"location":"","instructor":"","dates":[]} For searching items based on location, instructor. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseName": "Professional Development",
- "instructions": null,
- "featuredImage": null,
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 56,
- "startDate": "01-Jan-2024",
- "endDate": "31-Jan-2024",
- "startTime": "09:00 AM",
- "endTime": "21:00 PM",
- "location": "New Jersey",
- "instructor": "John",
- "classSize": 0
Retrieve details of course and class associated with it
query Parameters
class_id | string Example: class_id=1 The ID of the Class. |
page_size | integer Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number | integer Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"registered_on","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","status":""} For searching items based on name, email, status. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseId": 34,
- "locationId": 2,
- "courseName": "Professional Development",
- "featuredImage": null,
- "recordsTotal": 0,
- "startDate": "01-Jan-2024",
- "endDate": "31-Jan-2024",
- "startTime": "09:00 AM",
- "endTime": "21:00 PM",
- "totalAttended": 0,
- "totalNoShow": 0,
- "totalCancelled": 0,
- "recordsFiltered": 0,
- "records": [ ]
Update class status of the student
query Parameters
id | string Example: id=3 enrollment ID of the student. |
status | string Example: status=Attended The status of the class. It can be Registered, Attended, No Show, Cancelled. |
classId | string Example: classId=1 ID of the class. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Status Updated Successfully"
Remove Student from Class
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
Optional parameter. ID of the class. |
query Parameters
enrollmentIds | Array of strings Example: enrollmentIds=2 enrollment ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "1 student(s) removed successfully"
Assign Certificate
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
Optional parameter. ID of the class. |
query Parameters
enrollmentIds | Array of strings Example: enrollmentIds=2 enrollment ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "isSucess": true,
- "message": "Certificate assigned successfully to 1 student(s)"
Retrive Study material
query Parameters
registrationId | string Example: registrationId=3 registration ID of the student. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Professional Development",
- "instructions": null,
- "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "status": "Registered",
- "display_status": "Registered",
- "startDate": "09-Jan-2024",
- "endDate": "31-Jan-2024",
- "startTime": "02:00 AM",
- "endTime": "23:09 PM",
- "location": "New Jersey",
- "start": "2024-01-09T02:00:00.000000Z",
- "end": "2024-01-31T23:09:00.000000Z",
- "instructor": "test ",
- "classMaterial": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "file_name": "elephantsdream-2-a0c4eea6d83f7d0141e36e30cc7b0369.mp4",
- "file_type": "Videos",
- "status": "Completed",
- "mux_id": "243RSjx5V8tv4pr0201iAZwiCUAd019dKd5",
- "mime_type": "video/mp4",
- "created_at": "Dec 26, 2023 12:38 PM"
Delete Class
Returns success message on deleting class for specified ID
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
classId | integer The ID of class to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "classId": 57
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Permissions updated successfully"
Delete Class
Returns success message on deleting class
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
courseId | integer The ID of course. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "courseId": 3
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 Class(s) is successfully deleted and 4 Enrollment(s) is successfully removed"
Retrieve Webinar Details
query Parameters
registrationId | string Example: registrationId=11 registration ID of the general user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordings": [ ],
- "name": "Professional Development",
- "instructions": null,
- "status": "Registered",
- "display_status": "Registered",
- "startTime": "Jan 06, 2024 02:00 AM",
- "endTime": "Jan 06, 2024 07:00 AM",
- "location": "Virtual",
- "instructor": "test k ",
- "serviceProvider": "zoom",
- "meetingUrl": null,
- "webinarTimezone": "MST",
- "duration": "0 Day(s)",
- "webinarStatus": "Upcoming",
- "webinarDetails": {
- "is_success": true,
- "message": "Zoom meeting initialized",
- "url": " test&"
Update class status of the student
query Parameters
class_id | string Example: class_id=1 The ID of the Class. |
page_size | integer Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number | integer Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"registered_on","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","status":[],"userIdActual":"","started_on":[],"completed_on":[]} For searching items based on name, email, status, user actual id, course started on, course ended on. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseName": "Test ILT course",
- "recordsTotal": 0,
- "totalAttended": 0,
- "totalNoShow": 0,
- "totalCancelled": 0,
- "totalRegistered": 0,
- "recordsFiltered": 0,
- "records": [ ]
Retrieve Webinar Launch Details
query Parameters
registrationId | string Example: registrationId=11 registration ID of the general user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "provider": "zoom",
- "webinarDetails": {
- "is_success": true,
- "message": "Zoom meeting initialized",
- "url": " k &"
To launch the course, you need to use this request. It will set all the progress and status of the course modules.
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=12 Course registration ID of the student. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "course 1",
- "modules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "instructions": null,
- "accessStatus": "Allowed",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "completionPercentage": 0,
- "timeSpent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": 0
}, - "enrollmentDate": "10 Aug 2020",
- "isExpired": false,
- "daysToExpire": "Unlimited days",
- "lastAccessed": "1 minute ago"
Create Announcement
To create announcement, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created announcement can be used to send messages out to students.
Returns : id of the text module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
heading required | string Heading of the announcement. |
content required | string Content(Body) for the announcement that students will see. |
expiry | date Till what date, the announcement is active for users. |
sending_rules required | string Rule for sending announcement, based on this rule announcement will be sent to all or specific users or users of specific courses. Sending rules options: all, specific_users or specific_course_users. |
user_ids | Array of strings Id of the users which needs to receive announcement specifically (required if sending_rules set as student wise). |
course_ids | Array of strings Id of the courses where student enrolled, needs to receive announcement specifically (required if sending_rules set as course wise). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "heading": "New Announcement",
- "content": "This is for test purpose",
- "expiry": "2020-08-05",
- "sending_rules": "all",
- "user_ids": [ ],
- "course_ids": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Announcement Created Successfully"
Announcement Tabular List
Returns all the announcement in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via heading of the announcements.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"heading":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "heading": "New Announcement",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "content": "This is for test purpose",
- "created_at": "Aug 11, 2020 01:25 PM",
- "sent_to": "All"
Update Announcement
Updates the details of a specified announcement. (See parameters) Announcement can be used to send out messages to students.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 2 ID of the announcement needs to be updated. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
heading required | string Heading of the announcement. |
content required | string Content(Body) for the announcement that students will see. |
expiry | date Till what date, the announcement is active for users. |
sending_rules required | string Rule for sending announcement, based on this rule announcement will be sent to all or specific users or users of specific courses. Sending rules options: all, specific_users or specific_course_users. |
user_ids | Array of strings Id of the users which needs to receive announcement specifically (required if sending_rules set as student wise). |
course_ids | Array of strings Id of the courses where student enrolled, needs to receive announcement specifically (required if sending_rules set as course wise). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "heading": "New Announcement",
- "content": "This is for test purpose",
- "expiry": "2020-08-05",
- "sending_rules": "all",
- "user_ids": [ ],
- "course_ids": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Announcement Updated Successfully"
Retrieve Announcement
Retrieves the details of the specified announcement. Helps in fetching announcement using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 2 ID of the announcement needs to be updated. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "heading": "New Announcement",
- "content": "This is for test purpose",
- "sending_rules": "all",
- "expiry": "2020-08-05"
Delete Announcement
To delete an announcement, you need to use this request. Returns number of announcement deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All announcement IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "3 announcement(s) deleted "
Student Announcement List
Returns all the announcement in list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via heading of the announcements. These annoucement list will appear in student panel(dashboard) not admin panel.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=5 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"heading":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 0,
- "records": [ ]
Quickbooks log Tabular List
Returns all the Quickbooks log in a tabular list format in paginated mode.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "event": "New Order Placed",
- "status": "success",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 01:58 PM"
A Flash Cards Module is a lesson module used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for Flash Cards modules.
Flash Cards Modules Tabular List
Returns all the Flash Cards modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:56 AM"
Create FlashCard Module
To create a FlashCard module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created FlashCard modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the FlashCard module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the FlashCard module. |
content required | string Content for the FlashCard modules that students will see. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "The Fundamentals of LMS",
- "content": "<p>This is the short content here</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 5,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Retrieve FlashCards Module
Retrieves the details of the specified FlashCards module. Helps in fetching FlashCards module using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 67 ID of the text module you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>Content of the text lesson</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true
Update FlashCard Module
Updates the details of a specified FlashCard modules. (See parameters) FlashCard modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 67 ID of the text module you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the FlashCard module. |
content required | string Content for the FlashCard modules that students will see. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "The Fundamentals of LMS",
- "content": "<p>This is the updated short content here</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Detailed FlashCard Module Info
Retrieves details of FlashCard module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current text module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=1 ID of the text module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>afegrshtdh</p>",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "1 week ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "",
- "nextSlug": "assign",
- "status": "Completed",
- "timeSpent": 6,
- "statusRowId": 1
Retrieve Detailed FlashCard module Info as Membership content
Retrieves details of FlashCard module in depth for the same membership the current FlashCard module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=6 ID of the pdf module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>afegrshtdh</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "timeSpent": 6
Endpoints for Front end Marketing Pages. Send automated notifications to external system when some action happens.
Webhook Actions Lookup
Retrieves all the events for the webhook actions. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "new_account_created",
- "display_value": "New Account Created"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_enrolled",
- "display_value": "Enrolled in a course"
}, - {
- "db_value": "quiz_submission",
- "display_value": "Submitted a Quiz"
}, - {
- "db_value": "assigment_submission",
- "display_value": "Submitted an assignment"
}, - {
- "db_value": "assigment_evaluation",
- "display_value": "Evaluated an assignment"
}, - {
- "db_value": "assigment_rejection",
- "display_value": "Rejected an assignment"
}, - {
- "db_value": "discussion_submission",
- "display_value": "Submitted a discussion"
}, - {
- "db_value": "new_order",
- "display_value": "New Order Placed"
}, - {
- "db_value": "failed_order",
- "display_value": "Order Failed"
}, - {
- "db_value": "refunded_order",
- "display_value": "Order Refunded"
}, - {
- "db_value": "pending_payment",
- "display_value": "Payment Pending"
}, - {
- "db_value": "new_announcement",
- "display_value": "New Announcement"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_completed",
- "display_value": "Course Completed"
Create Webhook
To create a Webhook, you need to use this request. Provide url and select event and it will be created. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
url required | string Endpoint to send the data. |
description | string Description of the event that is being created. |
eventList required | string Event from the option list. Event options: new_account_created, course_enrolled, quiz_submission, assigment_submission, assigment_evaluation, assigment_rejection, discussion_submission, new_order, failed_order, refunded_order, pending_payment, new_announcement or course_completed. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "description": "It will use to collect new user data.",
- "eventList": "New Account Created"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "2",
- "message": "Webhook saved successfully"
Webhook Actions Tabular List
Returns all the Webhook created in a tabular list format. You can apply filter using search_param.
query Parameters
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | integer Example: search_param=0 For searching items based on Events. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "events": "New Account Created",
- "description": "User new account created",
- "author": "Client Admin",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "events": "Enrolled in a course",
- "description": "User enrolled in a course",
- "author": "Client Admin",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
Update Webhook
Updates a webhook using parameters mentioned. (See parameters) Updates the webhook details using webhook ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the webhook. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
url required | string Endpoint to send the data. |
description | string Description of the event that is being created. |
eventList required | string Event from the option list. Event options: new_account_created, course_enrolled, quiz_submission, assigment_submission, assigment_evaluation, assigment_rejection, discussion_submission, new_order, failed_order, refunded_order, pending_payment, new_announcement or course_completed. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "description": "It will use to collect new user data.",
- "eventList": "New Account Created"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "4",
- "message": "Webhook updated successfully"
Webhook log Tabular List
Returns all the webhook log in a tabular list format in paginated mode.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "event": "New Account Created",
- "status": "success",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 01:58 PM"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "total_money_spent",
- "display_value": "Total money spent"
}, - {
- "db_value": "total_time_spent",
- "display_value": "Total time spent learning(in hrs)"
}, - {
- "db_value": "total_module_completed",
- "display_value": "No. of modules completed"
}, - {
- "db_value": "total_course_completed",
- "display_value": "No. of courses completed"
Create Event
query Parameters
name required | string Example: name="Event 1" string The name of the Event. |
eventType required | string Example: eventType="total_module_completed" string The type of the Event. |
selectedBadgeId required | string Example: selectedBadgeId=123 The ID of the selected badge. |
triggerValue required | string Example: triggerValue=5.6 interger The trigger value for the event. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 2,
- "message": "Event created successfully"
Update Event
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the gamification event. |
query Parameters
name required | string Example: name="Event 1" string The name of the Event. |
eventType required | string Example: eventType="total_module_completed" string The type of the Event. |
selectedBadgeId required | string Example: selectedBadgeId=123 The ID of the selected badge. |
triggerValue required | string Example: triggerValue=5.6 interger The trigger value for the event. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Event updated successfully"
General Settings helps in managing general platform settings like site name, timezone, emails etc
Retrieve General Email Settings
Retrieves the details of the general email items. Helps in fetching items of the email settings, items like header, sender name, sender email, etc(See Response)
Response samples
- 200
{- "fromName": "Academy of Mine",
- "fromEmail": "",
- "replyToEmail": "",
- "templateDesign": "default",
- "headerLogo": "Default",
- "customHeaderLogoURL": "",
- "headerBgColor": "#6b15b6",
- "bgColor": "#ffffff",
- "bodyBgColor": "#f6f9fc",
- "bodyTextColor": "#1b1e24"
Set General Email Settings
To save the general email settings with updated values, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
fromName required | string Sender name of the email. |
fromEmail required | string Sender email. |
replyToEmail required | string Reply email for emails. |
templateDesign required | string Template design. |
headerLogo required | string Header logo of the email. |
customHeaderLogoURL | string Custom header logo. |
headerBgColor required | string Header background color of the email(in hex form). |
bgColor required | string Background color of the email. |
bodyBgColor required | string Body background color of the email. |
bodyTextColor required | string Text color of email body. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "fromName": "Academy of Mine",
- "fromEmail": "",
- "replyToEmail": "",
- "templateDesign": "default",
- "headerLogo": "Default",
- "customHeaderLogoURL": "null",
- "headerBgColor": "#6b15b6",
- "bgColor": "#ffffff",
- "bodyBgColor": "#f6f9fc",
- "bodyTextColor": "#1b1e24"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Set General Email Settings
To save the general email settings with updated values, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
content | string Content of the email(body). |
enabled required | boolean If true, this email format is enabled to sent email on events. |
subject required | string Subject for email. |
recipients required | string Email recipients. |
heading required | string Heading of the email. |
type required | string Which email format is about to get sent. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "content": "Hi This email is from AOM.",
- "enabled": true,
- "subject": "This is subject",
- "recipients": "null",
- "heading": "New Account Created",
- "type": "new_account_creation"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Template Updated Successfully"
Retrieve General Email Format
Retrieves the details of the general email formats. Helps in fetching different types of the email format based on type of the email(See Response)
path Parameters
required required | integer Examples:
Optional parameter. Type of the email format type(new_account_creation_others, pwd_reset_request, course_enrollment, etc) you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "area": "account",
- "type": "new_account_creation_others",
- "subject": "A new account has been created on your site : [site_name]",
- "recipients": null,
- "heading": "New Account",
- "content": "A new account has been created on your site : [site_name]",
- "enabled": false
Retrieve General Settings
Retrieves the details of the general items. Helps in fetching items of the settings, items like site title, admin email, date and time format(See Response)
Response samples
- 200
{- "siteTitle": "Academy of mine",
- "adminEmail": "",
- "siteLanguage": "en",
- "timeZone": "0",
- "dateFormat": "M d, Y",
- "timeFormat": "h:i A",
- "privateSite": "no",
- "customTimeZone": "",
- "homePage": "1",
- "productCatalogPage": "2",
- "cartPage": "5",
- "checkoutPage": "4",
- "termConditionPage": "2",
- "termConditionText": "I have read and agree to the website.",
- "privacyPolicyPage": "3",
- "privacyPolicyText": "Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy."
Update General Settings
To update the general settings with updated values, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
siteTitle required | string Title of the site. |
adminEmail required | string Email of the admin. |
siteLanguage required | string Language of the site. |
timeZone required | string Timezone of the site. |
dateFormat required | string Format of the date for site. |
timeFormat required | string Format of the time for site. |
privateSite required | string Is the site private or not. |
customTimeZone required | string Custom timezone for site. Example: |
homePage | string int Homepage for site(page Id). |
productCatalogPage required | integer Product catalog page for site(page Id). |
cartPage required | integer Cart page for site(page Id). |
checkoutPage required | string Checkout page for site(page Id). |
termConditionPage required | integer Term and Condition page for the site(page Id). |
termConditionText required | string Term and Condition Text of the site. |
privacyPolicyPage required | integer Privacy Policy page for the site(page Id). |
privacyPolicyText required | string Privacy Policy Text of the site. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "siteTitle": "Academy of mine",
- "adminEmail": "",
- "siteLanguage": "en",
- "timeZone": "null",
- "dateFormat": "M d, Y",
- "timeFormat": "h:i A",
- "privateSite": "no",
- "customTimeZone": "America/Eirunepe",
- "homePage": "1",
- "productCatalogPage": 2,
- "cartPage": 5,
- "checkoutPage": "4",
- "termConditionPage": 3,
- "termConditionText": "I have read and agree to the website term.",
- "privacyPolicyPage": 2,
- "privacyPolicyText": "Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy."
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Retrieve Branding Settings
Retrieves the details of the brand settings. Helps in fetching items of the brand settings, items like primary color, body color, logo footer text(See Response)
Response samples
- 200
{- "brandColors": {
- "primaryColor": "#6b15b6",
- "bodyBgColor": "#f6f9fc",
- "bodyColor": "#1b1e24"
}, - "logo": "",
- "logoMini": "",
- "topBarEmail": "",
- "topBarPhone": "+1-202-555-0189",
- "footerText": "Copyright © Your Company Name - All rights reserved."
Update Branding Settings
To update the branding settings with updated values, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
brandColors required | Array of strings Brand colors for the site(body, background, primary colors). |
footerText required | string Footer text for the site. |
logo | string Logo for the site. Example: |
logoMini | string Mini Logo for the site. Example: |
shouldCompileTheme required | boolean Should the theme be compiled. |
topBarEmail required | string Topbar email for site. |
topBarPhone required | string Topbar phone number for site. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "brandColors": [
- "vel"
], - "footerText": "Copyright © Your Company Name - All rights reserved.",
- "logo": "nobis",
- "logoMini": "eveniet",
- "shouldCompileTheme": false,
- "topBarEmail": "",
- "topBarPhone": "1234567890"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Branding Settings Updated"
Set Custom Stylings
To set or update the custom stylings with updated values, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
custom_css | string Custom styling CSS code snippets. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "custom_css": "body: {color: red;}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Custom Styling Saved Successfully"
Update Email Status
Updates the status of the email if the selected area of the email format as enabled or not. If disabled, the students will not get any email from this platform for selected email format area(account, lms, ecommerce, etc) and type (account creation, enrollments, etc)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
area required | string Which email format is going to get enabled or disabled. |
isEnabled required | boolean If true, the select email format area will get enabled otherwise disabled. |
type required | string Which type of email format will get disabled or enabled. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "area": "account",
- "isEnabled": false,
- "type": "new_account_creation"
Response samples
- 200
{ }
Retrieve Course| Product| Users
Search bar in home page to show profession hint,industry hint and state hint as well. Retrieves all details regarding courses, product and users for homepage.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "label": "Courses",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "Manage - course 1",
- "value": "/dashboard/course/manage/1"
}, - {
- "label": "Manage - Awesome Course",
- "value": "/dashboard/course/manage/2"
}, - {
- "label": "Manage - course 1_copy",
- "value": "/dashboard/course/manage/3"
}, - {
- "label": "Users",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "Aom Staff(",
- "value": "/dashboard/user/edit/1"
}, - {
- "label": "Client Admin(",
- "value": "/dashboard/user/edit/2"
}, - {
- "label": "Demo Student(",
- "value": "/dashboard/user/edit/3"
}, - {
- "label": "John Doe(",
- "value": "/dashboard/user/edit/12"
}, - {
- "label": "Fake FName Fake LName(",
- "value": "/dashboard/user/edit/13"
}, - {
- "label": "Fake FName 2 Fake LName 2(",
- "value": "/dashboard/user/edit/14"
}, - {
- "label": "Courses",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "Edit - course 1",
- "value": "/dashboard/course/edit/1"
}, - {
- "label": "Edit - Awesome Course",
- "value": "/dashboard/course/edit/2"
}, - {
- "label": "Edit - course 1_copy",
- "value": "/dashboard/course/edit/3"
}, - {
- "label": "Products",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "Product-1",
- "value": "/dashboard/product/edit/1"
}, - {
- "label": "Modules",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "test",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/1"
}, - {
- "label": "assignment 1",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/2"
}, - {
- "label": "Video Module Name",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/3"
}, - {
- "label": "assign",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/4"
}, - {
- "label": "The Fundamentals of LMS",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/5"
}, - {
- "label": "Getting Started",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/6"
}, - {
- "label": "First-quiz",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/7"
}, - {
- "label": "Quiz-2",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/8"
}, - {
- "label": "My-video-lesson",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/9"
}, - {
- "label": "Essay on LMS",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/10"
}, - {
- "label": "File-based-Assignment",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/11"
}, - {
- "label": "New-Webinar",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/12"
}, - {
- "label": "First-discussion",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/13"
}, - {
- "label": "Lesson-1",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/14"
}, - {
- "label": "Feedback",
- "value": "/dashboard/modules/edit/15"
It allows you to track student activity and progress in the LMS, and trigger changes in HubSpot data accordingly.
Hubspot Event Lookup
Retrieves all the events for the hubspot actions. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "new_account_created",
- "display_value": "New Account Created",
- "crud_op": "Create",
- "hubspot_crud": "[{'db_value' => 'hubspot_contact'},{'display_value'=> 'HubSpot Contact'}]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Account Updated",
- "display_value": "Account Updated",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "hubspot_crud": "[['db_value' => 'hubspot_contact', 'display_value'=> 'HubSpot Contact']]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_enrolled",
- "display_value": "Enrolled in a course",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "hubspot_crud": "[['db_value' => 'hubspot_contact', 'display_value'=> 'HubSpot Contact']]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_completed",
- "display_value": "Course Completed",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "hubspot_crud": "[['db_value' => 'hubspot_contact', 'display_value'=> 'HubSpot Contact']]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_started",
- "display_value": "Course Started",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "hubspot_crud": "[['db_value' => 'hubspot_contact', 'display_value'=> 'HubSpot Contact']]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_progress",
- "display_value": "Course Progress Tracking",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "hubspot_crud": "[['db_value' => 'hubspot_deal', 'display_value'=> 'HubSpot Deal']]"
Hubspot Field Lookup
Retrieves all the fields for the hubspot. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
type required | string Type to get the data, it can either be contact or deal. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "contact"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "lms_fields": [
- {
- "db_value": "email"
}, - {
- "db_value": "last_name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "first_name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "last_login_ip"
}, - {
- "db_value": "is_disabled"
}, - {
- "hubspot_fields": [
- {
- "db_value": "email"
}, - {
- "db_value": "last_name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "first_name"
}, - {
- "courses": [ ]
Create Hubspot Action
To create a Hubspot Action, you need to use this request. Provide event,action and object and it will be created. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
event required | string Event in which you want to send data. |
action required | string Action will be create of the event by default. |
object required | string Select the object from the dropdown list from either Hubspot Deal or Hubspot Contact. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "event": "New Account Created",
- "action": "create.",
- "object": "Hubspot Deal"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Action created Successfully"
Save Hubspot Mapping
To save a Hubspot Mapping, you need to use this request. Provide type and it will be created. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
type required | string Type for which you want to save mapping. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "hubspot_contact"
Response samples
- 200
{- "is_success": true,
- "message": "Mapping saved Successfully"
Retrieve Hubspot Mapping
Retrieves the details of the hubspot mapping. Helps in fetching hubspot mapping using its type. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
type | required Type of the hupspot mapping you want to fetch the details of. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "hubspot_contact"
Response samples
- 200
{- "type": "hubspot_contact",
- "userFieldProperties": [ ],
- "courseFieldProperties": [ ]
Hubspot Tabular List
Returns all the hubspot details in a tabular list. You can apply filter using search_param via events.
query Parameters
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"name":"","scormTypes":[]} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "event": "New Account Created",
- "object": "",
- "action": "",
- "event_display_value": "",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 11:03 AM"
Update Hubspot Action
To update a Hubspot Action, you need to use this request. Provide id, event, action and object and it will be updated. (See parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the hubspot action. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
event required | string Event in which you want to send data. |
action required | string Action will be create of the event by default. |
object required | string Select the object from the dropdown list from either Hubspot Deal or Hubspot Contact. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "event": "New Account Created",
- "action": "create.",
- "object": "Hubspot Deal"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Hubspot updated successfully"
Hubspot Log Tabular List
Returns all the Hubspot log in a tabular list format in paginated mode.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 50 ID of the Hubspot action. |
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "event": "new_account_created",
- "data": [ ],
- "status": "success",
- "errorMessage": "",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:56 AM",
- "showData": false
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "equal_to",
- "display_value": "="
}, - {
- "db_value": "not_equal_to",
- "display_value": "!="
}, - {
- "db_value": "greater_than",
- "display_value": ">"
}, - {
- "db_value": "less_than",
- "display_value": "<"
Hubspot Import User Logs
Returns all the Hubspot log in a tabular list format in paginated mode.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 0,
- "recordsFiltered": 0,
- "records": [ ]
An integration can be used by admins to integrate this platform to other platforms. Endpoints helps in performing CRUD operation for and to integration.
System Integration Listing
Retrieves all the integrations in list format. Helps while showing integrations in tab formats.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Google Analytics",
- "identifier": "google-analytics",
- "description": "The tracking code area that google suit needs to collect data on page sessions and view.",
- "logo_url": "/images/google-analytics.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "Facebook Pixel",
- "identifier": "fb-pixel",
- "description": "The pixel code area provided in your Facebook Developer account meant for tracking the page view.",
- "logo_url": "/images/Facebook.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "Custom JavaScript",
- "identifier": "custom-js",
- "description": "The code area for some putting some tiny little piece of code for external applications.",
- "logo_url": "/images/javascript.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Google Single Sign On",
- "identifier": "google-sso",
- "description": "Single sign-on (SSO) lets users sign in using their managed Google account credentials.",
- "logo_url": "/images/google-logo.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 5,
- "name": "Zoom Meetings",
- "identifier": "zoom-meetings",
- "description": "Zoom is a web-based video conferencing tool. Set the API details to use it in your webinars.",
- "logo_url": "/images/zoom-logo.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 6,
- "name": "Webhooks",
- "identifier": "webhook",
- "description": "Send automated notifications to external system when something happens.",
- "logo_url": "/images/webhooks.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 7,
- "name": "REST API Access",
- "identifier": "rest-api-access",
- "description": "Now you can leverage REST-Full services. Enable this feature to work with different apps.",
- "logo_url": "/images/api.svg",
- "is_enabled": true,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": "2022-05-09T08:32:34.000000Z"
}, - {
- "id": 8,
- "name": "GoToWebinar",
- "identifier": "goto-webinars",
- "description": "GoTo is a web-based video conferencing tool. Set the API details to use it in your webinars.",
- "logo_url": "/images/goto-webinar.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 9,
- "name": "GoToTraining",
- "identifier": "goto-trainings",
- "description": "GoTo is a web-based video conferencing tool. Set the API details to use it in your webinars.",
- "logo_url": "/images/goto-training.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 10,
- "name": "Single Sign On (OAuth 2.0)",
- "identifier": "generic-sso-oauth",
- "description": "Single sign-on (SSO OAuth 2.0) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password.",
- "logo_url": "/images/sso-oauth.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 11,
- "name": "Single Sign On (SAML 2.0)",
- "identifier": "generic-sso-saml",
- "description": "Single sign-on (SSO SAML 2.0) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password.",
- "logo_url": "/images/saml-logo.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 12,
- "name": "HubSpot",
- "identifier": "hubspot",
- "description": "HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales service. Use this integration to sync your hubspot with your LMS platform.",
- "logo_url": "/images/hubspot.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 13,
- "name": "MS Teams Meetings",
- "identifier": "ms-team-meet",
- "description": "Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app that helps your team stay organized and have conversations—all in one place.",
- "logo_url": "/images/microsoft-teams.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 14,
- "name": "Shopify",
- "identifier": "shopify",
- "description": "Shopify is used to hosts your online store. Use this integration to sync your LMS courses with your shopify products.",
- "logo_url": "/images/shopify.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 15,
- "name": "Salesforce",
- "identifier": "salesforce",
- "description": "Salesforce provides customer relationship management service. Use this integration to sync your salesforce with your LMS platform.",
- "logo_url": "/images/salesforce.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
}, - {
- "id": 16,
- "name": "Accredible",
- "identifier": "accredible",
- "description": "Accredible is one of the only platforms available that is a full service digital credentialing solution.",
- "logo_url": "/images/accredible.svg",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "implementer_class": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": 1,
- "created_at": null,
- "updated_at": null
Update Integration Settings
Updates the integration settings for a specified integration. Setting needs to be updated is mentioned in parameter. (See Parameter)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the integration. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
is_enabled required | boolean Whether this integration is enabled or not. |
settings | Array of strings All the setting for this integration(ga_code, zoom). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "is_enabled": true,
- "settings": [
- "rerum"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Retrieve Integration Settings
Retrieves all the integration settings for a specified integration. Helps in mainting the data and enable status of the integration.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the integration. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Google Analytics",
- "identifier": "google-analytics",
- "is_enabled": false,
- "settings": {
- "ga_code": "<script type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"
Update Integration Status
Updates the integration status(enabled or disabled) for a specified integration.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id required | integer ID of the integration. |
status required | boolean Whether this integration is enabled or not. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": 4,
- "status": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Settings Updated"
Create Shopify Product
To create a Shopify Product, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
title required | string Title of the product. |
price | string Price of the product. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "Professional Training And Education",
- "price": "3000"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "success": true,
- "message": "Product created successfully",
- "product_id": 1,
- "product_title": "Professional Training And Education"
Create Leaderboard Tier
query Parameters
name required | string Example: name="Level 1" string The name of the LeaderboardTier. |
lowerLimit required | string Example: lowerLimit=10 The lower limit for the LeaderboardTier. |
upperLimit required | string Example: upperLimit=100.5 numeric The upper limit for the LeaderboardTier. |
Retrieve Leaderboard Tiers
Retrieves the details of the specified Leadership Tier. Helps in fetching Leaderboard Tiers using ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the Leaderboard Tier you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "name": "Level 1",
- "lowerLimit": 1,
- "upperLimit": 2
Update Leaderboard Tier
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the Leaderboard Tier you want to fetch the details of. |
query Parameters
name required | string Example: name="Level 1" string The name of the LeaderboardTier. |
lowerLimit required | string Example: lowerLimit=10 The lower limit for the LeaderboardTier. |
upperLimit required | string Example: upperLimit=100.5 numeric The upper limit for the LeaderboardTier. |
Learning Path Tabular List
Returns all the learning paths in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via name(for specific learning path)
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the item you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "learning path 1",
- "status": "publish",
- "created_at": "03 Aug 2023 09:08 AM"
Create Learning Path To create a course, you need to use this request with provided parameters.
Returns : id required ID of the learning path. Example: 1
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the learning path. |
instructions | string Instruction for the learning path. |
featuredImageUrl | string Image for the learning path. |
credits | integer Credit after learning path completion, used in certificates. |
status required | string learning path is in Draft or Publish mode. Status options: draft or publish. |
certificateTemplates | Array of strings Certificates attached to this learning path. |
courses required | Array of strings All courses you want to attach to this learning path. Minimum 2 courses are required |
categories | Array of strings Categories for this learning path. |
prerequisites | Array of strings Course IDs that should be a prerequisite. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Learning Path 1",
- "instructions": "Some Instruction",
- "featuredImageUrl": "img_path",
- "credits": 70,
- "status": "publish",
- "certificateTemplates": [
- 1
], - "courses": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
], - "categories": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "prerequisites": [
- 1,
- 2
Update Learning Path
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the learning path. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the learning path. |
instructions | string Instruction for the learning path. |
featuredImageUrl | string Image for the learning path. |
credits | integer Credit after learning path completion, used in certificates. |
status required | string learning path is in Draft or Publish mode. Status options: draft or publish. |
certificateTemplates | Array of strings Certificates attached to this learning path. |
courses required | Array of strings All courses you want to attach to this learning path. Minimum 2 courses are required |
categories | Array of strings Categories for this learning path. |
prerequisites | Array of strings Course IDs that should be a prerequisite. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Learning Path 1",
- "instructions": "Some Instruction",
- "featuredImageUrl": "img_path",
- "credits": 70,
- "status": "publish",
- "certificateTemplates": [
- 1
], - "courses": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
], - "categories": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "prerequisites": [
- 1,
- 2
Delete Learning Path
To delete a learning path, you need to use this request. Returns number of learning path deleted(if multiple selected) and number of not-deleted due to existing enrollment of students
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All learning path IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 2
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 learning path(s) deleted 1 learning path(s) not deleted as it has enrollments. Please remove the students from the learning path and try again."
Learning Path Lookup
Retrieves all the learning path details. Helps while showing learning path names in dropdown elements. You can apply filters using search_term parameter.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the learning path. |
query Parameters
search_term | string Example: search_term=quas returns filtered data. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "value": 1,
- "label": "Learning Path 1"
Enrolled Students
Retrieves all the student details enrolled in a learning path. You can use search_param filter using nameOrEmail(student name or email) and status(learning path status)
query Parameters
learning_path_id required | string Example: learning_path_id=1 ID of the learning path. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 Number of the results you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"registered_on","direction":"desc"} Returns details in some order. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"nameOrEmail":"","status":["In Progress"]} Search parameters related to learning path. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "learningPathName": "course 1",
- "featuredImage": null,
- "recordsTotal": 2,
- "totalNotStarted": 1,
- "totalInProgress": 0,
- "totalCompleted": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 2,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 6,
- "user_id": 4,
- "first_name": "John",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#03A9F4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">JD</text></svg>",
- "status": "Not Started",
- "percentComplete": 0,
- "access_status": "Allowed",
- "registered_on": "09-Aug-2020",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "expire_on": "Never",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "user_id": 3,
- "first_name": "Demo",
- "last_name": "Student",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#4CAF50\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">DS</text></svg>",
- "status": "Completed",
- "percentComplete": 100,
- "access_status": "Allowed",
- "registered_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "started_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "completed_on": "03-Aug-2020",
- "expire_on": "Never",
- "last_accessed_on": "6 days ago"
Enroll Students
To enroll students in a learning path, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the learning path. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
studentIds required | Array of strings All Students IDs needs to be enrolled in this learning path. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "studentIds": [
- 1,
- 2
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 student(s) enrolled successfully"
Remove Students
To removes users from a learning path, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the learning path. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enrollmentIds required | Array of strings Learning Path Registration/Enrollment IDs needs to be removed from this learning path. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "enrollmentIds": [
- 8,
- 7
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 student(s) removed successfully"
Assign Certificate
To assign certificate to the user for the learning oath, you need to use this request.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the learning path. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
enrollmentIds required | Array of strings Learning Path Registration/Enrollment IDs needs assigning certificates. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "enrollmentIds": [
- 9,
- 6
Response samples
- 200
{- "isSucess": true,
- "message": "Certificate assigned sucessfully to 2 student(s)"
Learning Path Report
Retrieves the detailed report for all learning path. Returned data contains information like total number of modules and number of courses in different status(In Progress, Not Started and Completed).
Response samples
- 401
{- "message": "Unauthenticated."
To clone a learning path, you create a cloned object for a specific module. The newly generated cloned learning path will help to let you change the content of the learning path with or without letting affect the real module.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
learning_path_id required | integer ID of the learning path to be cloned. |
learning_path_name required | string Name of the learning path about to be cloned. Example: Learning Path 1 module. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "learning_path_id": 1,
- "learning_path_name": "false"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Learning path Cloned Successfully"
Update Slug
Updates the slug of the learning path. Example - old-awesome-learning-path to new-awesome-learning-path
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the learning path. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
slug | required New slug for the learning path. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "slug": "Awesome-learning path"
Response samples
- 200
Learning Path Activities
Retrieves all the activities performed by the students on the Learning Path. Details will be returned in paginated mode. You can apply filters also using search_params parameter.
query Parameters
learning_path_id required | string Example: learning_path_id=1 ID of the learning path. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the submissions you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"user_id":3,"activityName":"","dates":[]} for searching items based on Course category ids, course name. |
context required | string Example: context=admin Context for the request. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "courseName": "course 1",
- "featuredImage": null,
- "recordsTotal": 40,
- "recordsFiltered": 10,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 10,
- "verb": "ACCESSED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:07 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has accessed course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 9,
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has achieved certificate for course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 8,
- "verb": "COMPLETED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "course 1 was completed",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 7,
- "verb": "COMPLETED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "course 1 was completed",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 6,
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has achieved certificate for course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 5,
- "verb": "COMPLETED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "course 1 was completed",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "verb": "COMPLETED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "course 1 was completed",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "verb": "STARTED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has started test",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "verb": "STARTED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:01 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student has started course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "verb": "ENROLLED",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 10:00 AM",
- "message": "Demo Student is enrolled to course 1",
- "student": "Demo Student"
Activities Lookup
Retrieves all the activities/events name performed by students in a learning path. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "ENROLLED",
- "display_value": "ENROLLED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "STARTED",
- "display_value": "STARTED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "ACCESSED",
- "display_value": "ACCESSED"
}, - {
- "db_value": "COMPLETED",
- "display_value": "COMPLETED"
}, - {
- "display_value": "ACHIEVED CERTIFICATE"
}, - {
- "db_value": "REMOVED",
- "display_value": "REMOVED"
Create Location
To create location, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
address required | string The address of the location. |
city required | string The city where the address is located. |
country required | string The country where the address is located. US |
location_name required | string The name of the location. |
map_url | string The URL of a map associated with the location. |
zipcode required | integer The ZIP code of the location. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "address": "Cherry Hill",
- "city": "New Jersey",
- "country": "qui",
- "location_name": "Kings Hwy",
- "zipcode": 12345
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Location Created Successfully"
Retrieve List of Locations
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"locationName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 2,
- "recordsFiltered": 2,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "Cherry Hill",
- "address": "1060 Kings Hwy N Ste 310",
- "city": "New Jersey",
- "country": "US",
- "zipcode": "08034",
- "map_url": null,
- "created_at": "Dec 07, 2023 11:37 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Virtual",
- "address": null,
- "city": null,
- "country": null,
- "zipcode": null,
- "map_url": null,
- "created_at": "Nov 29, 2023 08:07 AM"
Get Location
Retrieves the location details based on the location ID specified.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 2 The ID of the location. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 2,
- "name": "Cherry Hill",
- "address": "1060 Kings Hwy N Ste 310",
- "city": "New Jersey",
- "country": "US",
- "zipcode": "08034",
- "map_url": null,
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_by": null,
- "deleted_by": null,
- "created_at": "2023-12-08T06:37:54.000000Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-01-04T08:09:05.000000Z",
- "deleted_at": null
Update Location
Updates the existing location.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 2 The ID of the location. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
address required | string The address of the location. |
city required | string The city where the address is located. |
country required | string The country where the address is located. US |
location_name required | string The name of the location. |
map_url | string The URL of a map associated with the location. |
zipcode required | integer The ZIP code of the location. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "address": "Cherry Hill",
- "city": "New Jersey",
- "country": "et",
- "location_name": "Kings Hwy",
- "zipcode": 12345
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Location Updated Successfully"
Delete Location
Returns success message on deleting location
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
delete_id | Array of strings The ID of location. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_id": [
- 3
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "1 location(s) deleted.0 location(s) not deleted as it is used in class(s). Please remove the location from the class(s) and try again.",
- "deletedLocations": 1,
- "notDeletedLocations": 0,
- "usedInClass": [ ]
Upload Media
You can upload the files in the platform using this request. Uploaded media files can be used while submission, image display in pages, etc.
query Parameters
resumableChunkNumber required | string Example: resumableChunkNumber=1 Chunk number for the media. |
resumableChunkSize required | string Example: resumableChunkSize=10485760 Chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableCurrentChunkSize required | string Example: resumableCurrentChunkSize=79531 Current uploading chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableTotalSize required | string Example: resumableTotalSize=79531 Total chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableType required | string Example: resumableType=image/png Type of the media in that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableIdentifier required | string Example: resumableIdentifier=79531-default-certificatepng Identifier for the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableFilename required | string Example: resumableFilename=default-certificate.png Name of the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableRelativePath required | string Example: resumableRelativePath=default-certificate.png Relative path of the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableTotalChunks required | string Example: resumableTotalChunks=1 Total chunks. |
file required | string Example: file=(binary) Binary file. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "file_name": "default-certificate-8741bc53eb39d4154c232925c0f13088.png",
- "file_type": "Images",
- "status": "Completed",
- "mux_url": null,
- "mime_type": "image/png",
- "uploaded_by": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 12, 2020 09:02 AM"
Upload Media
You can upload the files in the platform using this request. Uploaded media files can be used while submission, image display in pages, etc.
query Parameters
resumableChunkNumber required | string Example: resumableChunkNumber=1 Chunk number for the media. |
resumableChunkSize required | string Example: resumableChunkSize=10485760 Chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableCurrentChunkSize required | string Example: resumableCurrentChunkSize=79531 Current uploading chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableTotalSize required | string Example: resumableTotalSize=79531 Total chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableType required | string Example: resumableType=image/png Type of the media in that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableIdentifier required | string Example: resumableIdentifier=79531-default-certificatepng Identifier for the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableFilename required | string Example: resumableFilename=default-certificate.png Name of the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableRelativePath required | string Example: resumableRelativePath=default-certificate.png Relative path of the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableTotalChunks required | string Example: resumableTotalChunks=1 Total chunks. |
file required | string Example: file=(binary) Binary file. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "file_name": "default-certificate-8741bc53eb39d4154c232925c0f13088.png",
- "file_type": "Images",
- "status": "Completed",
- "mux_url": null,
- "mime_type": "image/png",
- "uploaded_by": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 12, 2020 09:02 AM"
Upload Media
You can upload the files in the platform using this request. Uploaded media files can be used while submission, image display in pages, etc.
query Parameters
resumableChunkNumber required | string Example: resumableChunkNumber=1 Chunk number for the media. |
resumableChunkSize required | string Example: resumableChunkSize=10485760 Chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableCurrentChunkSize required | string Example: resumableCurrentChunkSize=79531 Current uploading chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableTotalSize required | string Example: resumableTotalSize=79531 Total chunk size for the media in bits. |
resumableType required | string Example: resumableType=image/png Type of the media in that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableIdentifier required | string Example: resumableIdentifier=79531-default-certificatepng Identifier for the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableFilename required | string Example: resumableFilename=default-certificate.png Name of the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableRelativePath required | string Example: resumableRelativePath=default-certificate.png Relative path of the media that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableTotalChunks required | string Example: resumableTotalChunks=1 Total chunks. |
file required | string Example: file=(binary) Binary file. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "file_name": "default-certificate-8741bc53eb39d4154c232925c0f13088.png",
- "file_type": "Images",
- "status": "Completed",
- "mux_url": null,
- "mime_type": "image/png",
- "uploaded_by": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 12, 2020 09:02 AM"
Media Tabular List
Returns all the media in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via name(media name).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"name":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "file_name": "default-certificate-8741bc53eb39d4154c232925c0f13088.png",
- "file_type": "Images",
- "status": "Completed",
- "mux_url": null,
- "mime_type": "image/png",
- "uploaded_by": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 12, 2020 09:02 AM"
Delete Media
To delete a media, you need to use this request. Returns number of medias deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All media IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 3
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "1 media(s) deleted"
Get Media Status
To get media status, you need to use this request. Returns the status of the uploaded media. (See Response)
query Parameters
media_Id required | string Example: media_Id=3 Media ID which needs to see status of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": "Completed"
Download Video
To download a video, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
mux_id required | integer ID of the video which needs to be downloaded. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "mux_id": 10
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": "2",
- "downloadUrl": ""
Save Video
To save the video details, you need to use this request.
query Parameters
file_name required | string Example: file_name=ElephandDream File name. |
mime_type required | string Example: mime_type=video/mp4 mime type. |
bunny_video_id required | string Example: bunny_video_id=c7706fe7-0860-4776-b0e0-7b77ed477ff4 Video Id from bunny dot net. |
s3_url required | string Example: s3_url= url of the video. |
bunny_video_url required | string Example: bunny_video_url= url of the video. |
file_type required | string Example: file_type=Videos type of the video. |
status required | string Example: status=Completed . |
Response samples
- 200
{- "is_success": "true"
Memberships are used to provide content access to users. Helps in providing course and standalone modules access to students
Tabular List
Retrieves all the memberships in a tabular list format with pagination mode. You can apply filter using search_param
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 The number of the memberships you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"name":"My-First-Membership"} for searching items based on memberships name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 4,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "My-First-Membership",
- "expired_at": "2021-05-04 23:45:50"
Retrieve Membership
Retrieves the details of the specified membership. Helps in fetching membership using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the membership you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Gold-plan",
- "courseAccess": "specific",
- "moduleAccess": "all",
- "expired_at": null,
- "courseAccessCategories": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "moduleAccessCategories": [ ]
Update Membership
Updates the details of a specified membership. (See parameters) Membership is being used as to couple courses and standalone modules for students to launch and view.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the membership you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the membership. |
expired_at | string Expire date for the membership. |
courseAccess | string Access option for courses. {all, no_access, specific} Only these values allowed. |
moduleAccess | string Access option for modules. {all, no_access, specific} Only these values allowed. |
courseAccessCategories | Array of strings Any course category IDs if you have selected specific in courseAccess parameter. |
moduleAccessCategories | Array of strings Any module category IDs if you have selected specific in moduleAccess parameter. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Gold-membership",
- "expired_at": "'2021-10-03 23:59:59'",
- "courseAccess": "all",
- "moduleAccess": "all",
- "courseAccessCategories": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "moduleAccessCategories": [
- 5,
- 19
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Membership updated successfully"
Create Membership
To create a membership, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created membership is being used as to couple course and standalone modules for students to launch and view.
Returns : id of the membership created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the membership. |
expired_at | string Expire date for the membership. |
courseAccess | string Access option for courses. {all, no_access, specific} Only these values allowed. |
moduleAccess | string Access option for modules. {all, no_access, specific} Only these values allowed. |
courseAccessCategories | Array of strings Any course category IDs if you have selected specific in courseAccess parameter. |
moduleAccessCategories | Array of strings Any module category IDs if you have selected specific in moduleAccess parameter. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Gold-membership",
- "expired_at": "'2021-10-03 23:59:59'",
- "courseAccess": "all",
- "moduleAccess": "all",
- "courseAccessCategories": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "moduleAccessCategories": [
- 5,
- 19
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Membership created successfully"
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for a specified membership. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
membership_ids required | Array of strings All membership IDs which needs to be updated. |
expired_at | datetime It will change the expiry date for all selected memberships. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "membership_ids": [
- 3,
- 2
], - "expired_at": "2021-01-11 23:45:00"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Memberships updated Successfully"
Menus are used as front end module for this platform. Endpoints for managing menus on marketing front end pages
Retrieve Menus
Retrieves all the menus in list format. Helps while showing menu in front end. (See Response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Main Menu",
- "items": [
- {
- "label": "Home",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 1,
- "display_order": 1,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
- "hyperlink": "/"
}, - {
- "label": "Courses",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 2,
- "display_order": 2,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "label": "Our Team",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 3,
- "display_order": 3,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "label": "Contact Us",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 6,
- "display_order": 4,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "Top Bar Menu",
- "items": [
- {
- "label": "Dashboard",
- "type": "custom_link",
- "custom_link": "/dashboard",
- "page_id": null,
- "display_order": 1,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
- "hyperlink": "/dashboard"
}, - {
- "label": "Cart",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 5,
- "display_order": 2,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "Footer Menu",
- "items": [ ]
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Learner Dashboard Sidebar",
- "items": [ ]
Retrieve Menu Items
Retrieves all the items of a specified menu. Helps while showing menu items in front end. (See Response)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the menu. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "label": "Home",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 1,
- "display_order": 1,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
- "hyperlink": "/"
}, - {
- "label": "Courses",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 2,
- "display_order": 2,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "label": "Our Team",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 3,
- "display_order": 3,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "label": "Contact Us",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 6,
- "display_order": 4,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
Save Menu
If admins want to add new menu , you can use this request to make one. Adds new items or updates existing items. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
menuList | Array of strings Menu list which needs to saved in this menu. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "menuList": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Main Menu",
- "items": [
- {
- "label": "Home",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 1,
- "display_order": 1,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
- "hyperlink": "/"
}, - {
- "label": "Courses",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 2,
- "display_order": 2,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "label": "Our Team",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 3,
- "display_order": 3,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "label": "Contact Us",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 6,
- "display_order": 4,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "Top Bar Menu",
- "items": [
- {
- "label": "Dashboard",
- "type": "custom_link",
- "custom_link": "/dashboard",
- "page_id": null,
- "display_order": 1,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
- "hyperlink": "/dashboard"
}, - {
- "label": "Cart",
- "type": "page",
- "custom_link": null,
- "page_id": 5,
- "display_order": 2,
- "css_class": null,
- "restrictions": null,
- "open_in_new_tab": false,
- "level": 1,
- "isCollapsed": true,
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "Footer Menu",
- "items": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Menu updated successfully"
A module is a lesson that you add as course content. Modules could be Text, Video, PDF, SCORM, Quiz, Assignments or Survey. Helps in performing CRUD operation to and for modules.
Create Blank Module
To create a blank module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created blank modules can be used while creating a course and adding different module in the same course. (See Parameters)
Returns : id of the module created and icon to for the module(text, video, pdf, scorm, discussion, etc)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the module that you want to create. |
type required | string Type of the module(whether its text, video, pdf, assignment etc). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Lesson-1",
- "type": "text"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 14,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>"
Modules Lookup
Retrieves all the modules. Helps while showing modules names in form elements like dropdown. You can apply filters using search_term parameter. (See Response)
query Parameters
search_term required | string Example: search_term=iste You need to provide module name or substring of the module name to search for that module. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "value": 7,
- "label": "First-quiz",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>"
}, - {
- "id": 8,
- "name": "Quiz-2",
- "type": "quiz",
- "value": 8,
- "label": "Quiz-2",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>"
Retrieve Pending Submissions
This is for admin panel. Returns all the submissions done by the students and haven't evaluated by the instructor. Returns list including total pending count of submissions(assignment, discussion) and details of pending submissions.
Response samples
- 200
{- "totalPending": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "course 1",
- "featured_image_url": null,
- "totalSubmission": 1
Modules Type Lookup
Retrieves all the type of the module that platform supports. Helps while showing module types in form elements like dropdown. Returns a list of all module types. (See Response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "text",
- "display_value": "Text"
}, - {
- "db_value": "video",
- "display_value": "Video"
}, - {
- "db_value": "pdf",
- "display_value": "PDF"
}, - {
- "db_value": "webinar",
- "display_value": "Webinar"
}, - {
- "db_value": "scorm",
- "display_value": "SCORM"
}, - {
- "db_value": "quiz",
- "display_value": "Quiz"
}, - {
- "db_value": "assignment",
- "display_value": "Assignment"
}, - {
- "db_value": "discussion",
- "display_value": "Discussion"
}, - {
- "db_value": "survey",
- "display_value": "Survey"
FormField Types Lookup
Retrieves all the type of the form fields that platform supports for Survey module. Helps while showing form fields types in form elements like dropdown while creating survey form. Returns a list of all form field types. (See Response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "text",
- "display_value": "Text"
}, - {
- "db_value": "textarea",
- "display_value": "Text Area"
}, - {
- "db_value": "rating",
- "display_value": "Rating"
}, - {
- "db_value": "radio",
- "display_value": "Single Select"
}, - {
- "db_value": "checkbox",
- "display_value": "Multiple Select"
}, - {
- "db_value": "dropdown",
- "display_value": "Drop Down"
Modules Tabular List
Returns all the modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via moduleTypes(module type), associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"moduleTypes": ["text"],associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 14,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 14,
- "name": "Lesson-1",
- "slug": "lesson-1",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 11, 2020 06:45 AM"
}, - {
- "id": 5,
- "name": "The Fundamentals of LMS",
- "slug": "the-fundamentals-of-lms",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 04:59 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:56 AM"
Update Slug
Updates the slug of the course. Example - old-awesome-course to new-awesome-course
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the module. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
slug | required New slug for the module. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "slug": "new-lesson-1"
Response samples
- 200
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for a specified module. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
module_ids required | Array of strings All module IDs which needs to be updated. |
author_id | integer Update the instructor/Author for the selected modules. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "module_ids": [
- 5,
- 14
], - "author_id": 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Modules updated Successfully"
Delete Module
To delete a module, you need to use this request. Returns number of module deleted(if multiple selected) and also not deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All module IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 modules(s) deleted 1 modules(s) not deleted as it is used in course(s). Please remove the modules from the course and try again."
To clone a module, you create a cloned object for a specific module. The newly generated cloned module will help to let you change the content of the module with or without letting affect the real module.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
module_id required | integer ID of the module to be cloned. |
module_name required | string Name of the module about to be cloned. Example: module 1 module. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "module_id": 1,
- "module_name": "false"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "module Cloned Successfully"
Quiz Lookup
Retrieves all the quizzes user has ever created. This request helps in showing all the quizzes in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns list of ID and name of the quizzes. (See Response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "value": 1,
- "label": "First-quiz"
}, - {
- "value": 2,
- "label": "Quiz-2"
Pages are Front end Marketing visuals. Page can be viewed by the different users to interact with this platform. Endpoint helps in managing pages.
Load Layouts
To load layout, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
context required | string Load Layout of page,section,row and module type. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "context": "page"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "2",
- "name": "Landing Page",
- "thumbnail": "/images/thumbnails/landing-thumbnail.jpg",
- "type": "saved",
- "data": { }
Save Layouts
To save layout, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the page. |
context required | string Save Layout of page,section,row and module type. Context options: page, section, row or module. |
data required | string HTML content of the page. |
type required | string Type of the page is saved. Type options: predefined or saved. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Homepage",
- "context": "page",
- "data": "<div class=\\\"header pt-4 mb-4\\\">\\",
- "type": "saved"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "2",
- "message": "Layout saved successfully"
Retrieve Page Layout
Retrieves all code snippet name and the code that is being used for making that snippet that user has ever created in this platform. It is being used by platform core modules like video, pdf, cart component, etc. (See response)
Response samples
- 200
{- "pageHeaderSimple": {
- "name": "Simple Page Header",
- "html": "<div class=\"header pt-4 mb-4\">\r\n <div class=\"container\">\r\n <h1>The Main Header</h1>\r\n <h4>The subheading that should be brief enough to describe the page.</h4>\r\n <p class=\"small-divider bg-primary my-4 el-divider\"> </p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>"
}, - "productListing": {
- "name": "Product Listing",
- "html": "<div class=\"product-listing\">\r\n <div class=\"noneditable bg-light d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center display-in-builder\">\r\n <h1 class=\"text-center\">## Product Listing Block ##</h1>\r\n </div>\r\n <product-listing-card></product-listing-card>\r\n </div>"
}, - "cartComponent": {
- "name": "Shopping Cart Component",
- "html": "<div class=\"shopping-cart\">\r\n <div class=\"noneditable bg-light d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center display-in-builder\">\r\n <h1 class=\"text-center\">## Shopping Cart Block ##</h1>\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\"container cart-container\">\r\n <shopping-cart :show-checkout-button=\"true\"></shopping-cart>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>"
}, - "checkoutComponent": {
- "name": "Checkout Component",
- "html": "<div class=\"checkout\">\r\n <div class=\"noneditable bg-light d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center display-in-builder\">\r\n <h1 class=\"text-center\">## Checkout Block ##</h1></div>\r\n <div class=\"container checkout-container\">\r\n <checkout :user-id=\"[%userid%]\"></checkout>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>"
}, - "ctafullwidth": {
- "name": "Call To Action",
- "html": "<div class=\"bg-primary text-white text-center p-4 mt-4\">\r\n <h1 class=\"text-center\"><b> The Title of the CTA ?</b></h1>\r\n <p class=\"lead text-white text-center mb-4\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>\r\n <a href=\"/contact-us\" class=\"btn btn-light\">CTA Button</a>\r\n </div>"
}, - "contactUs": {
- "name": "Contact Us Form",
- "html": "<div class=\"contact-form\">\r\n <div class=\"noneditable bg-light d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center display-in-builder\">\r\n <h1 class=\"text-center\">## Contact Us Form Block ##</h1>\r\n </div>\r\n <contact-us-form></contact-us-form>\r\n</div>"
}, - "video": {
- "name": "Video",
- "html": "<div class=\"native-video\"><div class=\"noneditable bg-light d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center display-in-builder\">\r\n <h1 class=\"text-center\">## Video Block ##</h1></div>\r\n <native-hls-player url=\"\" coverImage=\"\"></native-hls-player>\r\n </div>"
}, - "pdf": {
- "name": "Pdf Document",
- "html": "<div class=\"native-pdf\"> <div class=\"noneditable bg-light d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center display-in-builder\">\r\n <h1 class=\"text-center\">## Pdf Document Block ##</h1></div>\r\n <native-pdf url=\"\"></native-pdf>\r\n </div>"
Retrieve Page
Retrieves the details of the specified page. Helps in fetching page using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | integer Example: 3 ID of the page you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "title": "About Us",
- "slug": "about-us",
- "content": "",
- "layout": "full_width",
- "seo_title": null,
- "seo_description": null,
- "seo_thumbnail_url": null,
- "metas": [ ]
Update Page
If admins want to update an existing page, you can use this request to update one. Updates existing items of the page. Pages will be seen by your users/students to interact with your platform and products. (See Parameter)
path Parameters
id required | integer Example: 3 ID of the page you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
title required | string Title for the page. |
content | string Content(HTML, CSS, JS) for the page. |
layout required | string Layout type for the page. Layout options: full_width, no_header, fixed_width. |
seo_title | string SEO title for the page. |
seo_description | string SEO description for the page. |
seo_thumbnail_url | string Thumbnail image for the page. |
restricted_to_login_user | boolean to check to allow the users to access the page. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "About Us",
- "content": "null",
- "layout": "full_width",
- "seo_title": "null",
- "seo_description": "null",
- "seo_thumbnail_url": "null",
- "restricted_to_login_user": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 3,
- "message": "Page updated successfully"
Send Contact form response
The request helps in sending contact form responses to the admins and instructors of the platform. Generally this form is filled and sent by the students to enquire something regarding your product, course or the platform.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
firstName required | string First Name of the sender. |
lastName | string Last Name of the sender. |
email required | string Email of the sender. |
toEmail required | string Email of the receiver. |
phoneNo required | string Phone number of the sender. |
content required | string Content written by the sender. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "toEmail": "",
- "phoneNo": "1234567890",
- "content": "A question about your course?"
Page Tabular List
Returns all the pages in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via pageName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | integer Example: search_param=0 For searching items based on field names. |
type | integer Example: type=0 Type of the page(trashed, published). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 6,
- "recordsFiltered": 6,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Home Page",
- "slug": "",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "identifier": "home",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "title": "Product Listing",
- "slug": "course-catalog",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "identifier": "catalog",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM"
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "title": "About Us",
- "slug": "about-us",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "identifier": "general",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM"
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "title": "Checkout",
- "slug": "checkout",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "identifier": "checkout",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM"
}, - {
- "id": 5,
- "title": "Cart",
- "slug": "cart",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "identifier": "cart",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM"
}, - {
- "id": 6,
- "title": "Contact Us",
- "slug": "contact-us",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "identifier": "general",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM"
Page Dropdown List
Returns page Id and name of the pages that user has ever created. Helps in showing the response in form elements like dropdown. (See response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Home Page"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "title": "Product Listing"
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "title": "About Us"
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "title": "Checkout"
}, - {
- "id": 5,
- "title": "Cart"
}, - {
- "id": 6,
- "title": "Contact Us"
Page Layout Lookup
Retrieves all the layout lookups in list format. Helps while showing layouts in form elements like dropdown. (See Response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "full_width",
- "display_value": "Full Width"
}, - {
- "db_value": "fixed_width",
- "display_value": "Fixed width with left/right margin gaps"
}, - {
- "db_value": "no_header",
- "display_value": "No Header/Menus/Footer"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "all",
- "display_value": "No Restriction"
}, - {
- "db_value": "user_category",
- "display_value": "Restrict by User Categories"
}, - {
- "db_value": "user_type",
- "display_value": "Restrict by User Types"
Save Page
If admins want to add new page, you can use this request to make one. Created pages will be seen by your users/students to interact with your platform and products. (See Parameter)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
title required | string Title for the page. |
content | string Content(HTML, CSS, JS) for the page. |
layout required | string Layout type for the page. Layout options: full_width, no_header, fixed_width. |
seo_title | string SEO title for the page. |
seo_description | string SEO description for the page. |
seo_thumbnail_url | string Thumbnail image for the page. |
restricted_to_login_user | boolean to check to allow the users to access the page. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "About Us",
- "content": "null",
- "layout": "full_width",
- "seo_title": "null",
- "seo_description": "null",
- "seo_thumbnail_url": "null",
- "restricted_to_login_user": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Page saved successfully"
Soft Delete Page
To delete a page, you need to use this request. The pages will not be deleted permanently, it will be in draft mode. You can restore the page later. Returns page drafted(if multiple selected). (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
page_ids required | Array of strings All page IDs which needs to be drafted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "page_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Page moved to draft successfully"
Hard Delete Page
To delete a page, you need to use this request. The pages will be deleted permanently. In this case, you cannot restore the page after hard delete. Returns page drafted(if multiple selected). (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
page_ids required | Array of strings All page IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "page_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Pages deleted permanently"
Restore Page
To restore a page, you need to use this request. The pages will be restored from draft mode to published mode. Returns page retored(if multiple selected). (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
page_ids required | Array of strings All page IDs which needs to be restored. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "page_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Page restored successfully"
Update Slug
Updates the slug of the page. Example - old-awesome-page to new-awesome-page
path Parameters
id required | integer Example: 1 The ID of the page. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
slug | required New slug for the page. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "slug": "about-us"
Response samples
- 200
A PDF Module is a lesson module used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for PDF modules.
PDF Modules Tabular List
Returns all the PDF modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 6,
- "name": "Getting Started",
- "slug": "getting-started",
- "type": "pdf",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-document\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 05:55 PM"
Create PDF Module
To create a pdf module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created pdf modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the pdf module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the pdf module. |
content required | string Content for the pdf module that students will see. Example: |
instructions required | string Description for the pdf module that students will see. |
url required | string URL or actual path of the pdf module that students will see. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
allowDownload required | boolean If true, the pdf can be downloaded(by the students) otherwise not in course player. |
defaultZoom required | string The pdf will open with the set zoom percentage in course player. |
showSidebar | boolean If true, the pdf will open with a sidebar in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Getting Started",
- "content": "architecto",
- "instructions": "<p>This is the short description here</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "allowDownload": true,
- "defaultZoom": "75%",
- "showSidebar": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 6,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Retrieve PDF module
Retrieves the details of the specified pdf module. Helps in fetching pdf module using module ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 23 ID of the pdf module you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Getting Started",
- "slug": "getting-started",
- "content": null,
- "allowDownload": false,
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "defaultZoom": "page_width",
- "showSidebar": true
Update PDF Module
Updates the details of a specified pdf module. (See parameters) PDF modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 23 ID of the pdf module you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the pdf module. |
content required | string Content for the text modules that students will see. |
url required | string URL or actual path of the pdf module that students will see. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
allowDownload required | boolean If true, the pdf can be downloaded(by the students) otherwise not in course player. |
defaultZoom required | string The pdf will open with the set zoom percentage in course player. |
showSidebar | boolean If true, the pdf will open with a sidebar in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Getting Started",
- "content": "<p>This is the updated short content here</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "allowDownload": true,
- "defaultZoom": "75%",
- "showSidebar": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Detailed PDF Module Info
Retrieves details of pdf module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current pdf module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=6 ID of the pdf module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>afegrshtdh</p>",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "1 week ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "",
- "nextSlug": "assign",
- "status": "Completed",
- "timeSpent": 6,
- "statusRowId": 1
Retrieve Detailed PDF module Info as Membership content
Retrieves details of pdf module in depth for the same membership the current pdf module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=6 ID of the pdf module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>afegrshtdh</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "timeSpent": 6
A Powerpoint Module is used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for Powerpoint modules.
Powerpoint Modules Tabular List
Returns all the Powerpoint modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 6,
- "name": "Getting Started",
- "slug": "getting-started",
- "type": "powerpoint",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-document\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 05:55 PM"
Create Powerpoint Module
To create a Powerpoint module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created Powerpoint modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the Powerpoint module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the Powerpoint module. |
viewer | enum microsoft_office, google_viewer. |
content required | string Content for the Powerpoint module that students will see. Example: |
url required | string URL or actual path of the Powerpoint module that students will see. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Getting Started",
- "viewer": "google_viewer",
- "content": "et",
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 6,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Update Powerpoint Module
Updates the details of a specified Powerpoint module. (See parameters) Powerpoint modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 23 ID of the Powerpoint module you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the Powerpoint module. |
viewer | boolean microsoft_office, google_viewer. |
content required | string Content for the text modules that students will see. |
url required | string URL or actual path of the Powerpoint module that students will see. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Getting Started",
- "viewer": true,
- "content": "<p>This is the updated short content here</p>",
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Detailed Powerpoint Module Info
Retrieves details of Powerpoint module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current Powerpoint module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=6 ID of the Powerpoint module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>afegrshtdh</p>",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "1 week ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "",
- "nextSlug": "assign",
- "status": "Completed",
- "timeSpent": 6,
- "statusRowId": 1
Retrieve Detailed Powerpoint module Info as Membership content
Retrieves details of Powerpoint module in depth for the same membership the current Powerpoint module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=6 ID of the Powerpoint module. |
Manage Questions. Questions can be added in the Quiz module for students to answer. Helps to perform CRUD operations for and to questions.
Questions Tabular List
Returns all the questions in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via questionTypes, questionCategoryIds, questionName and quizModuleId(module ID the question belongs to).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"questionTypes":[],"questionCategoryIds":[],"questionName":"","quizModuleId":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 3,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "title": "Is red a color?",
- "type": "multiple_choice",
- "categories": "",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 06:34 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "title": "Is Newyork a city?",
- "type": "multiple_choice",
- "categories": "",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 06:33 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Is blue a color?",
- "type": "multiple_choice",
- "categories": "",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 06:33 PM"
Question Type Lookups
Retrieves all types of the questions. Helps showing options in form elements like dropdowns.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "multiple_choice",
- "display_value": "Multiple Choice"
}, - {
- "db_value": "multiple_correct",
- "display_value": "Multiple Correct"
}, - {
- "db_value": "short_answers",
- "display_value": "Short Answers"
Question Lookup
Retrieves all the questions. Helps while showing questions in form elements like dropdown. You can apply filters using search_term(question) parameter. (See Parameter)
query Parameters
search_term required | string Example: search_term=atque You need to provide questions or substring of the questions to search for that module. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "value": 1,
- "label": "Is blue a color?"
}, - {
- "value": 2,
- "label": "Is Newyork a city?"
}, - {
- "value": 3,
- "label": "Is red a color?"
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for a specified question. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
question_ids required | Array of strings All question IDs which needs to be updated. |
author_id | integer Update the instructor/Author for the selected modules. |
categories_id | Array of strings Update the categories of selected questions. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "question_ids": [
- 3,
- 2
], - "author_id": 1,
- "categories_id": [
- 6
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Questions updated Successfully"
Create Question
To create a question, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created questions can be used in the quizzes as quiz's content.
Returns : id of the question created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
title required | string Title of the question. |
type required | string Type of the question. Type options: multiple_choice, multiple_correct or short_answers. |
content required | string Content for the text modules that students will see. |
hint | string Hint for the question for students. |
explanation | string Explanation of the answer for students. |
categories | Array of strings Categories for the question. |
options | Array of strings Options and correct answer for this question. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "Q1",
- "type": "multiple_choice",
- "content": "<p>This is the short content here</p>",
- "hint": "SpaceX owner",
- "explanation": "Elon owns Tesla car company",
- "categories": [
- 12,
- 16
], - "options": [
- "ab"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 4,
- "message": "Question saved successfully"
Retrieve Question
Retrieves the details of the specified question. Helps in fetching question using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the question you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "title": "Is red a color?",
- "content": null,
- "hint": null,
- "explanation": null,
- "type": "multiple_choice",
- "categories": [ ],
- "options": [ ]
Update Question
Updates the details of a specified question. (See parameters) Questions can be used in the quizzes as quiz's content.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the question you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
title required | string Title of the question. |
type required | string Type of the question. Type options: multiple_choice, multiple_correct or short_answers. |
content required | string Content for the text modules that students will see. |
hint | string Hint for the question for students. |
explanation | string Explanation of the answer for students. |
categories | Array of strings Categories for the question. |
options | Array of strings Options and correct answer for this question. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "Q1",
- "type": "multiple_choice",
- "content": "<p>This is the short content here</p>",
- "hint": "SpaceX owner",
- "explanation": "Elon owns Tesla car company",
- "categories": [
- 12,
- 16
], - "options": [
- "et"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Question updated successfully"
Delete Question
To delete a question, you need to use this request. Returns number of question deleted(if multiple selected) and also not deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All question IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 1,
- 12,
- 15
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 question(s) deleted 1 question(s) not deleted as it is used in quiz. Please remove the question(s) from the quiz and try again."
Bulk-Upload Questions
To add questions to existing/new quiz in bulk, you need to use this request. Returns number of question added and skipped and also any errors occurred while uploading. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
questionList required | Array of strings All questions which needs to be added(should in excel data form). |
quizIds required | Array of strings All existing quizzes the questions are going to be added. |
quiztype required | string Whether the questions are going to be added in new or existing quizzes. |
newQuiz | string Name of the new Quiz, the questions are going to be added. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "questionList": [
- [
- "Question_Type",
- "Question_Title",
- "Question_Content",
- "Question_Category",
- "Answer_Hint",
- "Answer_Explanation",
- "Correct_Answer",
- "Option_1",
- "Option_2",
- "Option_3",
- "Option_4"
], - [
- "multiple_choice",
- "Question1",
- "Test",
- null,
- null,
- null,
- 1,
- "choice1",
- "choice2",
- "choice3",
- "choice4"
], - [
- "multiple_correct",
- "Question2",
- "Test",
- null,
- null,
- null,
- "1,2",
- "choice1",
- "choice2",
- "choice3",
- "choice4"
], - [
- "short_answers",
- "Question3",
- "Test",
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- "possible_answer1",
- "possible_answer2",
- "possible_answer3",
- "possible_answer4"
], - "quizIds": [
- 7
], - "quiztype": "existing_quiz",
- "newQuiz": "null"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Questions(s) uploaded successfully",
- "errors": [ ],
- "successfulRow": 3,
- "skipped": 0,
- "insertedQuestions": [
- {
- "id": 5,
- "title": "Question1"
}, - {
- "id": 6,
- "title": "Question2"
}, - {
- "id": 7,
- "title": "Question3"
A Quiz Module is a quiz used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for quiz modules.
Quiz Modules Tabular List
Returns all the quiz modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 2,
- "recordsFiltered": 2,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 8,
- "name": "Quiz-2",
- "slug": "quiz-2",
- "type": "quiz",
- "quizType": "static",
- "totalQuestions": 1,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 06:34 PM"
}, - {
- "id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "quizType": "static",
- "totalQuestions": 2,
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 06:34 PM"
Create Quiz Module
To create a quiz module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created quiz modules can be used in the course as course content.
Returns : id of the quiz module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the pdf module. |
content | string Content for the pdf module that students will see. |
type required | string Type of the quiz. Type options: static or dynamic. |
forceSequential required | boolean Question will be returned in the same order while created. |
minimumPassingMarks | integer Student should cover atleast this number to pass the quiz. |
noOfRetakesAllowed | integer Number of attempts student can make to take the quiz. |
questionCategories | Array of strings Categories of the question. |
questions | Array of strings All questions attached to this quiz. |
showCorrectAnswerOption required | string After attempting the quiz, show the correct answer. Options: always, never,not_till_retake_allowed. |
shuffleQuestions required | boolean Shuffle the questions?. |
maxSpentHour required | string Maximum hours to be spend in quiz after that it will auto submit. |
maxSpentMinutes required | string Maximum minutes to be spend in quiz after that it will auto submit. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Quiz-2",
- "content": "<p>Some content here<p>",
- "type": "static",
- "forceSequential": false,
- "minimumPassingMarks": 75,
- "noOfRetakesAllowed": 3,
- "questionCategories": [
- 3,
- 4
], - "questions": [
- "dolor"
], - "showCorrectAnswerOption": "always",
- "shuffleQuestions": false,
- "maxSpentHour": "1",
- "maxSpentMinutes": "30"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 8,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Retrieve Quiz module
Retrieves the details of the specified quiz module. Helps in fetching quiz module using module ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 23 ID of the quiz module you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "content": null,
- "type": "static",
- "shuffleQuestions": false,
- "forceSequential": false,
- "showCorrectAnswerOption": "always",
- "noOfRetakesAllowed": null,
- "minimumPassingMarks": null,
- "questions": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Is blue a color?"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "title": "Is Newyork a city?"
], - "questionCategories": [ ],
- "maxSpentHour": 1,
- "maxSpentMinutes": 30
Update Quiz Module
Updates the details of a specified quiz module. (See parameters) Quiz modules can be used in the course as course content.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 23 ID of the quiz module you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the pdf module. |
content | string Content for the pdf module that students will see. |
type required | string Type of the quiz. Type options: static or dynamic. |
forceSequential required | boolean Question will be returned in the same order while created. |
minimumPassingMarks | integer Student should cover atleast this number to pass the quiz. |
noOfRetakesAllowed | integer Number of attempts student can make to take the quiz. |
questionCategories | Array of strings Categories of the question. |
questions | Array of strings All questions attached to this quiz. |
showCorrectAnswerOption required | string After attempting the quiz, show the correct answer. Options: always, never,not_till_retake_allowed. |
shuffleQuestions required | boolean Shuffle the questions?. |
maxSpentHour required | string Maximum hours to be spend in quiz after that it will auto submit. |
maxSpentMinutes required | string Maximum minutes to be spend in quiz after that it will auto submit. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Quiz-2",
- "content": "<p>Some content here<p>",
- "type": "static",
- "forceSequential": false,
- "minimumPassingMarks": 75,
- "noOfRetakesAllowed": 3,
- "questionCategories": [
- 3,
- 4
], - "questions": [
- "recusandae"
], - "showCorrectAnswerOption": "always",
- "shuffleQuestions": false,
- "maxSpentHour": "1",
- "maxSpentMinutes": "30"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 8,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Retrieve Detailed Quiz Module Info
Retrieves details of quiz module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current quiz module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=6 ID of the quiz module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>afegrshtdh</p>",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "1 week ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "",
- "nextSlug": "assign",
- "status": "Completed",
- "timeSpent": 6,
- "statusRowId": 1
Save Answer
Save answer that is being selected by the student while taking the quiz. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 7 ID of the quiz module. |
query Parameters
questionId required | string Example: questionId=1 ID of the question is user is answering. |
moduleStatusId required | string Example: moduleStatusId=7 ID of the Module status of the current quiz. |
markedAnswer required | string Example: markedAnswer=yes Answer marked by the user. |
retakeCounter required | string Example: retakeCounter=2 Quiz Retake count. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 7,
- "message": "Answer saved successfully"
Submit Quiz
Submits the quiz after attempting all the questions of the quiz. Updates the status of quiz to completed if student is finished the quiz and submits. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 7 ID of the quiz module. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
questions | required All questions in current quiz. |
statusRowId | required ID of the Module status of the current quiz. |
retakeCounter | required Quiz Retake count. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "questions": "[]",
- "statusRowId": "7",
- "retakeCounter": "2"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Quiz Submitted Successfully"
Retrieve Quiz Results
Retrieves the result of the quiz the student have taken. Helping to decide whether to assign certificate to a student. (See Response)
query Parameters
statusRowId required | string Example: statusRowId=7 ID of the Module status of the current quiz. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "isRetakeAllowed": false,
- "totalRetakeallowed": 1,
- "attemptCount": 1,
- "timeSpent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 16,
- "totalSeconds": 16
}, - "questions": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "Is blue a color?",
- "content": null,
- "explanation": null,
- "is_correct": false,
- "marked_answer": [ ],
- "correct_answer": [ ]
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "title": "Is Newyork a city?",
- "content": null,
- "explanation": null,
- "is_correct": false,
- "marked_answer": [ ],
- "correct_answer": [ ]
], - "showCorrectAnswerOption": true,
- "minimumPassingMarks": null,
- "totalQuestions": 2,
- "totalCorrect": 0,
- "totalInCorrect": 2,
- "minimumPassingAchieved": false
Static Quiz Lookup
Retrieves all the static quiz user has ever created. This request helps in showing all static quiz in form elements like dropdown, etc. Returns ID and name of the static quiz.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "value": 7,
- "label": "First-quiz"
}, - {
- "value": 8,
- "label": "Quiz-2"
Get Quiz Analysis Details
Retrieves the quiz details based on the quiz ID specified.
query Parameters
quiz_id required | string Example: quiz_id=10 The ID of the quiz. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"title":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "quizName": "Final Quiz",
- "totalSubmissions": 2,
- "questionDetails": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Which of the following is a correct answer?",
- "questionType": "Multiple Choice",
- "correctOption": [
- 3
], - "optionsWithPercentage": {
- "This is not a correct choice": 0,
- "This is the only correct choice": 100
}, - "optionName_1": "This is not a correct choice",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_1": 0,
- "optionName_2": "This is not a correct choice",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_2": 0,
- "optionName_3": "This is the only correct choice",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_3": 100,
- "optionName_4": "This is not a correct choice",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_4": 0,
- "answeredIncorrectly": 0,
- "answeredCorrectly": 100,
- "notAttempted": 0
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "Choose 1 or more correct responses from the below choices",
- "questionType": "Multiple Correct",
- "correctOption": [
- 1,
- 3
], - "optionsWithPercentage": {
- "This is correct choice": 100,
- "This is not Correct": 0,
- "This is also a correct choice": 100,
- "This is not a correct choice": 0
}, - "optionName_1": "This is correct choice",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_1": 100,
- "optionName_2": "This is not Correct",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_2": 0,
- "optionName_3": "This is also a correct choice",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_3": 100,
- "optionName_4": "This is not a correct choice",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_4": 0,
- "answeredIncorrectly": 0,
- "answeredCorrectly": 100,
- "notAttempted": 0
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "Type academy of mine below to register a correct response",
- "questionType": "Short Answers",
- "correctOption": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "optionsWithPercentage": {
- "academy of mine": 0,
- "aom": 100
}, - "optionName_1": "academy of mine",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_1": 0,
- "optionName_2": "aom",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_2": 100,
- "answeredIncorrectly": 0,
- "answeredCorrectly": 100,
- "notAttempted": 0
], - "totalQuestions": 3,
- "recordsFiltered": 3,
- "quizStatistics": {
- "minimumPassingMarks": 90,
- "maxMarksAchieved": 3,
- "minMarksAchieved": 3,
- "highPercentage": 100,
- "mediumPercentage": 0,
- "lowPercentage": 0,
- "passedPercentage": 100,
- "failedPercentage": 0,
- "correctPercentage": 0
}, - "averageTimeSpent": "1s",
- "totalAttempts": 4,
- "headers": [
- "optionName_1",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_1",
- "optionName_2",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_2",
- "optionName_3",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_3",
- "optionName_4",
- "markedPercentageOfOption_4"
Get Question Submission Details
Retrieves the Submission details of a Question.
query Parameters
quiz_id required | string Example: quiz_id=10 The ID of the quiz. |
question_id required | string Example: question_id=1 The ID of the question. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "totalRecords": 3,
- "records": [
- {
- "courseName": "Professional Development Toolkit",
- "firstName": "Aom",
- "lastName": "Staff",
- "email": "",
- "questionType": "multiple_choice",
- "markedAnswer": "This is the only correct choice",
- "isCorrectResponse": "Yes"
}, - {
- "courseName": "Training your Employees for the modern world",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "questionType": "multiple_choice",
- "markedAnswer": "This is the only correct choice",
- "isCorrectResponse": "Yes"
}, - {
- "courseName": "Advanced Professional Development",
- "firstName": "Demo",
- "lastName": "Student",
- "email": "",
- "questionType": "multiple_choice",
- "markedAnswer": "This is the only correct choice",
- "isCorrectResponse": "Yes"
Get Question Content Details
Retrieves the Content details of a Quiz.
query Parameters
id | string Example: id=voluptatem id of quiz |
name | string Example: name=ut name of quiz |
slug | string Example: slug=distinctio |
content | string Example: content=ut |
type | string Example: type=ea quiz type static or dynamic |
shuffleQuestions | string Example: shuffleQuestions=quos |
forceSequential | string Example: forceSequential=voluptatem |
realTimeGrading | string Example: realTimeGrading=harum |
showCorrectAnswerOption | string Example: showCorrectAnswerOption=optio |
noOfRetakesAllowed | string Example: noOfRetakesAllowed=consequuntur |
minimumPassingMarks | string Example: minimumPassingMarks=deserunt |
questions | string Example: questions=occaecati |
maxSpentMinutes | string Example: maxSpentMinutes=quia |
maxSpentHour | string Example: maxSpentHour=qui |
courses | string Example: courses=aut |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "10",
- "name": "Final Quiz",
- "content": "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>",
- "type": "static",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "shuffleQuestions": true,
- "forceSequential": false,
- "realTimeGrading": false,
- "slug": "final-quiz",
- "showCorrectAnswerOption": false,
- "showCorrectAnswer": "never",
- "noOfRetakesAllowed": "5",
- "questionCategories": null,
- "questions": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "title": "Choose 1 or more correct responses from the below choices",
- "content": "<h3><strong>Choose 1 or more correct responses from the below choices</strong></h3>",
- "type": "multiple_correct",
- "hint": null,
- "explanation": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.",
- "isAnswerSubmitted": false,
- "isCorrect": false,
- "isMarked": false,
- "correct_answer": "",
- "options": [
- "This is correct choice",
- "This is not Correct",
- "This is also a correct choice",
- "This is not a correct choice"
], - "markedMultipleCorrect": [ ],
- "correctAnswers": [
- "1",
- "3"
], - "maxTimer": 0,
- "timeSpent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": 0
}, - "isRetakeAllowed": true,
- "showInstructionButton": true
It allows you to track student activity and progress in the LMS, and trigger changes in Salesforce data accordingly.
Salesforce Event Lookup
Retrieves all the events for the salesforce actions. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "new_account_created",
- "display_value": "New Account Created",
- "crud_op": "Create",
- "salesforce_crud": "[{'db_value' => 'salesforce_contact'},{'display_value'=> 'Salesforce Contacts'}]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "Account Updated",
- "display_value": "Account Updated",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "salesforce_crud": "[['db_value' => 'salesforce_contact', 'display_value'=> 'Salesforce Contacts']]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_enrolled",
- "display_value": "Enrolled in a course",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "salesforce_crud": "[['db_value' => 'salesforce_contact', 'display_value'=> 'Salesforce Contacts']]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_completed",
- "display_value": "Course Completed",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "salesforce_crud": "[['db_value' => 'salesforce_contact', 'display_value'=> 'Salesforce Contacts']]"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course_started",
- "display_value": "Course Started",
- "crud_op": "Update",
- "salesforce_crud": "[['db_value' => 'salesforce_contact', 'display_value'=> 'Salesforce Contacts']]"
Salesforce Field Lookup
Retrieves all the fields for the salesforce. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
type required | string Type to get the data, it can be contact. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "contact"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "lms_fields": [
- {
- "db_value": "email"
}, - {
- "db_value": "last_name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "first_name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "last_login_ip"
}, - {
- "db_value": "is_disabled"
}, - {
- "salesforce_fields": [
- {
- "db_value": "email"
}, - {
- "db_value": "last_name"
}, - {
- "db_value": "first_name"
}, - {
- "courses": [ ]
Salesforce Tabular List
Returns all the salesforce details in a tabular list. You can apply filter using search_param via events.
query Parameters
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"name":"","scormTypes":[]} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "event": "New Account Created",
- "object": "",
- "action": "",
- "event_display_value": "",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 11:03 AM"
Create Salesforce Action
To create a Salesforce Action, you need to use this request. Provide event,action and object and it will be created. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
event required | string Event in which you want to send data. |
action required | string Action will be create of the event by default. |
object required | string Select the object from the dropdown list from Salesforce Contact. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "event": "New Account Created",
- "action": "create.",
- "object": "Salesforce Contact"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Action created Successfully"
Save Salesforce Mapping
To save a Salesforce Mapping, you need to use this request. Provide type and it will be created. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
type required | string Type for which you want to save mapping. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "salesforce_contact"
Response samples
- 200
{- "is_success": true,
- "message": "Mapping saved Successfully"
Retrieve Salesforce Mapping
Retrieves the details of the salesforce mapping. Helps in fetching salesforce mapping using its type. (See Parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
type | required Type of the hupspot mapping you want to fetch the details of. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "salesforce_contact"
Response samples
- 200
{- "type": "salesforce_contact",
- "userFieldProperties": [ ],
- "courseFieldProperties": [ ]
Update Salesforce Action
To update a Salesforce Action, you need to use this request. Provide id, event, action and object and it will be updated. (See parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the salesforce action. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
event required | string Event in which you want to send data. |
action required | string Action will be create of the event by default. |
object required | string Select the object from the dropdown list from Salesforce contact. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "event": "New Account Created",
- "action": "create.",
- "object": "Salesforce contact"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Salesforce updated successfully"
Salesforce Log Tabular List
Returns all the Salesforce log in a tabular list format in paginated mode.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 50 ID of the Salesforce action. |
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "event": "new_account_created",
- "data": [ ],
- "status": "success",
- "errorMessage": "",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:56 AM",
- "showData": false
SCORM packages can be used in course as course scorm module. Endpoints for managing SCORM Packages.
Create SCORM Package
You can create/upload the scorm package in the platform using this request. Uploaded scorm package files can be used as scorm modules in course.
query Parameters
resumableChunkNumber required | string Example: resumableChunkNumber=1 Chunk number for the scorm. |
resumableChunkSize required | string Example: resumableChunkSize=10485760 Chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableCurrentChunkSize required | string Example: resumableCurrentChunkSize=79531 Current uploading chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableTotalSize required | string Example: resumableTotalSize=79531 Total chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableType required | string Example: resumableType=image/png Type of the scorm in that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableIdentifier required | string Example: resumableIdentifier=79531-Chanoo-Theory-of-Change-Sublevel-1zip Identifier for the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableFilename required | string Example: Name of the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableRelativePath required | string Example: Relative path of the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableTotalChunks required | string Example: resumableTotalChunks=1 Total chunks. |
file required | string Example: file=(binary) Binary file. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "is_success": true,
- "code": 200,
- "errorMessage": "Unable to upload the package. Please contact admin",
- "uploadedPackage": {
- "name": "",
- "url": "/scorm/Chanoo-Theory-of-Change-Sublevel-1-e9408a656ce2655b828622a09e66a46d",
- "launch_file": "index_lms.html",
- "version": "1.2",
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_at": "2020-08-12 09:58:22",
- "created_at": "2020-08-12 09:58:22",
- "id": 3,
Create SCORM Package
You can create/upload the scorm package in the platform using this request. Uploaded scorm package files can be used as scorm modules in course.
query Parameters
resumableChunkNumber required | string Example: resumableChunkNumber=1 Chunk number for the scorm. |
resumableChunkSize required | string Example: resumableChunkSize=10485760 Chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableCurrentChunkSize required | string Example: resumableCurrentChunkSize=79531 Current uploading chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableTotalSize required | string Example: resumableTotalSize=79531 Total chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableType required | string Example: resumableType=image/png Type of the scorm in that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableIdentifier required | string Example: resumableIdentifier=79531-Chanoo-Theory-of-Change-Sublevel-1zip Identifier for the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableFilename required | string Example: Name of the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableRelativePath required | string Example: Relative path of the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableTotalChunks required | string Example: resumableTotalChunks=1 Total chunks. |
file required | string Example: file=(binary) Binary file. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "is_success": true,
- "code": 200,
- "errorMessage": "Unable to upload the package. Please contact admin",
- "uploadedPackage": {
- "name": "",
- "url": "/scorm/Chanoo-Theory-of-Change-Sublevel-1-e9408a656ce2655b828622a09e66a46d",
- "launch_file": "index_lms.html",
- "version": "1.2",
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_at": "2020-08-12 09:58:22",
- "created_at": "2020-08-12 09:58:22",
- "id": 3,
Create SCORM Package
You can create/upload the scorm package in the platform using this request. Uploaded scorm package files can be used as scorm modules in course.
query Parameters
resumableChunkNumber required | string Example: resumableChunkNumber=1 Chunk number for the scorm. |
resumableChunkSize required | string Example: resumableChunkSize=10485760 Chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableCurrentChunkSize required | string Example: resumableCurrentChunkSize=79531 Current uploading chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableTotalSize required | string Example: resumableTotalSize=79531 Total chunk size for the scorm in bits. |
resumableType required | string Example: resumableType=image/png Type of the scorm in that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableIdentifier required | string Example: resumableIdentifier=79531-Chanoo-Theory-of-Change-Sublevel-1zip Identifier for the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableFilename required | string Example: Name of the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableRelativePath required | string Example: Relative path of the scorm that is going to be uploaded. |
resumableTotalChunks required | string Example: resumableTotalChunks=1 Total chunks. |
file required | string Example: file=(binary) Binary file. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "is_success": true,
- "code": 200,
- "errorMessage": "Unable to upload the package. Please contact admin",
- "uploadedPackage": {
- "name": "",
- "url": "/scorm/Chanoo-Theory-of-Change-Sublevel-1-e9408a656ce2655b828622a09e66a46d",
- "launch_file": "index_lms.html",
- "version": "1.2",
- "created_by": 1,
- "updated_at": "2020-08-12 09:58:22",
- "created_at": "2020-08-12 09:58:22",
- "id": 3,
SCORM Tabular List
Returns all the scorm in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via name(scorm name) and scormTypes(different versions of SCORM).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"name":"","scormTypes":[]} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "",
- "url": "/scorm/sample-course",
- "version": "1.2",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 11:03 AM"
SCORM Types Lookup
Retrieves all types scorms in list format that this platform supports. Helps while showing scorms in form elements like dropdown.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "SCORM 1.2",
- "display_value": "Scorm version 1.2"
}, - {
- "db_value": "SCORM 2004",
- "display_value": "Scorm version 2004"
}, - {
- "db_value": "xAPI",
- "display_value": "xAPI"
Retrieve SCORM Packages
Retrieves the details of the specified SCORM package. Helps in fetching SCORM package using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the SCORM package you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "title": "Product-1",
- "slug": "product-1",
- "description": "Course 1 product",
- "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "regular_price": 3500,
- "type": "SIMPLE",
- "sale_price": 3001,
- "saleStartDate": null,
- "saleEndDate": null,
- "status": "IN-STOCK",
- "expiry": "2020-10-29",
- "taxIncluded": false,
- "seo_title": null,
- "seo_description": null,
- "displayPrice": "<del>$3500 </del><span>$3001</span>",
- "canBePurchased": true,
- "label": "SALE",
- "categories": [ ],
- "courses": [
- {
- "value": 1,
- "label": "course 1"
], - "courseCategories": [ ]
Delete SCORM Package
To delete a scorm package, you need to use this request. Returns number of scorm package deleted as well as not deleted. (See Response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All scorm package IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 3
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "1 package(s) deleted 0 package(s) not deleted as it is used in Module. Please remove the scorm Package from the module and try again."
An SCORM Module is used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for SCORM modules.
SCORM Modules Tabular List
Returns all the scorm modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via name and scormType(version).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"name":"","scormTypes":[]} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "",
- "url": "/scorm/sample-course",
- "version": "1.2",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 11:03 AM"
Create Scorm Module
To create a scorm module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created scorm modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the scorm module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the scorm module. |
content | string Content for the scorm modules that students will see. |
scormPackageFullUrl | string URL of the Scorm package. |
scormPackageId required | integer Id of the Scorm package. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "New Scorm",
- "content": "This is the short content here",
- "scormPackageId": 1,
- "trackCompletion": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 11,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Update Scorm Module
Updates the details of a specified scorm module. (See parameters) Scorm modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the scorm module. |
content | string Content for the scorm modules that students will see. |
scormPackageFullUrl | string URL of the Scorm package. |
scormPackageId required | integer Id of the Scorm package. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "New Scorm",
- "content": "This is the short content here",
- "scormPackageId": 1,
- "trackCompletion": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Scorm Module
Retrieves the details of the specified scorm module. Helps in fetching scorm module using its ID. (See Parameters)
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "An interactive Scorm Illustration",
- "slug": "an-interactive-scorm-illustration",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "scormPackageId": 1,
- "scormPackageFullUrl": ""
Retrieve Detailed Scorm Module Info
Retrieves details of scorm module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current scorm module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=16 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=11 ID of the scorm module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "New Scorm",
- "slug": "new-scorm",
- "content": null,
- "courseName": "Testing",
- "version": "1.2",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 11,
- "name": "New Scorm",
- "slug": "new-scorm",
- "type": "scorm",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-upload\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": 19,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-12T10:43:07.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "15 seconds ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 13,
- "totalSeconds": 13
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "scormKeys": {
- "cmi.suspend_data": "",
- "cmi.core.lesson_mode": "normal",
- "cmi.mode": "normal",
- "cmi.core.lesson_status": "incomplete",
- "cmi.success_status": "",
- "cmi.completion_status": "incomplete",
- "cmi.core.student_id": 1,
- "cmi.core.student_name": "Aom Staff"
}, - "status": "In Progress",
- "statusRowId": 19,
- "timeSpent": 13
Retrieve Scorm Responses
query Parameters
modulesStatusId required | integer Example: modulesStatusId=8 ID of the Module status of the current assignment. Example : 7 |
studentId required | integer Example: studentId=2 id of the student. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "moduleName": "Sample Scorm",
- "score": 50,
- "studentName": "Aom Staff",
- "interactions": [
- {
- "slide": "Q_8i27ew22n5kt-ekowv8qwotil",
- "question": "Given the assembly below, why might the 4-hole pattern make a better datum choice for alignment of the radial hole vs another feature? Note that the center bore in this example is only for weight saving purposes.",
- "questionType": "choice",
- "studentResponse": "0_The_functional_intent_of_the_assembly_is_best_mimicked_by_using_the_four_hole_pattern_",
- "correctResponse": "0_The_functional_intent_of_the_assembly_is_best_mimicked_by_using_the_four_hole_pattern_",
- "result": "correct",
- "time": "May 10, 2022 04:08 AM"
Retrieve Detailed Scorm Module Info For Membership Content
Retrieves details of scorm module in depth for the same membership the current scorm module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=11 ID of the scorm module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "New Scorm",
- "slug": "new-scorm",
- "content": null,
- "courseName": "Testing",
- "version": "1.2",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 11,
- "name": "New Scorm",
- "slug": "new-scorm",
- "type": "scorm",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-upload\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": 19,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-12T10:43:07.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "15 seconds ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 13,
- "totalSeconds": 13
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "scormKeys": {
- "cmi.suspend_data": "",
- "cmi.core.lesson_mode": "normal",
- "cmi.mode": "normal",
- "cmi.core.lesson_status": "incomplete",
- "cmi.success_status": "",
- "cmi.completion_status": "incomplete",
- "cmi.core.student_id": 1,
- "cmi.core.student_name": "Aom Staff"
}, - "status": "In Progress",
- "statusRowId": 19,
- "timeSpent": 13
Retrieve List of Staff users
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"courseCategoryIds":[],"courseName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 0,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "first_name": "Client",
- "last_name": "Admin",
- "is_disabled": false,
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"#673AB7\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#673AB7\" /><text font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" x=\"50%\" y=\"50%\" dy=\".1em\" style=\"line-height:1\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">CA</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "owner",
- "created_at": "Jan 03, 2024 03:59 PM",
- "last_login": "Never",
- "source": "admin"
Retrieve details of staff
query Parameters
user_id | string Example: user_id=3 ID of the user. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
registered_between | Array of strings Example: registered_between=sunt Daterange |
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": [
- {
- "first_name": "Client",
- "last_name": "Admin",
- "email": "",
- "user_type": "Owner",
- "created_at": "Jan 03, 2024 03:59 PM",
- "last_login": "Never"
], - "headers": [ ]
Create Staff
To create a staff, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Returns : id of the staff created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
email required | string The email of the staff. |
firstName required | string The first name of the staff. |
lastName | string The lasst name of the staff. |
password required | string The password. |
password_confirmation required | string Confirm above password. |
staffPermissions | Array of strings The first name of the staff. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "email": "",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "password": "abc123",
- "password_confirmation": "abc123",
- "staffPermissions": [
- 1,
- 2
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "message": "Staff created successfully"
Get Staff
Retrieves the staff details of specified ID .
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 2 The ID of the staff. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 2,
- "firstName": "Client",
- "lastName": "Admin",
- "email": "",
- "points": 0,
- "lastLoggedIn": "Never",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" viewBox=\"0 0 100 100\"><circle cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"50\" stroke=\"#673AB7\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#673AB7\" /><text font-size=\"40\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" x=\"50%\" y=\"50%\" dy=\".1em\" style=\"line-height:1\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">CA</text></svg>",
- "disabled": false,
- "userType": "owner",
- "isCurrentLoggedInUserGroupAdmin": false,
- "currentLoggedUserType": "admin",
- "groupName": null,
- "membership": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "expiryDate": null
}, - "customUserMetas": [ ],
- "internal_note": ""
Update Staff
Returns success message on updating the staff
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 2 The ID of the staff. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
avatar | string The SVG for the avatar image. |
currentLoggedUserType required | string The user type of the current loggedd in user. |
disabled | boolean True if user account is enabled. |
internal_note | string Add notes. Eaxmple: Lorem ipsum |
lastLoggedIn required | string The last login status. |
points | integer The points gained by the staff. |
userType | string The type of user. |
membership | string The details of membership. |
email required | string The email of the staff. |
firstName required | string The first name of the staff. |
lastName | string The lasst name of the staff. |
password required | string The password. |
password_confirmation required | string Confirm above password. |
staffPermissions | Array of strings The first name of the staff. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"100\\\" height=\\\"100\\\" viewBox=\\\"0 0 100 100\\\"><circle cx=\\\"50\\\" cy=\\\"50\\\" r=\\\"50\\\" stroke=\\\"#CDDC39\\\" stroke-width=\\\"0\\\" fill=\\\"#CDDC39\\\" /><text font-size=\\\"40\\\" fill=\\\"#FFFFFF\\\" x=\\\"50%\\\" y=\\\"50%\\\" dy=\\\".1em\\\" style=\\\"line-height:1\\\" alignment-baseline=\\\"middle\\\" text-anchor=\\\"middle\\\" dominant-baseline=\\\"central\\\">J</text></svg>",
- "currentLoggedUserType": "admin",
- "disabled": true,
- "internal_note": "sed",
- "lastLoggedIn": "Never",
- "points": 60,
- "userType": "staff",
- "membership": "{id: null, name: null, expiryDate: null}",
- "email": "",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "password": "abc123",
- "password_confirmation": "abc123",
- "staffPermissions": [
- 1,
- 2
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Staff updated successfully"
Update Staff Permission
Returns sucess message on updated the permissions for specified ID
path Parameters
id required | integer Examples:
Optional parameter. The ID of the staff. Exmaple: 2 |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
permissions | Array of strings The list of permissions. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "permissions": [
- 4,
- 5
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Permissions updated successfully"
A subscription product whose amount will be paid in subscriptions (in between intervals) by your students. Helps in performing CRUD operations for and to subscription products.
Retrieve Subscription
Retrieves the details of the subscription. Helps in fetching user subscription using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the subscription you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": "Active",
- "endDate": "Aug 23th,2021",
- "nextPaymentDate": "Jun 23th,2021",
- "userName": "Aom Staff"
Update Subscription
To update a subscription, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Subscription can be only created by purchasing subscription product.
Returns : success status and successfull message
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the subscription you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
status required | string Status of the subscription. |
endDate required | date End Date of the subscription. |
nextPaymentDate required | date Next payemnet due date of the subscription product.. Jun 23th, 2021 |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "endDate": "Aug 23th, 2021",
- "nextPaymentDate": "accusamus"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Subscription updated successfully"
Retrieve All Subscription Products
Retrieves the details of the subscription products. Helps in fetching subscription product using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the subscription you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "product_id": 1,
- "title": "Professional Training And Education",
- "subscription_price": "100",
- "product_image_url": ""
Subscription Related Orders Tabular List
Returns all the orders in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via orderStatus.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"name":"","scormTypes":[]} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "total": "5",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "relationship": "Parent Order",
- "created_at": "03 Aug 2020 09:08 AM"
Create Subscription
To create a subscription, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Subscription can be only created by purchasing subscription product.
Returns : success status and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
orderId required | integer Order ID of the product. |
paymentToken | string requiredPayment Token of the purchase. |
productQuantity required | integer Product Quantity which is purchased. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "orderId": 1,
- "paymentToken": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
- "productQuantity": 5
Response samples
- 200
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Subscription has been created"
Subscription Tabular List
Returns all the subscription in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via product title, subscription status and user nameorEmail.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"productTitle":"","subscriptionStatus":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "user_name": "Aom Staff",
- "user_id": "2",
- "product": "Professional Development and Training",
- "product_id": "2",
- "subscription_price": "100",
- "next_payment_date": "Sept 03, 2020 11:03 AM",
- "status": "Completed",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 11:03 AM"
Subscription Status Lookup
Retrieves all the status for the subscription. Helps showing options in dropdowns elements
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "ACTIVE",
- "display_value": "Active"
}, - {
- "db_value": "CANCELLED",
- "display_value": "Cancelled"
}, - {
- "db_value": "EXPIRED",
- "display_value": "Expired"
}, - {
- "db_value": "ON-HOLD",
- "display_value": "On-Hold"
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for a specified subscriptions. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
subscription_ids required | Array of strings All subscription IDs which needs to be updated. |
status required | string Set the status for the subscriptions. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "subscription_ids": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "status": "ACTIVE"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Subscriptions updated Successfully"
Subscription Renewal
Renew the subscription of the products. Helps in fetching subscription product using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the subscription you want to renew. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "success": 1,
- "message": "Process Renewal Successfully completed"
A survey module is a feedback module that you can add as course content to get students feedback about your course(How they felt about course, ratings, etc). Helps in performing CRUD operation to and for survey modules.
Survey Modules Tabular List
Returns all the survey modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 15,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 15,
- "name": "Feedback",
- "slug": "feedback",
- "type": "survey",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-star-off\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 11, 2020 08:12 AM"
Create Survey Module
To create a survey module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created survey modules can be used in the course as course content.
Returns : id of the survey module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the text module. |
content | string Content for the text modules that students will see. |
submitButtonText required | string Text for the submit button. |
submitOption required | string Submission options for students. |
fields required | Array of strings Form fields inside the Survey form(like radio, dropdown, rating, text, textarea, etc). |
redirect | string After submission of survey, where the students will be redirected. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Feedback",
- "content": "This is the short content here",
- "submitButtonText": "Submit Survey",
- "submitOption": "save_to_db",
- "fields": [
- {
- "type": "text",
- "label": "How you left",
- "defaultValue": "",
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ]
}, - {
- "type": "rating",
- "label": "How you rate us",
- "defaultValue": "",
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ]
], - "trackCompletion": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 15,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Update Survey Module
Updates the details of a specified survey module. (See parameters) Survey modules can be used in the course as course content.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the text module. |
content | string Content for the text modules that students will see. |
submitButtonText required | string Text for the submit button. |
submitOption required | string Submission options for students. |
fields required | Array of strings Form fields inside the Survey form(like radio, dropdown, rating, text, textarea, etc). |
redirect | string After submission of survey, where the students will be redirected. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Feedback",
- "content": "This is the short content here",
- "submitButtonText": "Submit Survey",
- "submitOption": "save_to_db",
- "fields": [
- {
- "type": "text",
- "label": "How you left",
- "defaultValue": "",
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ]
}, - {
- "type": "rating",
- "label": "How you rate us",
- "defaultValue": "",
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ]
], - "trackCompletion": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Survey module
Retrieves the details of the specified survey module. Helps in fetching survey module using its ID. (See Parameters)
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Feedback",
- "slug": "feedback",
- "content": "A brief Description",
- "redirect": null,
- "trackCompletion": false,
- "submitButtonText": "Submit Survey",
- "submitOption": "save_to_db",
- "fields": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "type": "text",
- "label": "How you left",
- "defaultValue": null,
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ]
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "type": "rating",
- "label": "How you rate us",
- "defaultValue": null,
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ]
Retrieve Detailed Survey Module Info
Retrieves details of survey module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current survey module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=15 ID of the survey module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Feedback",
- "slug": "feedback",
- "content": "A brief Description",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "trackCompletion": false,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "14 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 3
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 9,
- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "type": "video",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-video-play\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 4,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-10T20:04:14.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "12 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 10,
- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 5,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "5 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 2
}, - {
- "module_id": 12,
- "name": "New-Webinar",
- "slug": "new-webinar",
- "type": "webinar",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-date\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 13,
- "name": "First-discussion",
- "slug": "first-discussion",
- "type": "discussion",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-chat-line-round\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 6,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-11T05:41:57.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "2 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 15,
- "name": "Feedback",
- "slug": "feedback",
- "type": "survey",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-star-off\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "errors": [ ],
- "course_id": 1,
- "prevSlug": "first-discussion",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "status": "In Progress",
- "timeSpent": null,
- "statusRowId": 8,
- "form_id": 1,
- "form_fields": {
- "1": {
- "type": "text",
- "label": "How you left",
- "submitted_value": "",
- "options_label": [ ],
- "options_value": [ ],
- "is_required": false
}, - "2": {
- "type": "rating",
- "label": "How you rate us",
- "submitted_value": "",
- "options_label": [ ],
- "options_value": [ ],
- "is_required": false
Mark Complete Survey Module
Updates the status of the survey module to completed. Changes the completion percentage to 100% and mark completed the survey module.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
form_id required | integer ID of the form, used in survey module. |
statusRowId required | integer ID of the ModuleStatus Row belongs to current survey module. |
timeSpent required | number Total time spent by user in current survey module. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "form_id": 1,
- "statusRowId": 9,
- "timeSpent": 101
Response samples
- 200
{- "is_success": true,
- "message": "Module Completed Successfully"
Retrieve Student Response
Retrieves all the response made by a specified student in a specified course. Mostly used while generating reports for Instructors to see how students are feeling regarding their courses. Retrieve Student response survey as question and answer. (See response)
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
statusRowId | required ID of the ModuleStatus Row belongs to current text module. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": "3"
Response samples
- 200
{- "question": [
- "How you felt",
- "How you rate us"
], - "answer": [
- "Awesome course it was",
- "5"
Retrieve Course Response
Retrieves all the response made by the all students in a specified course. Mostly used while generating reports for Instructors to see how students are feeling regarding their courses. Mostly used for reporting purpose course-wise. (See response)
query Parameters
course_id required | string Example: course_id=1 ID of the course you want to fetch the survey response reports for. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=9 The number of the item you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=commodi Current page number in pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "form_data": {
- "1": [
- {
- "student_id": 1,
- "student_name": "Aom Staff",
- "student_email": "",
- "course_name": "course 1",
- "question": "How you left",
- "answer": "Awesome course it was"
}, - {
- "student_id": 1,
- "student_name": "Aom Staff",
- "student_email": "",
- "course_name": "course 1",
- "question": "How you rate us",
- "answer": "5"
}, - "form_id": [
- 1
Retrieve Course Max Form Submission Response Count
Retrieves the count of the maximum number of the form submissions in a single form in a specified course. Used to estimiate the number of seperate requests are needed to fetch all responses in chunks. (See response)
query Parameters
course_id required | string Example: course_id=1 ID of the course you want to fetch the survey form max submission count for. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "max_form_data_count": 2
Survey Modules Attached In Course Tabular List
Returns all the survey modules attached in a course in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via courseName and courseId.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"courseName":"","courseId":""} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 1,
- "name": "Feedback",
- "slug": "feedback",
- "content": "A brief Description",
- "showModules": true,
- "status": "",
- "categories": "",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 23th 2021",
- "count": "2",
- "survey": [ ]
Survey User Response
Returns all the survey modules user response of the course in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via name and scormType(version).
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"userName":""} For searching items based on field names. |
course_id required | string Example: course_id=4 Course ID for which you want to get user response. |
module_id required | string Example: module_id=3 Module ID for which you want to get user response. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "form_data": "Form Submission",
- "courseName": "Professional Training and Education",
- "moduleName": "Survey Module",
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "form_data_count": [
- {
- "submissions": [ ],
- "name": "Aom Staff",
- "email": ""
Save Survey Module Response
To save the response provided by the students using evaltion form, you need to use this request with provided parameters.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the survey module. |
content | string Content for the survey module that will be seen by the students in course player. |
courseName | string Name of the course. |
courseSlug | string Slug for the course. |
course_id required | integer ID of the course. |
form_id required | integer ID of the form, used in this survey module. |
form_fields | object All form fields value used in form for submission. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Feedback",
- "content": "A brief Description",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "course_id": 1,
- "form_id": 1,
- "form_fields": {
- "1": {
- "type": "text",
- "label": "How you left",
- "submitted_value": "Awesome course it was",
- "options_label": [ ],
- "options_value": [ ],
- "is_required": false
}, - "2": {
- "type": "rating",
- "label": "How you rate us",
- "submitted_value": 5,
- "options_label": [ ],
- "options_value": [ ],
- "is_required": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 15,
- "message": "Form saved successfully"
A Text Module is a lesson module used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for Text modules.
Text Modules Tabular List
Returns all the text modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:56 AM"
Create Text Module
To create a text module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created text modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the text module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the text module. |
content required | string Content for the text modules that students will see. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "The Fundamentals of LMS",
- "content": "<p>This is the short content here</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 5,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Retrieve Text Module
Retrieves the details of the specified text module. Helps in fetching text module using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 67 ID of the text module you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>Content of the text lesson</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true
Update Text Module
Updates the details of a specified text modules. (See parameters) Text modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 67 ID of the text module you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the text module. |
content required | string Content for the text modules that students will see. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "The Fundamentals of LMS",
- "content": "<p>This is the updated short content here</p>",
- "trackCompletion": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Detailed Text Module Info
Retrieves details of text module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current text module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=1 ID of the text module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "content": "<p>afegrshtdh</p>",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "1 week ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "",
- "nextSlug": "assign",
- "status": "Completed",
- "timeSpent": 6,
- "statusRowId": 1
Mark Complete Text Module
Updates the status of the text module to completed. Changes the completion percentage to 100% and mark completed the text module.
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
statusRowId | required ID of the ModuleStatus Row belongs to current text module. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "statusRowId": "3"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module Completed Successfully"
Retrieve Detailed Text module Info for Membership content
Retrieves details of text module in depth for the same membership the current text module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=9 ID of the video module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "content": "Brief Description",
- "disableForwardSeek": false,
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "timeSpent": null,
- "lastWatchedTime": 0,
- "isReady": true
Retrieve Custom User Fields that needs to be shown onthe Registration page
Retrieves the details of pre saved Custom User Fields.
Response samples
- 200
{- "fields": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "type": "text",
- "label": "How you left",
- "defaultValue": null,
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ],
- "isFieldOnRegistrationPage": false,
- "isFieldOnCertificate": true,
- "includeInReportExports": [
- "export-users",
- "export-orders"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "type": "textarea",
- "label": "What is your home address",
- "defaultValue": null,
- "isRequired": true,
- "optionLabel": [ ],
- "isFieldOnRegistrationPage": true,
- "isFieldOnCertificate": false,
- "includeInReportExports": [ ]
Tabular List
Retrieves all the users in a tabular list format with pagination mode. You can apply filter using search_param via courseCategoryIds(course category ID), courseName
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 The number of the user you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"courseCategoryIds":[],"courseName":"course 1"} for searching items based on Course category ids, course name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 4,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "first_name": "John",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#03A9F4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">JD</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "general",
- "display_user_type": "General",
- "created_at": "Aug 06, 2020 07:20 AM",
- "last_login": "2 days ago"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "first_name": "Client",
- "last_name": "Admin",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#673AB7\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">CA</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "owner",
- "display_user_type": "Owner",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM",
- "last_login": "Never"
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "first_name": "Demoss",
- "last_name": "Student",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#FF5722\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">DS</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "general",
- "display_user_type": "General",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM",
- "last_login": "5 days ago"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "first_name": "Aom",
- "last_name": "Staff",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "admin",
- "display_user_type": "Admin",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM",
- "last_login": "1 minute ago"
User Lookup
Retrieves all the users. Helps in showing users in forms elements like dropdown.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "full_name": "Aom Staff",
- "email": ""
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "full_name": "Client Admin",
- "email": ""
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "full_name": "Demoss Student",
- "email": ""
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "full_name": "John Doe",
- "email": ""
Create User
To create user, you need to use this request.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
firstName required | string First Name of the user. |
lastName | string Last Name of the user. |
email required | string Email of the user. |
password required | string Password for the user. |
password_confirmation required | string Password for the user. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "password": "somePassword",
- "password_confirmation": "somePassword"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 11,
- "message": "User created successfully"
Bulk Upload
To create users in bulk, you need to use this request.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
userList required | Array of strings Users list that needs to be added. |
selectedCourses | Array of strings creates all users and add users in specified courses. |
membershipId | integer creates all users under specified membership. |
classIds | Array of strings creates all users and add users in specified classes. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "userList": [
- {
- "email": "",
- "first_name": "Fake FName",
- "last_name": "Fake LName",
- "password": "Qwerty@123"
}, - {
- "email": "",
- "first_name": "Fake FName 2",
- "last_name": "Fake LName 2",
- "password": ""
], - "selectedCourses": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "membershipId": 12,
- "classIds": [
- 1,
- 2
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "User(s) uploaded successfully"
Response samples
- 200
{- "headers": [
- "email",
- "first_name",
- "last_name",
- "password"
], - "records": [
- {
- "email": "",
- "first_name": "Fake FName1",
- "last_name": "Fake LName1",
- "password": "Qwerty@123"
}, - {
- "email": "",
- "first_name": "Fake FName2",
- "last_name": "Fake LName2",
- "password": ""
Retrieve User By ID
This endpoint returns the user details based on the ID specified.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "lastLoggedIn": "Never",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" viewBox=\"0 0 100 100\"><circle cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"50\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#03A9F4\" /><text x=\"50\" y=\"50\" font-size=\"40\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">JD</text></svg>",
- "disabled": false
Update User
Updates user details using parameters mentioned.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the user. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id required | integer ID of the user whom we want to update. Example 11 |
firstName required | string First Name of the user. |
lastName | string Last Name of the user. |
email required | string Email of the user. |
lastLoggedIn required | string Datetime or Never. |
avatar required | string Avatar svg icon for the user. |
disabled required | boolean User needs to be disabled or not. |
customUserMetas | Array of strings of metas if there are any custom usermetas present on the platform else empty array |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": 9,
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "lastLoggedIn": "Never",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"100\\\" height=\\\"100\\\" viewBox=\\\"0 0 100 100\\\"><circle cx=\\\"50\\\" cy=\\\"50\\\" r=\\\"50\\\" stroke=\\\"background\\\" stroke-width=\\\"0\\\" fill=\\\"#E91E63\\\" /><text x=\\\"50\\\" y=\\\"50\\\" font-size=\\\"40\\\" fill=\\\"#FFFFFF\\\" alignment-baseline=\\\"middle\\\" text-anchor=\\\"middle\\\" dominant-baseline=\\\"central\\\">AW</text></svg>",
- "disabled": false,
- "customUserMetas": [
- "sed"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "User updated successfully"
Update User's Membership
Updates user membership plan using parameters mentioned.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 11 ID of the user. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
membership required | json Membership plan for the user. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "membership": "{\"id\":4,\"name\":\"Gold Plan\",\"expired_at\": \"2021-10-01 23:00:00\"}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "User updated successfully"
Update Password
Updates password for the user.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 11 ID of the user. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
password required | string Password for the user. |
confirmPassword | string Confirm Password for the user. |
userId required | integer ID of the user for whom we want to update the password. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "password": "somePassword",
- "confirmPassword": "Doe",
- "userId": 11
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Password updated successfully"
Enrolled Courses
Retrieves all the courses opted by specified user. You can apply filters using search_param via status(course status)
query Parameters
user_id required | string Example: user_id=4 ID of the user. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 Number of the results you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
order_by | string Example: order_by=registered_on Returns details in some order. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"status":["In Progress","Not Started"]} Search parameters related to course. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 6,
- "courseId": 1,
- "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "lastAccessed": "Never",
- "status": "Not Started",
- "display_status": "Not Started",
- "accessStatus": "Allowed",
- "percentComplete": 0,
- "registered_on": "Aug 09, 2020",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "expire_on": "Never",
- "isExpired": false
Delete User
To delete a user, you need to use this request.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
delete_ids required | Array of strings All user IDs which needs to be deleted. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "delete_ids": [
- 2,
- 3,
- 4
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2 student(s) not deleted as they has enrollments. Please remove the student(s) from the course and try again."
Quick Edit
Updates the details in bulk for a specified user. Parameters is provided which needs to be updated.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
user_ids required | Array of strings All user IDs which needs to be updated. |
disabled required | Array of strings Whether user will be disabled or not. |
course_ids | Array of strings User will be enrolled into the course specified. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user_ids": [
- 4,
- 2
], - "disabled": false,
- "course_ids": [
- 1,
- 2
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Users updated Successfully"
Add Address
To add address for a user, you need to use this request using mentioned parameters.
path Parameters
userId required | string Example: 4 User ID for which we want to add address. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
fullName required | string Full Name of the user. |
addressLine1 required | string Address line1 of the user. |
addressLine2 | string Address line2 of the user. |
zipcode required | string Zipcode of the user address. |
city required | string City of the user address. |
state | string State of the user address. |
country required | string Country of the user address. |
isDefault required | boolean Is the address default for billing. |
userId required | integer ID of the user for whom we want to the address. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "addressLine1": "Boring Street",
- "addressLine2": "Awesome Colony",
- "zipcode": "123456",
- "city": "Mumbai",
- "state": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "isDefault": false,
- "userId": 4
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Address added successfully"
Retrieve Addresses
Retrieves all the addresses which are added by the specified user.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 4 ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "isDefault": false,
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "addressLine1": "Boring Street",
- "addressLine2": "Awesome Colony",
- "zipcode": "123456",
- "city": "Mumbai",
- "state": "MH",
- "country": "IN"
Retrieve Dashboard Stats
Retrieves Dashboard details for specified user. Returned information contains in-progress, notStarted and completed items details as well as time spent details.
query Parameters
user_id required | string Example: user_id=4 ID of the user. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 Number of the results you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
order_by | string Example: order_by=registered_on Returns details in some order. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"status":["In Progress","Not Started"]} Search parameters related to course. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "notStarted": 1,
- "inProgress": 0,
- "completed": 0,
- "total": 1,
- "studentName": "John Doe",
- "timeSpent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": 0
Retrieve User Activities
Returns all activities performed by a specified user. You can apply filter using search_param via courseCategoryIds(course category ID), courseName or status(course status)
query Parameters
user_id required | string Example: user_id=4 ID of the user. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 Number of the results you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} Returns details in some order. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"courseCategoryIds":[],"courseName":"course-1","status":"In Progress"} Search parameters related to course. |
context required | string Example: context=admin Context for the details. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#03A9F4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">JD</text></svg>",
- "name": "John Doe",
- "email": "",
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 15,
- "verb": "ENROLLED",
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 10:27 AM",
- "message": "John Doe is enrolled to course 1",
- "course": "course 1"
Retrieve User Orders
Retrieve order details, purchased by a specified user. Returned data is in pagination form.
query Parameters
user_id required | string Example: user_id=4 ID of the user. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 Number of the results you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
order_by required | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} Returns details in some order. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#03A9F4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">JD</text></svg>",
- "recordsTotal": 0,
- "recordsFiltered": 0,
- "currencySymbol": "$",
- "records": [ ]
Retrieve Certificates
Retrieve all certificates earned by the user for every course they pursued/completed.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 4 ID of the user. |
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 Number of the results you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} Returns details in some order. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"courseCategoryIds":[],"courseName":""} Apply search parameter. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "courseId": 1,
- "userId": 3,
- "templateId": 1,
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "coursefeaturedImage": null,
- "issueDate": "Aug 03, 2020 10:02 AM"
Remove Certificate
To removes the certificate for a specified user, you need to use this request.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
id required | integer ID of the certificate belongs to user. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Certificate Deleted Successfully"
Update Certificate Issue Date
Updates the Issue date of Certificate for a user.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
rowId required | integer ID of the user certificate. |
newIssueDate required | datetime New datetime for the certificate. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "rowId": 1,
- "newIssueDate": "2020-08-04 00:00:00"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Issue Date Updated Successfully"
Retrieve Default Address
Retrieves the default address for the specified user.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 4 ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "addresstype": null,
- "isDefault": true,
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "addressLine1": "Boring Street",
- "addressLine2": "Awesome Colony",
- "zipcode": "123456",
- "city": "Mumbai",
- "state": "MH",
- "country": "IN"
Retrieve User Address
Retrieves the address for the specified user address ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 ID of the user address row from UsersAddress Model. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "isDefault": false,
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "addressLine1": "Boring Street",
- "addressLine2": "Awesome Colony",
- "zipcode": "123456",
- "city": "Mumbai",
- "state": "MH",
- "country": "IN"
Update Address
Updates the address for a specified user using UserAddress ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 User Address row id for UsersAddress model. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
fullName required | string Full Name of the user. |
addressLine1 required | string Address line1 of the user. |
addressLine2 | string Address line2 of the user. |
zipcode required | string Zipcode of the user address. |
city required | string City of the user address. |
state | string State of the user address. |
country required | string Country of the user address. |
isDefault required | boolean Is the address default for billing. |
userId required | integer ID of the user for whom we want to update the address. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "addressLine1": "Boring Street",
- "addressLine2": "Awesome Colony",
- "zipcode": "123456",
- "city": "Mumbai",
- "state": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "isDefault": false,
- "userId": 4
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Address updated successfully"
Retrieve User Report
Retrieves detailed report for a specified user. You can apply filter using search_params via course(course ID) and status(course status). (See parameters)
query Parameters
user_id required | string Example: user_id=4 ID of the user. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 Number of the result row you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} Returns details in some order. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"course":"1","status":["In Progress"]} Returns search filtered data. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "totalNotStarted": 1,
- "totalInProgress": 0,
- "totalCompleted": 0,
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "status": "Not Started",
- "percent_complete": 0,
- "access_status": "Allowed",
- "registered_on": "Aug 09, 2020",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "expire_on": "Never",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "0h 0m",
- "certifcate_issued": "No"
Retrieve User Report With Custom User Data
Retrieves detailed report for all user.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 Number of the result row you want in each page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current Page number. |
registered_between | string Example: registered_between={"first_name":"Aom","last_name"Staff"} Returns search filtered data. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "totalNotStarted": 1,
- "totalInProgress": 0,
- "totalCompleted": 0,
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "first_name": "Aom",
- "last_name": "Staff",
- "email": "",
- "user_type": "General",
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020",
- "last_login": "Oct 09, 2020"
Retrieve User Subscription Tabular List
Returns all the user subscriptions created in a tabular list format. You can apply filter using search_param.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
user_id required | integer ID of the user. |
page_size | required The number of the user you want for a page. |
page_number | required Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | For Ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | for Searching items based on status. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user_id": 4,
- "page_size": "10",
- "page_number": "1",
- "order_by": "{\"colName\":\"created_at\",\"direction\":\"desc\"}",
- "search_param": "Active"
Response samples
- 200
{- "avatar": 4,
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "currencySymbol": "$",
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "name": "Aom Staff",
- "email": "",
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "item": "Professional Training and Education",
- "status": "Active",
- "total": "100",
- "created_at": "Aug 10, 2020 12:43 PM"
Response samples
- 200
{- "records": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Excel",
- "identifier": "excel",
- "description": "Bulk upload user from excel.",
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "Hubspot",
- "identifier": "hubspot",
- "description": "Bulk import user from hubspot.",
Get Membership Content
Retrieves all the Membership contents in a tabular list format with pagination mode. You can apply filter using search_param via content-type (course or modules), content name or Description
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=10 The number of the user you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"type":['course'],"nameOrDescription":"course 1 description"} for searching items based on Course category ids, course name. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 4,
- "recordsFiltered": 4,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "first_name": "John",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#03A9F4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">JD</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "general",
- "display_user_type": "General",
- "created_at": "Aug 06, 2020 07:20 AM",
- "last_login": "2 days ago"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "first_name": "Client",
- "last_name": "Admin",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#673AB7\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">CA</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "owner",
- "display_user_type": "Owner",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM",
- "last_login": "Never"
}, - {
- "id": 3,
- "first_name": "Demoss",
- "last_name": "Student",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#FF5722\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">DS</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "general",
- "display_user_type": "General",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM",
- "last_login": "5 days ago"
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "first_name": "Aom",
- "last_name": "Staff",
- "email": "",
- "avatar": "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\" viewBox=\"0 0 40 40\"><circle cx=\"20\" cy=\"20\" r=\"20\" stroke=\"background\" stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"#00BCD4\" /><text x=\"20\" y=\"20\" font-size=\"14\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\" alignment-baseline=\"middle\" text-anchor=\"middle\" dominant-baseline=\"central\">AS</text></svg>",
- "user_type": "admin",
- "display_user_type": "Admin",
- "created_at": "Aug 03, 2020 09:31 AM",
- "last_login": "1 minute ago"
Custom User Field Types Lookup
Retrieves all the type of the custom user fields that platform supports. Helps while showing fields types in form elements like dropdown while creating Custom User Fields. Returns a list of all custom user field types. (See Response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "text",
- "display_value": "Text"
}, - {
- "db_value": "textarea",
- "display_value": "Text Area"
}, - {
- "db_value": "date",
- "display_value": "Date"
}, - {
- "db_value": "radio",
- "display_value": "Single Select"
}, - {
- "db_value": "checkbox",
- "display_value": "Multiple Select"
}, - {
- "db_value": "dropdown",
- "display_value": "Drop Down"
Response samples
- 200
{- "fields": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "type": "text",
- "label": "How you left",
- "defaultValue": null,
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ],
- "isFieldOnRegistrationPage": false,
- "isFieldOnCertificate": true,
- "includeInReportExports": [
- "export-users",
- "export-orders"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "type": "textarea",
- "label": "What is your home address",
- "defaultValue": null,
- "isRequired": true,
- "optionLabel": [ ],
- "isFieldOnRegistrationPage": true,
- "isFieldOnCertificate": false,
- "includeInReportExports": [ ]
Update Custom User fields
Updates the Custom User Fields. (See parameters) Custom User Fields can be used to collect additional details from the user from registration page and user profile page.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
fields required | Array of strings Form fields (like radio, dropdown, text, textarea, date etc). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "fields": [
- {
- "type": "text",
- "label": "How you left",
- "defaultValue": "",
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ],
- "isFieldOnRegistrationPage": true,
- "isFieldOnCertificate": true,
- "includeInReportExports": [ ]
}, - {
- "type": "date",
- "label": "What is your Date of Birth",
- "defaultValue": "",
- "isRequired": false,
- "optionLabel": [ ],
- "isFieldOnRegistrationPage": false,
- "isFieldOnCertificate": true,
- "includeInReportExports": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Fields updated successfully"
Custom User Field Reports Lookup
Retrieves all the Reports that can include the Custom User Field as an additional column in its export. Helps while showing report name in form field like dropdown while creating Custom User Fields. Returns a list of reports that supports Custom User Fields. (See Response)
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "db_value": "export-users",
- "display_value": "Export Users"
}, - {
- "db_value": "course-insight",
- "display_value": "Course Insight"
}, - {
- "db_value": "export-orders",
- "display_value": "Export Orders"
Check if the given Custom User Field is eligible for deletion
To delete a custom field, you need to use this request.
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
fieldToDelete | required Fields required. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "fieldToDelete": "{\"id\":2,\"type\":\"text\",\"displayType\":\"Text\",\"label\":\"Source\",\"defaultValue\":\"Enter Source\",\"isRequired\":false,\"userMetaKey\":\"source\",\"optionLabel\":[],\"isFieldOnRegistrationPage\":false,\"isFieldOnCertificate\":false,\"includeInReportExports\":[],\"display_order\":0,\"error\":false}"
Response samples
- 200
{- "canDeleteField": true,
- "message": "",
- "certificateTemplates": ""
Update class status of the student
query Parameters
id | string Example: id=3 enrollment ID of the student. |
status | string Example: status=Attended The status of the class. It can be Registered, Attended, No Show, Cancelled. |
classId | string Example: classId=1 ID of the class. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Status Updated Successfully"
Retrieve enrolled class details
query Parameters
user_id | string Example: user_id=3 The ID of the user. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"course_id":""} For searching items based on field names. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"registered_on","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 6,
- "webinarId": null,
- "classId": 57,
- "title": "test ilt",
- "courseId": 34,
- "studyMethod": "instructor_led",
- "featuredImageUrl": null,
- "status": "Registered",
- "display_status": "Registered",
- "registered_on": "Jan 04, 2024",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "startDate": "11-Jan-2024",
- "startTime": "21:00 PM",
- "endDate": "31-Jan-2024",
- "endTime": "04:00 AM",
- "location": "Cherry Hill",
- "start": "2024-01-11 21:00:00",
- "end": "2024-01-31 04:00:00",
- "instructor": "t t",
- "class": "orange",
Retrieve enrolled class details
query Parameters
user_id | string Example: user_id=3 The ID of the user. |
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"registered_on","direction":"desc"} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"course":"","status":[],"started_on":[],"completed_on":[]} For searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "totalAttended": 0,
- "totalNoshow": 0,
- "totalCancelled": 0,
- "totalRegistered": 1,
- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "courseName": "test ilt",
- "start_time": "11-Jan-2024 21:00 PM",
- "end_time": "31-Jan-2024 04:00 AM",
- "location": "Cherry Hill",
- "status": "Registered",
- "display_status": "Registered",
- "registered_on": "Jan 04, 2024",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "certificate_issued": "No"
Retrieve user badges
This endpoint returns the badges gained based on the user ID specified.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 1,
- "title": "1",
- "badgeIconUrl": "/images/badges/Badge_1.png",
- "points": 1,
- "organizationId": "97852067",
- "count": 2
Retrieve leaderboard details
This endpoint returns the leaderboard detials based on the user ID specified.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 1 The ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "rankedUsers": [
- {
- "id": 24,
- "rank": 1,
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "points": "6",
- "badgeCount": 2
}, - {
- "id": 1,
- "rank": 2,
- "firstName": "Aom",
- "lastName": "Staff",
- "points": 0,
- "badgeCount": 0
], - "userTier": "Level 1",
- "userRank": 1
Retrieve 2fa
Retrieves two factor authentication details for a specified user. Returned data includes QR code and String code.
query Parameters
user_id required | string Example: user_id=4 ID of the user. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "as_qr_code": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<svg xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" viewBox=\"0 0 200 200\"><rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" fill=\"#fefefe\"/><g transform=\"scale(4.444)\"><g transform=\"translate(0,0)\"><path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M10 0L10 1L8 1L8 2L9 2L9 3L8 3L8 4L10 4L10 5L8 5L8 7L9 7L9 6L10 6L10 8L6 8L6 9L8 9L8 10L5 10L5 8L0 8L0 9L4 9L4 11L7 11L7 12L5 12L5 13L7 13L7 12L8 12L8 11L9 11L9 14L10 14L10 11L9 11L9 10L10 10L10 8L11 8L11 9L12 9L12 8L11 8L11 6L12 6L12 7L13 7L13 8L14 8L14 7L15 7L15 6L14 6L14 7L13 7L13 6L12 6L12 5L13 5L13 4L12 4L12 2L13 2L13 3L14 3L14 2L16 2L16 3L15 3L15 4L14 4L14 5L15 5L15 4L17 4L17 5L16 5L16 8L18 8L18 9L17 9L17 12L16 12L16 11L15 11L15 10L16 10L16 9L15 9L15 10L14 10L14 9L13 9L13 10L11 10L11 13L12 13L12 12L13 12L13 13L14 13L14 14L13 14L13 15L14 15L14 16L8 16L8 17L10 17L10 18L11 18L11 19L12 19L12 21L14 21L14 22L15 22L15 24L16 24L16 22L15 22L15 21L20 21L20 23L19 23L19 24L20 24L20 25L18 25L18 24L17 24L17 25L18 25L18 26L17 26L17 28L16 28L16 27L15 27L15 26L16 26L16 25L15 25L15 26L14 26L14 25L13 25L13 24L14 24L14 23L13 23L13 24L12 24L12 25L11 25L11 22L9 22L9 21L10 21L10 20L8 20L8 18L6 18L6 17L7 17L7 16L6 16L6 15L7 15L7 14L3 14L3 16L1 16L1 14L2 14L2 13L1 13L1 11L2 11L2 12L3 12L3 10L1 10L1 11L0 11L0 13L1 13L1 14L0 14L0 16L1 16L1 17L0 17L0 20L1 20L1 21L0 21L0 22L1 22L1 23L0 23L0 24L1 24L1 25L4 25L4 26L2 26L2 28L3 28L3 29L2 29L2 30L3 30L3 29L4 29L4 32L5 32L5 33L8 33L8 34L6 34L6 35L8 35L8 36L6 36L6 37L8 37L8 39L9 39L9 40L8 40L8 45L12 45L12 43L11 43L11 42L12 42L12 41L13 41L13 43L14 43L14 44L13 44L13 45L14 45L14 44L15 44L15 45L17 45L17 44L16 44L16 43L14 43L14 41L13 41L13 40L14 40L14 39L12 39L12 38L13 38L13 37L11 37L11 35L12 35L12 36L14 36L14 35L16 35L16 37L14 37L14 38L16 38L16 37L20 37L20 38L19 38L19 40L20 40L20 41L18 41L18 40L17 40L17 41L18 41L18 42L17 42L17 43L18 43L18 42L20 42L20 44L18 44L18 45L20 45L20 44L21 44L21 45L23 45L23 44L24 44L24 45L26 45L26 44L28 44L28 42L34 42L34 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Prepare 2fa
To prepares QR code for Two factor authentication, you need to use this request. Returns QR code, URI code and String code for users to authenticate themselves using their authenticator app.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
user_id required | integer ID of the user. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user_id": 4
Response samples
- 200
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38L28 38L28 39L29 39L29 38L30 38L30 40L26 40L26 42L24 42L24 41L20 41L20 42L24 42L24 44L25 44L25 43L27 43L27 42L28 42L28 41L31 41L31 40L32 40L32 41L34 41L34 42L35 42L35 37L36 37L36 36L39 36L39 34L38 34L38 35L36 35L36 34L35 34L35 36L34 36L34 35L33 35L33 32L34 32L34 31L33 31L33 32L32 32L32 31L30 31L30 30L27 30L27 29L31 29L31 28L32 28L32 29L33 29L33 27L32 27L32 25L33 25L33 26L35 26L35 27L34 27L34 28L35 28L35 27L36 27L36 26L35 26L35 24L36 24L36 23L34 23L34 22L36 22L36 21L34 21L34 20L36 20L36 19L32 19L32 21L31 21L31 22L32 22L32 23L30 23L30 22L29 22L29 20L26 20L26 18L27 18L27 19L28 19L28 17L29 17L29 16L30 16L30 15L31 15L31 16L32 16L32 17L33 17L33 18L35 18L35 17L33 17L33 16L36 16L36 17L37 17L37 16L36 16L36 14L35 14L35 13L36 13L36 11L38 11L38 10L35 10L35 9L37 9L37 8L35 8L35 7L34 7L34 6L33 6L33 7L34 7L34 8L32 8L32 6L31 6L31 5L30 5L30 4L31 4L31 3ZM28 4L28 5L29 5L29 6L28 6L28 8L29 8L29 6L30 6L30 9L29 9L29 10L31 10L31 9L32 9L32 8L31 8L31 6L30 6L30 5L29 5L29 4ZM21 5L21 8L24 8L24 5ZM22 6L22 7L23 7L23 6ZM19 8L19 9L18 9L18 11L19 11L19 9L20 9L20 10L24 10L24 9L20 9L20 8ZM32 10L32 11L33 11L33 12L34 12L34 11L35 11L35 10L34 10L34 11L33 11L33 10ZM30 11L30 12L31 12L31 13L30 13L30 14L28 14L28 13L27 13L27 12L26 12L26 13L25 13L25 14L23 14L23 15L25 15L25 14L26 14L26 15L27 15L27 16L29 16L29 15L30 15L30 14L32 14L32 16L33 16L33 15L34 15L34 14L32 14L32 12L31 12L31 11ZM21 12L21 14L20 14L20 13L19 13L19 14L17 14L17 15L19 15L19 16L18 16L18 18L19 18L19 16L20 16L20 17L23 17L23 16L22 16L22 15L21 15L21 14L22 14L22 13L23 13L23 12ZM26 13L26 14L27 14L27 15L28 15L28 14L27 14L27 13ZM19 14L19 15L20 15L20 16L21 16L21 15L20 15L20 14ZM39 15L39 17L38 17L38 18L39 18L39 20L41 20L41 19L40 19L40 17L41 17L41 18L42 18L42 19L43 19L43 18L42 18L42 17L43 17L43 16L42 16L42 17L41 17L41 16L40 16L40 15ZM5 16L5 17L6 17L6 16ZM2 17L2 21L1 21L1 22L2 22L2 23L1 23L1 24L2 24L2 23L3 23L3 21L4 21L4 20L3 20L3 19L5 19L5 20L7 20L7 19L6 19L6 18L3 18L3 17ZM29 18L29 19L31 19L31 18ZM5 21L5 24L8 24L8 21ZM21 21L21 24L24 24L24 21ZM32 21L32 22L34 22L34 21ZM37 21L37 24L40 24L40 21ZM6 22L6 23L7 23L7 22ZM17 22L17 23L18 23L18 22ZM22 22L22 23L23 23L23 22ZM38 22L38 23L39 23L39 22ZM9 23L9 24L10 24L10 23ZM28 23L28 24L27 24L27 25L28 25L28 24L29 24L29 26L28 26L28 27L27 27L27 28L29 28L29 26L31 26L31 25L32 25L32 24L33 24L33 23L32 23L32 24L31 24L31 25L30 25L30 23ZM42 24L42 25L43 25L43 24ZM6 25L6 26L5 26L5 27L4 27L4 28L5 28L5 27L6 27L6 28L9 28L9 30L8 30L8 29L5 29L5 30L7 30L7 31L5 31L5 32L7 32L7 31L9 31L9 32L8 32L8 33L9 33L9 34L8 34L8 35L9 35L9 34L12 34L12 33L10 33L10 30L11 30L11 29L13 29L13 30L14 30L14 29L16 29L16 31L15 31L15 32L16 32L16 33L13 33L13 34L16 34L16 33L18 33L18 32L17 32L17 31L18 31L18 30L19 30L19 31L20 31L20 30L19 30L19 29L23 29L23 30L24 30L24 29L23 29L23 28L21 28L21 27L23 27L23 26L24 26L24 27L25 27L25 26L24 26L24 25L23 25L23 26L21 26L21 27L20 27L20 26L18 26L18 28L19 28L19 29L16 29L16 28L14 28L14 29L13 29L13 25L12 25L12 26L11 26L11 27L10 27L10 26L9 26L9 25ZM0 26L0 28L1 28L1 26ZM6 26L6 27L8 27L8 26ZM11 27L11 28L12 28L12 27ZM30 27L30 28L31 28L31 27ZM41 28L41 29L40 29L40 30L41 30L41 31L42 31L42 30L41 30L41 29L42 29L42 28ZM43 29L43 30L44 30L44 29ZM0 30L0 31L1 31L1 32L0 32L0 34L2 34L2 33L3 33L3 31L1 31L1 30ZM21 30L21 31L22 31L22 33L23 33L23 31L22 31L22 30ZM26 30L26 31L27 31L27 32L26 32L26 33L27 33L27 32L29 32L29 33L28 33L28 35L27 35L27 34L25 34L25 35L26 35L26 36L27 36L27 37L28 37L28 36L30 36L30 38L32 38L32 39L34 39L34 38L33 38L33 37L34 37L34 36L33 36L33 37L32 37L32 36L30 36L30 35L29 35L29 33L30 33L30 34L32 34L32 32L30 32L30 31L27 31L27 30ZM13 31L13 32L14 32L14 31ZM1 32L1 33L2 33L2 32ZM19 32L19 33L21 33L21 32ZM4 34L4 35L1 35L1 36L0 36L0 37L1 37L1 36L3 36L3 37L5 37L5 34ZM40 35L40 36L41 36L41 35ZM8 36L8 37L9 37L9 36ZM43 36L43 37L41 37L41 40L42 40L42 38L43 38L43 37L44 37L44 36ZM21 37L21 40L24 40L24 37ZM37 37L37 40L40 40L40 37ZM10 38L10 39L11 39L11 40L10 40L10 41L9 41L9 42L11 42L11 41L12 41L12 39L11 39L11 38ZM17 38L17 39L18 39L18 38ZM22 38L22 39L23 39L23 38ZM38 38L38 39L39 39L39 38ZM15 41L15 42L16 42L16 41ZM41 41L41 42L40 42L40 43L42 43L42 41ZM44 42L44 43L45 43L45 42ZM9 43L9 44L11 44L11 43ZM21 43L21 44L23 44L23 43ZM29 43L29 44L30 44L30 45L32 45L32 44L31 44L31 43ZM34 44L34 45L35 45L35 44ZM36 44L36 45L37 45L37 44ZM0 0L0 7L7 7L7 0ZM1 1L1 6L6 6L6 1ZM2 2L2 5L5 5L5 2ZM38 0L38 7L45 7L45 0ZM39 1L39 6L44 6L44 1ZM40 2L40 5L43 5L43 2ZM0 38L0 45L7 45L7 38ZM1 39L1 44L6 44L6 39ZM2 40L2 43L5 43L5 40Z\" fill=\"#000000\"/></g></g></svg>\n",
- "as_uri": "otpauth://totp/",
Confirm 2fa
To confirms relation between your AOM site and your authnticator app for 2fa, you need to use this request. User need to provided secret code from authenticator app. It enables Two factor authentication feature in the system for users. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
user_id required | integer ID of the user. |
secretCode required | number secret code from users authenticator app. |
qrCode required | string QR code generated by prepareTwoFactor method. |
stringCode required | string String code generated by prepareTwoFactor method. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user_id": 4,
- "secretCode": 250987,
- "qrCode": "<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\"?>\\n<svg xmlns=\\\"http:\\/\\/\\/2000\\/svg\\\" version=\\\"1.1\\\" width=\\\"200\\\" height=\\\"200\\\" viewBox=\\\"0 0 200 200\\\"><rect x=\\\"0\\\" y=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"200\\\" height=\\\"200\\\" fill=\\\"#fefefe\\\"\\/><g transform=\\\"scale(4.444)\\\"><g transform=\\\"translate(0,0)\\\"><path fill-rule=\\\"evenodd\\\" d=\\\"M10 0L10 1L8 1L8 2L9 2L9 3L8 3L8 4L10 4L10 5L8 5L8 7L9 7L9 6L10 6L10 8L6 8L6 9L8 9L8 10L5 10L5 8L0 8L0 9L4 9L4 11L7 11L7 12L5 12L5 13L7 13L7 12L8 12L8 11L9 11L9 14L10 14L10 11L9 11L9 10L10 10L10 8L11 8L11 9L12 9L12 8L11 8L11 6L12 6L12 7L13 7L13 8L14 8L14 7L15 7L15 6L14 6L14 7L13 7L13 6L12 6L12 5L13 5L13 4L12 4L12 2L13 2L13 3L14 3L14 2L16 2L16 3L15 3L15 4L14 4L14 5L15 5L15 4L17 4L17 5L16 5L16 8L18 8L18 9L17 9L17 12L16 12L16 11L15 11L15 10L16 10L16 9L15 9L15 10L14 10L14 9L13 9L13 10L11 10L11 13L12 13L12 12L13 12L13 13L14 13L14 14L13 14L13 15L14 15L14 16L8 16L8 17L10 17L10 18L11 18L11 19L12 19L12 21L14 21L14 22L15 22L15 24L16 24L16 22L15 22L15 21L20 21L20 23L19 23L19 24L20 24L20 25L18 25L18 24L17 24L17 25L18 25L18 26L17 26L17 28L16 28L16 27L15 27L15 26L16 26L16 25L15 25L15 26L14 26L14 25L13 25L13 24L14 24L14 23L13 23L13 24L12 24L12 25L11 25L11 22L9 22L9 21L10 21L10 20L8 20L8 18L6 18L6 17L7 17L7 16L6 16L6 15L7 15L7 14L3 14L3 16L1 16L1 14L2 14L2 13L1 13L1 11L2 11L2 12L3 12L3 10L1 10L1 11L0 11L0 13L1 13L1 14L0 14L0 16L1 16L1 17L0 17L0 20L1 20L1 21L0 21L0 22L1 22L1 23L0 23L0 24L1 24L1 25L4 25L4 26L2 26L2 28L3 28L3 29L2 29L2 30L3 30L3 29L4 29L4 32L5 32L5 33L8 33L8 34L6 34L6 35L8 35L8 36L6 36L6 37L8 37L8 39L9 39L9 40L8 40L8 45L12 45L12 43L11 43L11 42L12 42L12 41L13 41L13 43L14 43L14 44L13 44L13 45L14 45L14 44L15 44L15 45L17 45L17 44L16 44L16 43L14 43L14 41L13 41L13 40L14 40L14 39L12 39L12 38L13 38L13 37L11 37L11 35L12 35L12 36L14 36L14 35L16 35L16 37L14 37L14 38L16 38L16 37L20 37L20 38L19 38L19 40L20 40L20 41L18 41L18 40L17 40L17 41L18 41L18 42L17 42L17 43L18 43L18 42L20 42L20 44L18 44L18 45L20 45L20 44L21 44L21 45L23 45L23 44L24 44L24 45L26 45L26 44L28 44L28 42L34 42L34 43L37 43L37 41L39 41L39 44L38 44L38 45L44 45L44 44L43 44L43 41L42 41L42 40L45 40L45 39L44 39L44 38L45 38L45 36L44 36L44 34L45 34L45 33L44 33L44 34L43 34L43 33L41 33L41 34L39 34L39 33L35 33L35 34L34 34L34 32L35 32L35 31L37 31L37 32L39 32L39 31L38 31L38 30L35 30L35 31L34 31L34 30L33 30L33 29L35 29L35 28L36 28L36 29L38 29L38 28L36 28L36 27L38 27L38 25L42 25L42 26L43 26L43 27L41 27L41 28L39 28L39 30L40 30L40 32L43 32L43 31L44 31L44 32L45 32L45 31L44 31L44 30L45 30L45 27L44 27L44 26L45 26L45 25L44 25L44 22L45 22L45 21L44 21L44 20L43 20L43 19L44 19L44 18L45 18L45 17L44 17L44 16L43 16L43 14L45 14L45 13L43 13L43 11L44 11L44 10L45 10L45 9L44 9L44 8L43 8L43 9L44 9L44 10L42 10L42 8L41 8L41 12L42 12L42 14L39 14L39 15L37 15L37 14L38 14L38 13L37 13L37 12L38 12L38 11L39 11L39 10L40 10L40 8L39 8L39 10L38 10L38 8L37 8L37 6L36 6L36 7L35 7L35 6L34 6L34 5L37 5L37 3L36 3L36 1L37 1L37 0L36 0L36 1L35 1L35 4L32 4L32 3L31 3L31 2L33 2L33 3L34 3L34 2L33 2L33 1L34 1L34 0L32 0L32 1L31 1L31 0L28 0L28 1L26 1L26 0L25 0L25 1L24 1L24 0L23 0L23 3L22 3L22 2L21 2L21 1L22 1L22 0L21 0L21 1L19 1L19 2L18 2L18 0L16 0L16 1L13 1L13 0L12 0L12 1L11 1L11 0ZM28 1L28 2L30 2L30 1ZM10 2L10 4L11 4L11 5L12 5L12 4L11 4L11 2ZM17 2L17 4L18 4L18 6L17 6L17 7L18 7L18 6L19 6L19 7L20 7L20 5L19 5L19 4L20 4L20 3L21 3L21 4L22 4L22 3L21 3L21 2L19 2L19 4L18 4L18 2ZM23 3L23 4L24 4L24 3ZM27 3L27 4L26 4L26 5L27 5L27 7L26 7L26 6L25 6L25 8L27 8L27 9L26 9L26 10L29 10L29 12L27 12L27 11L25 11L25 12L24 12L24 11L20 11L20 12L19 12L19 13L15 13L15 12L14 12L14 11L13 11L13 12L14 12L14 13L15 13L15 15L16 15L16 17L11 17L11 18L13 18L13 19L15 19L15 20L14 20L14 21L15 21L15 20L16 20L16 19L15 19L15 18L16 18L16 17L17 17L17 20L19 20L19 18L21 18L21 19L20 19L20 20L23 20L23 18L24 18L24 16L25 16L25 15L26 15L26 18L25 18L25 19L24 19L24 20L26 20L26 22L28 22L28 23L26 23L26 26L27 26L27 27L26 27L26 28L25 28L25 29L26 29L26 30L25 30L25 33L24 33L24 34L17 34L17 36L18 36L18 35L19 35L19 36L20 36L20 35L22 35L22 36L23 36L23 35L25 35L25 37L26 37L26 38L25 38L25 39L26 39L26 38L28 38L28 39L29 39L29 38L30 38L30 40L26 40L26 42L24 42L24 41L20 41L20 42L24 42L24 44L25 44L25 43L27 43L27 42L28 42L28 41L31 41L31 40L32 40L32 41L34 41L34 42L35 42L35 37L36 37L36 36L39 36L39 34L38 34L38 35L36 35L36 34L35 34L35 36L34 36L34 35L33 35L33 32L34 32L34 31L33 31L33 32L32 32L32 31L30 31L30 30L27 30L27 29L31 29L31 28L32 28L32 29L33 29L33 27L32 27L32 25L33 25L33 26L35 26L35 27L34 27L34 28L35 28L35 27L36 27L36 26L35 26L35 24L36 24L36 23L34 23L34 22L36 22L36 21L34 21L34 20L36 20L36 19L32 19L32 21L31 21L31 22L32 22L32 23L30 23L30 22L29 22L29 20L26 20L26 18L27 18L27 19L28 19L28 17L29 17L29 16L30 16L30 15L31 15L31 16L32 16L32 17L33 17L33 18L35 18L35 17L33 17L33 16L36 16L36 17L37 17L37 16L36 16L36 14L35 14L35 13L36 13L36 11L38 11L38 10L35 10L35 9L37 9L37 8L35 8L35 7L34 7L34 6L33 6L33 7L34 7L34 8L32 8L32 6L31 6L31 5L30 5L30 4L31 4L31 3ZM28 4L28 5L29 5L29 6L28 6L28 8L29 8L29 6L30 6L30 9L29 9L29 10L31 10L31 9L32 9L32 8L31 8L31 6L30 6L30 5L29 5L29 4ZM21 5L21 8L24 8L24 5ZM22 6L22 7L23 7L23 6ZM19 8L19 9L18 9L18 11L19 11L19 9L20 9L20 10L24 10L24 9L20 9L20 8ZM32 10L32 11L33 11L33 12L34 12L34 11L35 11L35 10L34 10L34 11L33 11L33 10ZM30 11L30 12L31 12L31 13L30 13L30 14L28 14L28 13L27 13L27 12L26 12L26 13L25 13L25 14L23 14L23 15L25 15L25 14L26 14L26 15L27 15L27 16L29 16L29 15L30 15L30 14L32 14L32 16L33 16L33 15L34 15L34 14L32 14L32 12L31 12L31 11ZM21 12L21 14L20 14L20 13L19 13L19 14L17 14L17 15L19 15L19 16L18 16L18 18L19 18L19 16L20 16L20 17L23 17L23 16L22 16L22 15L21 15L21 14L22 14L22 13L23 13L23 12ZM26 13L26 14L27 14L27 15L28 15L28 14L27 14L27 13ZM19 14L19 15L20 15L20 16L21 16L21 15L20 15L20 14ZM39 15L39 17L38 17L38 18L39 18L39 20L41 20L41 19L40 19L40 17L41 17L41 18L42 18L42 19L43 19L43 18L42 18L42 17L43 17L43 16L42 16L42 17L41 17L41 16L40 16L40 15ZM5 16L5 17L6 17L6 16ZM2 17L2 21L1 21L1 22L2 22L2 23L1 23L1 24L2 24L2 23L3 23L3 21L4 21L4 20L3 20L3 19L5 19L5 20L7 20L7 19L6 19L6 18L3 18L3 17ZM29 18L29 19L31 19L31 18ZM5 21L5 24L8 24L8 21ZM21 21L21 24L24 24L24 21ZM32 21L32 22L34 22L34 21ZM37 21L37 24L40 24L40 21ZM6 22L6 23L7 23L7 22ZM17 22L17 23L18 23L18 22ZM22 22L22 23L23 23L23 22ZM38 22L38 23L39 23L39 22ZM9 23L9 24L10 24L10 23ZM28 23L28 24L27 24L27 25L28 25L28 24L29 24L29 26L28 26L28 27L27 27L27 28L29 28L29 26L31 26L31 25L32 25L32 24L33 24L33 23L32 23L32 24L31 24L31 25L30 25L30 23ZM42 24L42 25L43 25L43 24ZM6 25L6 26L5 26L5 27L4 27L4 28L5 28L5 27L6 27L6 28L9 28L9 30L8 30L8 29L5 29L5 30L7 30L7 31L5 31L5 32L7 32L7 31L9 31L9 32L8 32L8 33L9 33L9 34L8 34L8 35L9 35L9 34L12 34L12 33L10 33L10 30L11 30L11 29L13 29L13 30L14 30L14 29L16 29L16 31L15 31L15 32L16 32L16 33L13 33L13 34L16 34L16 33L18 33L18 32L17 32L17 31L18 31L18 30L19 30L19 31L20 31L20 30L19 30L19 29L23 29L23 30L24 30L24 29L23 29L23 28L21 28L21 27L23 27L23 26L24 26L24 27L25 27L25 26L24 26L24 25L23 25L23 26L21 26L21 27L20 27L20 26L18 26L18 28L19 28L19 29L16 29L16 28L14 28L14 29L13 29L13 25L12 25L12 26L11 26L11 27L10 27L10 26L9 26L9 25ZM0 26L0 28L1 28L1 26ZM6 26L6 27L8 27L8 26ZM11 27L11 28L12 28L12 27ZM30 27L30 28L31 28L31 27ZM41 28L41 29L40 29L40 30L41 30L41 31L42 31L42 30L41 30L41 29L42 29L42 28ZM43 29L43 30L44 30L44 29ZM0 30L0 31L1 31L1 32L0 32L0 34L2 34L2 33L3 33L3 31L1 31L1 30ZM21 30L21 31L22 31L22 33L23 33L23 31L22 31L22 30ZM26 30L26 31L27 31L27 32L26 32L26 33L27 33L27 32L29 32L29 33L28 33L28 35L27 35L27 34L25 34L25 35L26 35L26 36L27 36L27 37L28 37L28 36L30 36L30 38L32 38L32 39L34 39L34 38L33 38L33 37L34 37L34 36L33 36L33 37L32 37L32 36L30 36L30 35L29 35L29 33L30 33L30 34L32 34L32 32L30 32L30 31L27 31L27 30ZM13 31L13 32L14 32L14 31ZM1 32L1 33L2 33L2 32ZM19 32L19 33L21 33L21 32ZM4 34L4 35L1 35L1 36L0 36L0 37L1 37L1 36L3 36L3 37L5 37L5 34ZM40 35L40 36L41 36L41 35ZM8 36L8 37L9 37L9 36ZM43 36L43 37L41 37L41 40L42 40L42 38L43 38L43 37L44 37L44 36ZM21 37L21 40L24 40L24 37ZM37 37L37 40L40 40L40 37ZM10 38L10 39L11 39L11 40L10 40L10 41L9 41L9 42L11 42L11 41L12 41L12 39L11 39L11 38ZM17 38L17 39L18 39L18 38ZM22 38L22 39L23 39L23 38ZM38 38L38 39L39 39L39 38ZM15 41L15 42L16 42L16 41ZM41 41L41 42L40 42L40 43L42 43L42 41ZM44 42L44 43L45 43L45 42ZM9 43L9 44L11 44L11 43ZM21 43L21 44L23 44L23 43ZM29 43L29 44L30 44L30 45L32 45L32 44L31 44L31 43ZM34 44L34 45L35 45L35 44ZM36 44L36 45L37 45L37 44ZM0 0L0 7L7 7L7 0ZM1 1L1 6L6 6L6 1ZM2 2L2 5L5 5L5 2ZM38 0L38 7L45 7L45 0ZM39 1L39 6L44 6L44 1ZM40 2L40 5L43 5L43 2ZM0 38L0 45L7 45L7 38ZM1 39L1 44L6 44L6 39ZM2 40L2 43L5 43L5 40Z\\\" fill=\\\"#000000\\\"\\/><\\/g><\\/g><\\/svg>\\n",
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": "success",
- "message": "Two Factor Authentication activated"
Disable 2fa
To disables Two factor authentication feature in system for specified user, you need to use this request. (See parameters)
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
user_id required | integer ID of the user. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user_id": 4
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "2factor authentication disabled successfully",
- "qrcode": null,
- "stringcode": null
Resend New Account Email
Send New Account Created email again.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
user_id required | integer ID of the user. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user_id": 4
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "status": "success",
- "message": "New Password is created and New Account Email Sent."
A Video Module is a lesson module used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for Video modules.
Video Modules Tabular List
Returns all the video modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=1 Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 1,
- "recordsFiltered": 1,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "Video Module Name",
- "slug": "video-module-name",
- "type": "video",
- "provider": "vimeo",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-video-play\"></i>",
- "author": "Aom Staff",
- "created_at": "Aug 09, 2020 06:20 PM"
Create Video Module
To create a video module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created video modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the video module created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the video module. |
content required | string Content for the video modules that students will see. |
coverUrl | string Cover url path for the video module. Example: |
url required | string Url path for the video module. |
provider required | string Provider of the video. Provider options: vimeo, in-house, youtube. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
disableForwardSeek required | boolean If true, students will not be able to skip forward in the video. |
categories | string The module category to which the video belong to. |
subtitle | string The text to add subtitle in the video in vtt format. Example: |
subtitleType | string The type of subtitle in the video. Subtitle Type option: upload, nocaption. |
interactions | Array of strings The interactions to add in the video. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "content": "Brief Description",
- "provider": "vimeo",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "disableForwardSeek": true,
- "categories": "Professional Training",
- "subtitle": "maxime",
- "subtitleType": "upload",
- "interactions": [
- "facere"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 9,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Retrieve Video Module
Retrieves the details of the specified video module. Helps in fetching video module using its ID. (See Parameters)
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the video module you want to fetch the details of. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Video Module Name",
- "slug": "video-module-name",
- "content": null,
- "provider": "vimeo",
- "url": null,
- "coverUrl": null,
- "disableForwardSeek": true,
- "trackCompletion": false,
- "fileName": ""
Update Video Module
Updates the details of the specified video module. (See parameters) Video modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the video module created and successfull message
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 3 ID of the video module you want to fetch the details of. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the video module. |
content required | string Content for the video modules that students will see. |
coverUrl | string Cover url path for the video module. Example: |
url required | string Url path for the video module. |
provider required | string Provider of the video. Provider options: vimeo, in-house, youtube. |
trackCompletion required | boolean If true, the module is being tracked(whether its finished or not) in course player. |
disableForwardSeek required | boolean If true, students will not be able to skip forward in the video. |
categories | string The module category to which the video belong to. |
subtitle | string The text to add subtitle in the video in vtt format. |
subtitleType | string The type of subtitle in the video. Subtitle Type option: upload, nocaption. |
interactions | Array of strings The interactions to add in the video. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "content": "Updated Brief Description",
- "provider": "vimeo",
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "disableForwardSeek": true,
- "categories": "Professional Training",
- "subtitle": "gfg",
- "subtitleType": "upload",
- "interactions": [
- "est"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Detailed Video Module Info
Retrieves details of video module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current video module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=9 ID of the video module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "content": "Brief Description",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "1 hour ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 3
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 9,
- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "type": "video",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-video-play\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "first-quiz",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "provider": "vimeo",
- "coverUrl": null,
- "disableForwardSeek": false,
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "statusRowId": 4,
- "timeSpent": null,
- "lastWatchedTime": 0,
- "isReady": true
Mark Complete Video Module
Updates the status of the video module to completed. Changes the completion percentage to 100% and marks completed the video module.
query Parameters
statusRowId required | string Example: statusRowId=3 ID of the ModuleStatus Row belongs to current video module. |
videoDuration required | string Example: videoDuration=3 Duration of the video of current video module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module Completed Successfully"
Retrieve Detailed Video module Info for Membership content
Retrieves details of video module for the same membership the current video module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=9 ID of the video module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "content": "Brief Description",
- "disableForwardSeek": false,
- "trackCompletion": true,
- "timeSpent": null,
- "lastWatchedTime": 0,
- "isReady": true
A Webinar Module is used as course content. Helps to perform CRUD operation to and for Webinar modules.
Webinar Modules Tabular List
Returns all the webinar modules in a tabular list format in paginated mode. You can apply filter using search_param via associatedCourse(modules used in course) and moduleName.
query Parameters
page_size required | string Example: page_size=50 The number of the items you want for a page. |
page_number required | string Example: page_number=laborum Current page number in pagination. |
order_by | string Example: order_by={"colName":"created_at", "direction": "desc"}} For ordering items based on columns provided in JSON format. |
search_param | string Example: search_param={"associatedCourse":"","moduleName":""} for searching items based on field names. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "recordsTotal": 0,
- "recordsFiltered": 0,
- "records": [ ]
Create Webinar Module
To create a webinar module, you need to use this request. (See parameters) Created webinar modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Returns : id of the webinar created and successfull message
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the webinar module. |
content required | string Content for the webinar modules that students will see. |
service_provider required | string Service Provider of the webinar. Service provider options: vimeo_live_streaming, zoom, goto_webinar, goto_training or ms_team_meet. |
meeting_url | string URL of the webinar where students can join.. |
start_time required | string Start time of the webinar. |
end_time required | string End time of the webinar. |
zoom_meeting_id required | string Meeting Id for service provider zoom. |
zoom_host_pwd required | string Host password for service provider zoom. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "New-Webinar",
- "content": "A brief description",
- "service_provider": "vimeo_live_streaming",
- "start_time": "2020-08-17 00:00:00",
- "end_time": "2020-08-17 01:00:00",
- "zoom_meeting_id": "83170896876",
- "zoom_host_pwd": "83170896787"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 12,
- "message": "Module saved successfully"
Update Webinar Module
Update the details of specified webinar module. (See Response) Webinar modules can be used in the course as course content/lesson.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string Name of the webinar module. |
content required | string Content for the webinar modules that students will see. |
service_provider required | string Service Provider of the webinar. Service provider options: vimeo_live_streaming, zoom, goto_webinar, goto_training or ms_team_meet. |
meeting_url | string URL of the webinar where students can join.. |
start_time required | string Start time of the webinar. |
end_time required | string End time of the webinar. |
zoom_meeting_id required | string Meeting Id for service provider zoom. |
zoom_host_pwd required | string Host password for service provider zoom. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "New-Webinar",
- "content": "An updated brief description",
- "service_provider": "vimeo_live_streaming",
- "start_time": "2020-08-17 00:00:00",
- "end_time": "2020-08-17 02:00:00",
- "zoom_meeting_id": "83170896876",
- "zoom_host_pwd": "83170896787"
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module updated successfully"
Retrieve Webinar Modules
Retrieves the details of the specified webinar module. Helps in fetching webinar module using its ID. (See Parameters)
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "New-Webinar",
- "slug": "new-webinar",
- "content": "A Brief Description",
- "service_provider": "vimeo_live_streaming",
- "start_time": "2020-08-17 00:00:00",
- "end_time": "2020-08-17 01:00:00"
Retrieve Detailed Webinar Module Info
Retrieves details of webinar module in depth as well as different modules details that are being used as course content for the same course the current webinar module is attached to. Returns related fields value. (See Response)
query Parameters
registrationId required | string Example: registrationId=1 ID of the course Registration for which this module is attached to. |
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=9 ID of the webinar module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "content": "A brief description",
- "courseName": "course 1",
- "totalPoints": 25,
- "submissionType": "text",
- "maxUploadSize": 5,
- "min_time_spent": 0,
- "allowedFileTypes": ".",
- "otherModules": [
- {
- "module_id": 1,
- "name": "test",
- "slug": "test",
- "type": "text",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-tickets\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 1,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:33.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-03T10:02:41.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "8 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 6,
- "totalSeconds": 6
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 3
}, - {
- "module_id": 4,
- "name": "assign",
- "slug": "assign",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": true,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 7,
- "name": "First-quiz",
- "slug": "first-quiz",
- "type": "quiz",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-discover\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": -1,
- "status": "Not Started",
- "started_on": "",
- "completed_on": "",
- "last_accessed_on": "Never",
- "total_time_spent": "",
- "points_awarded": "",
- "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 0
}, - {
- "module_id": 9,
- "name": "My-video-lesson",
- "slug": "my-video-lesson",
- "type": "video",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-video-play\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 4,
- "status": "In Progress",
- "started_on": "2020-08-10T20:04:14.000000Z",
- "completed_on": null,
- "last_accessed_on": "6 hours ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 0,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
}, - {
- "module_id": 10,
- "name": "Essay on LMS",
- "slug": "essay-on-lms",
- "type": "assignment",
- "icon": "<i class=\"el-icon-edit-outline\"></i>",
- "is_locked": false,
- "lock_reason": "",
- "is_dripped": false,
- "drip_message": "",
- "is_current": false,
- "status_row_id": 5,
- "status": "Completed",
- "started_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "completed_on": "2020-08-11T02:47:32.000000Z",
- "last_accessed_on": "46 seconds ago",
- "total_time_spent": {
- "hours": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "seconds": 0,
- "totalSeconds": null
}, - "completion_percentage": 100,
- "no_of_times_accessed": 1
], - "launchCheck": {
- "canbeLaunched": true,
- "errTitle": "",
- "errDesc": ""
}, - "prevSlug": "my-video-lesson",
- "nextSlug": "",
- "status": "Completed",
- "statusRowId": 5,
- "timeSpent": null,
- "prevSubmission": [ ]
Webinar Module Launch Details
Retrieves the launch details for the webinar modules. Returned data includes webinar provider name(like vimeo, zoom, big blue button, etc), whether webinar is created successfully or not, etc This information helps while launching the webinar for students.
query Parameters
moduleId required | string Example: moduleId=12 ID of the current webinar module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "provider": "vimeo_live_streaming",
- "webinarDetails": {
- "is_success": "false",
- "message": "Something went wrong. Please contact admin"
Mark Complete Webinar Module
Updates the status of the webinar module to completed. Changes the completion percentage to 100% and mark completed the webinar module.
query Parameters
statusRowId required | string Example: statusRowId=4 ID of the ModuleStatus Row belongs to current webinar module. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "Module Completed Successfully"